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Example sentences for "cyte"

Lexicographically close words:
cyprinoid; cyst; cystic; cystitis; cysts; cytee; cytie; cytological; cytology; cytoplasm
  1. And therfore the name of the cyte is called Zoar.

  2. And after the deth of Baal Hanan the sonne of Achbor/ Hadad reigned in his steade/ and the name of his cyte was Pagu.

  3. But before they went to rest/ the men of the cyte of Sodome compassed the house rownde aboute both olde and yonge/ all the people from all quarters.

  4. Tha Hemor and Sichem went vnto the gate of their cyte/ and comened with the men of their cyte saynge.

  5. And the LORde came downe to see the cyte and the toure which the childern of Ada had buylded.

  6. So brycke was there stone and slyme was there morter And they sayd: Come on/ let vs buylde vs a cyte and a toure/ that the toppe may reach vnto heauen.

  7. And he was buyldinge a cyte and called the name of it after the name of hys sonne/ Henoch.

  8. And the begynnynge of hys kyngdome was Babell/ Erech/ Achad and Chalne in the lande of Synear: Out of that lande came Assur and buylded Ninyue/ and the cyte rehoboth/ and Calah And Ressen betwene Ninyue ad Chalah.

  9. Than came the sonnes of Iacob vpon the deede/ and spoyled the cyte/ because they had defyled their sister: and toke their shepe/ oxen asses and what so euer was in the cyte and also in y^e feldes.

  10. And he called it Seba/ wherfore the name of the cyte is called Berseba vnto this daye.

  11. Bela the sonne of Beor reigned in Edomea/ and the name of his cyte was Dinhaba.

  12. And after the deth of Husam/ Hadad the sonne of Bedad which slewe the Madianytes in the feld of the Moabytes/ reigned in his steade/ and the name of his cyte was Avith.

  13. And Valerius Maximus wryteth that, as Hamylcar besiged the cyte of Syracuse, he dreamed, that he harde a voyce saye, that he the nexte daye shulde suppe with in the cyte.

  14. How the aunciente cyte of Lamsac was saued from destruction.

  15. The Cyte of Troy vnto the ground clene brent.

  16. Wherfore in comon places of the Cyte of Athenes he instruct and infourmed the peple in such doctrynes as compasith the clere and immaculate welles of the moste excellent and souerayne gode.

  17. Prentys is atte hom with the Lord Scales; the shereve told me that he wyll do for the Cyte of Norwych as meche as he may.

  18. And ye do the same also; and that the cyte of Norwych mete with hym in the best wyse also; and also that they and ze also cherse and wirchep well Sir William Oldhalle.

  19. And after, Claudius Caesar sent legyons out of the cyte for to wynn the Islands that bee called Orcades.

  20. Thys cyte in Brytyshe speech bete Carthleon, Chestre in Englyshe, and Cyte of Legyons also.

  21. Thys cyte in tyme of Britons was hede and chefe cyte of Venedocia, that is North Wales.

  22. Thys cyte hath plenty of cyne land, of corn, of flesh, and specyally of samon.

  23. Northumbres destroyed this cyte but Elfleda Lady of Mercia bylded it again and made it mouch more.

  24. For as the blessid saint Iherome saith/ the cyte of babilone was right grete and was made alle square/ and in euery quarter was.

  25. It is to be hoped that some enterprising English publisher will soon favor us with a reprint of the quaint old, but none the less valuable, volume, The Boke of the Cyte of Ladyes.

  26. Rehersyng this, convoys sche Eneas Towart the place quhar hir ryche palyce was, And tharwith eik commandis halyday, Throwe owt the cyte all suldbe game and play.

  27. Than was appunctyt that on the morn quha saw the mast nobyll syng, or takin Augurian, suld geif the cyte his naym: and Remus fyrst saw vj gripis, and Romulus eftyr hym xij gripis.

  28. We Phenycianys nane sa blait breistis hes, Nor so fremmytly the Son list nocht addres Hys curs frawart Cartage cyte away.

  29. Endlang the costis and far partis of Lyby I sall forsuyth exploratouris send to spy In ony wod gyf that he be vpdryve, 15 Or ȝit perchance at ony cyte arryve.

  30. Palente the cite of Evander kyng, As Virgill playnly makis rehersyng, Stude quhar in Rome now stant the cheif palyce; 25 This sam buke eyk, in mair hepit malyce, On the self ryver of Touyr says playnly Eneas dyd hys cyte edify.

  31. And thenne Heracle / whiche was armed wythe faythe / brought his hooste ageynst hym / and destroyed and wasted the Persyens with many batayles that he made to them / and made Cosdroe to flee unto the Cyte of thelyfonte /.

  32. To a hyll went that lady fre, Where she was ware of a cyte With toures fayre and bryght.

  33. We wote full well, where he doth ly Byfore the cyte of Hungry,aEuro(TM) .

  34. There is a gyaunte of grete renowne, He destroyeth bothe cyte and towne And all that he may.

  35. And the same saturday beyng Whytson euen the mayre with all the aldermen and the craftes of the cyte prepared aray in a good order to stande and receyue her and with rayles for euery crafte to stande and leane from prease of people.

  36. Also all the pauements of the cyte from Charyncrosse to y{e} towre was ouer couerde and caste with grauell.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cyte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.