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Example sentences for "crystallizing"

Lexicographically close words:
crystallization; crystallizations; crystallize; crystallized; crystallizes; crystallographic; crystallography; crystalloid; crystalloids; crystals
  1. Thus, for nickel plating, a piece of sheet nickel would be used in conjunction with a solution of sulphate of nickel or, better, a solution of nickel ammonium sulphate, made by crystallizing ammonium and nickel sulphates together.

  2. Also the salt goes on crystallizing after the wine is put into barrels, and forms an incrustation on the sides.

  3. When full put the tray in the deep tin and fill with the same crystallizing sirup, pouring around the sides and not over the flowers.

  4. When this is accomplished the stems are cut to within two inches of the head and the flowers are then laid heads down on the tray of the crystallizing tin, pushing the stalks through so the flowers shall be upright.

  5. A fatty body, crystallizing in pearly scales, and obtained by digesting saponified fats (soaps) with an acid.

  6. Separation from a mass, and gathering about centers or into cavities at hand through cohesive attraction or the crystallizing process.

  7. Crystallizing under two forms fundamentally different, while having the same chemical composition.

  8. Having the property of crystallizing by the agency of fire.

  9. Pure silica, like quartz, but crystallizing in hexagonal tables.

  10. A substance capable of crystallizing in several distinct forms; also, any one of these forms.

  11. A common mineral of a pale brass-yellow color and brilliant metallic luster, crystallizing in the isometric system; iron pyrites; iron disulphide.

  12. The property possessed by some substances of crystallizing in closely similar forms while unlike in chemical composition.

  13. Common or potash feldspar crystallizing in the monoclinic system and having two cleavages at right angles to each other.

  14. The sulphate of iodoquinine, a substance crystallizing in thin plates remarkable for their effects in polarizing light.

  15. When sufficiently cooled the molecules are brought within the play of the crystallizing force, and they then arrange themselves in forms of indescribable beauty.

  16. H2O, is a very unstable salt, and is obtained by mixing solutions of ferrous sulphate and barium nitrate, filtering, and crystallizing in a vacuum over sulphuric acid.

  17. H2O by crystallizing a solution of iron in hydrobromic acid.

  18. The iron alums are obtained by crystallizing solutions of equivalent quantities of ferric and an alkaline sulphate.

  19. No history of Napoleon is quite complete which fails to recognize Gillray as a potent factor in crystallizing public opinion in England.

  20. France was amply occupied in recovering from the effects of her exhaustive struggle; United Germany was undergoing the process of crystallizing into definite form.

  21. Every animal and every plant alike proclaim that life and health are due to light; and even the crystallizing forms of inorganic matter, by bending towards it, confess its all-prevailing sway.

  22. The same substances always crystallize in the same forms, unless the conditions of the crystallizing body are altered.

  23. He thought that the reason why alum leys did not crystallize well was, that they contained an excess of acid, and that the addition of potash gave them the property of crystallizing readily, merely by saturating that excess of acid.

  24. As materials that get into Encyclopaedias may be presumed to be crystallizing for final history, it is to be hoped that the Messrs.

  25. We can reveal the internal constitution of these masses by a reverse process to that which formed them; we can send an agent into the interior of a mass of ice which shall take down the atoms which the crystallizing forces had set up.

  26. A party seemed to be crystallizing about him.

  27. He was feebly cognizant of emotions quite unknown; of unfamiliar sentiments, whose outlines were but just crystallizing out from the thick magma of his materialistic soul.

  28. For it permitted the crystallizing into action of a project for dealing with the present situation, which had been vaguely forming in my mind ever since the day when I took over the Chipilly spur.

  29. And even admitting you to be something more, you have certainly been crystallizing without knowing it.

  30. But where does the crystallizing substance come from?

  31. The great religious and military struggle of the 16th and 17th centuries had in one direction resulted in enhancing the prestige and crystallizing the power of the French monarchy.

  32. This was a small enough matter when compared with the formidable preparations of de Broglie and Besenval three months before, yet it served the purpose of immediately crystallizing two opposite currents of opinion.

  33. They represented the crystallizing of the different currents of thought that were traceable in the Greek period and even earlier.

  34. These parallel lines of progress are: (1) the conviction gradually crystallizing into certainty that the current explanations of suffering are in certain cases inadequate and false.

  35. All that is meant is that the action of the crystal in crystallizing must be ideally separated from the crystal itself, not that it is really separate.

  36. Beudant has found that common salt crystallizing from pure water forms cubes, but if the water contains a little boracic acid, the angles of the cubes are truncated.

  37. They are then taken out, and when the alum in crystallizing has made them more or less firm, the crystals adhering to the surface are washed off with warm water.

  38. This is placed with the sharp edges of the holes uppermost on a row of glass rings (or crystallizing dishes will serve the purpose) 20 mm.

  39. I have not yet succeeded in crystallizing any of its more simple salts.

  40. Iodized potassic An immediate A brown oil crystallizing iodide.

  41. He loved to show that water in crystallizing excluded all foreign ingredients, however intimately they might be mixed with it.

  42. By making trials on metalls, Minerals and Stones, by dissolving them in severall Menstruums, and Crystallizing them, to see what Figures will arise from those several compositums: 5.

  43. By making store of Tryals in Dissolutions and Coagulations of several Crystallizing Salts: 4.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crystallizing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.