The Yngglyshe men let thear bowys be, And pulde owt brandes that wer bright; It was a hevy syght to se Bryght swordes on basnites lyght.
Then the Persè owt of Banborowe cam, With him a myghtye meany; With fifteen hondrith archares bold; The wear chosen owt of shyars thre.
When I left I chalked up on the door the old nursery saying--"Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.
That will be a Declaration of Independence with a vengeance.
Now you just take your remittance and yourself out of my life.
Have you ever been in the country where I have the largest following--England?
The lordis all than demyt off this cace; For Gyane was all haill owt off thair hand, 915 Thai thocht it best for to geyff him that land.
Blude byrstyt owt braithly at speris lenth; Fra the gret ost he fled towart his strenth.
Wallace and his thai wyst off no rameid Bot cauld watter, that ran throu owt a strand; In that lugeyng nane othir fud thai fand.
The gud wyff said, till [haiff] applessyt him best; ‘Four gentill men is cummyn owt off the west.
Unto the yeitt thir twa pertly furth raid; 1020 The portar come with owt langar abaid.
The secunde nycht the Scottis couth thaim draw Rycht priwaly agayne to Schortwod schaw; Tuk wp thair gud, quhilk was put owt of sycht, Cleithing and stuff, bathe gold and siluer brycht.
Apon a pillar thair harnys owthe dang, Bot with his handis, syn owt at the dur thaim flang; 180 And said; “Quhat dewyll mowyt yon churllys at me?
The Scottis ostis sone semblit in to sycht 355 Off thair enemyss, that was nocht redy dycht; Owtoft aray feill off the Sotheroun was.
Quhen speris was spilt, hynt owt with suerdis son; 185 On athir sid full douchty deid was don.
Throuch owt the land thai past in gud aray; A sembly place so fand thai in thar way, Quhilk Ramswaith hecht, as Jop him selff thaim tald; Fehew was lord and captayne in that hald.
Apon the morn to Sanct Androwis thai past, 1125 Owt off the toun that byschop turnyt fast.
He bled so sore, I vndyrstond, Hys croke feAEsAEs owt of hys hond, Hys dethe to hyme ys dyght.
The fynd saw, he wase ny mate, Owt of the watyr he toke the gate, He thowght to wyne the fyld.
The men than owt in full gret hy, And on the wallis thai gan cry, That thair sow wes feryt thar.
A man may do wrong an’ scarce be to blame, Or a woman be bad i’ nowt bud her name; Bud which on us owt ta say owt unto them, Unless we inquire before we condemn.
This is snuff," he said; "if owtwill make her loose, this will.
I'd no wish that Pratt should knowowt about my dealin's with Parrawhite.
I say 'at theer's a lot o' things 'at owtto ha' comed out.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "owt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.