Many cases of mental alienation improve promptly under custodial care, many need it all their lives.
However, a patient who has committed a crime under stress of such an irresistible impulse should be put under permanent custodial care.
Always under strict custodial care, that he might harm neither himself nor others, he would vent his spleen in tearing his clothing.
The educational and thecustodial aspects early aroused the sympathies of the charitable; but the preventive aspect is another which must force itself upon all who thoughtfully consider the subject.
It provides for three general classifications: An Administration and Custodial Group, an Agricultural Group and an Industrial Group; the various departments of the institution being connected by a covered passageway.
Present Legal Provision for Notification and Education of Feeble-minded Children, and for Care of Custodial Feeble-minded Adults and Children.
This leads to the question of removal from home of feeble-minded children to permanent custodial care in institutions provided especially for their segregation, possible teaching and thrifty use of small work-power.
Shall we submit them to the tremendous hardship of still remaining under custodial care although to all intents and purposes sane, or shall we make their release contingent upon their submission to vasectomy or salpingectomy?
With the higher fertility of certain of these classes and with only a small percentage under custodial care where will it all end?
We might as well recognize once for all that in such cases nothing short of close custodial care or sterilization will accomplish the end desired.
Practically all are agreed that either permanent custodial care through the reproductive period or sterilization should be enforced.
With reference to the 4,000 feeble-minded who are confined in hospitals for insane, prisons and reformatories and almshouses, the state would actually be the financial gainer by providing for them in custodial institutions.
As they grow older they will be transferred to proper custodial institutions.
It is interesting to note that "out of approximately 600 living feeble-minded and epileptic Jukes, there are only three now in custodial care.