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Example sentences for "cussid"

Lexicographically close words:
cusps; cuss; cussed; cussedness; cusses; cussin; cussing; custard; custards; custode
  1. He had a way ov leering with hiz left eye, when he preached, which history sez was cussid good.

  2. I haven't mutch doubt that man sprung from the monkey, but what bothers me, iz, whare the cussid monkey sprung from.

  3. I dont want enny better proof ov a good hod-carrier than tew hear another hod-carrier say, "He iz a cussid phool and dont understand hiz bizzness.

  4. Thare iz no good substitute for wisdum, but silence iz the best that haz been discovered yet.

  5. The passages in which Onesimus and Hager figger wuz favorites with em; but on "cussid be Canaan" they wuz strong.

  6. It proves the onreasonableness uv the Nigger--his discontentednis with the posishen to wich nacher assigned him, and his cussid disposition to upset the normal condition.

  7. Pewts father said i wish there wasent a cussid cat alive and Nat Weeks he said so two and then they went to bed agen.

  8. Thirsten came up to the house and said George that cussid boy of yours has been pluging roten eggs at my barn and father said this time Kimball, his name is Kimball, he dident do it for he was with me all the evening til he went to bed.

  9. Pewt was holering about and he said what is the matter Orrin and Mister Head he said sum cussid boy has been ringing my door bell most every nite and i cougt him tonite and licked him good.

  10. The most aggervatin' feature uv it all wuz that a new one uv them cussid cyclopeedies wuz allus sure to show up at the wrong time,--when Leander wuz hard up or had jest been afflicted some way or other.

  11. Father hed a farm in Tennessee, and ez I was the only boy, I had a heap of work ter do on the cussid place.

  12. Didn't one of the cussid varmints, just play the same trick on you?

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cussid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.