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Example sentences for "crystallization"

Lexicographically close words:
crystallise; crystallised; crystallises; crystallising; crystallizable; crystallizations; crystallize; crystallized; crystallizes; crystallizing
  1. To insure against the error of supersaturation, we try to start crystallization by the common devices of shaking the solution or "scratching" the walls of the vessel, the object being to facilitate the formation of the first crystal.

  2. The system of crystallization is monoclinic; only complex twinned crystals are known.

  3. When the crystallization is accomplished, the whole mass is usually so completely solidified, that on inverting the vessel, not a drop of liquid falls out.

  4. By evaporating away the excess of water, either by the application of heat or by long exposure to the atmosphere in a very shallow vessel, the minute atoms of the alum are brought closer together, and crystallization takes place.

  5. Some salts, like Glauber's salts, contain so much water of crystallization that when subjected to heat they melt and dissolve in it, and this liquefaction of the solid crystal is called "watery fusion.

  6. Its most simple state is that of ice, which is water deprived of a certain portion of its caloric: crystallization then takes place, and the water becomes solid and is called ice.

  7. He set an example to all those who, though they shared his sentiments, were isolated in obscurity, and who needed some such point of crystallization before their thoughts and feelings could be consolidated.

  8. The place of the full-orbed personality in a world of noble ends is not affected by the possibility that the centre of its conscious crystallization may be found in a single sensation.

  9. Floating in this state, the vapour condenses and crystallization proceeds.

  10. Just as in the latter we observe levity taking hold of ponderable matter and moving it in a direction opposite to the pull of gravity, so in crystallization we see imponderable matter passing over from levity into gravity.

  11. Occasionally crystallization has begun before the glass solidified, and small microliths, the nature of which is undeterminable, occur in streams and wisps in the clear hyaline matrix.

  12. The usual effect of an impurity, such as salt or sugar in solution in water, is to lower the freezing point, so that no crystallization occurs until the temperature has fallen below the normal F.

  13. Hence the crystallization is more imperfect than in the primitive, and occasionally seems to disappear.

  14. The very fact of this crystallization implies first; a prevailing state of unagitated solution of the crystallizing materials: secondly: that their crystallization was the effect of chemical action.

  15. From an experiment made upon larger quantities of the Labarraque liquor, it would appear that the force of crystallization alone is sufficient to exclude the chlorine.

  16. Then proceed by crystallization as before, and a pure seleniate of soda will be produced.

  17. Sulphur presented the same phenomena as phosphorus; fragments of sulphur always produced the crystallization of cold fluid portions.

  18. From the iceberg it does indeed return pure and clear; for the fairy Crystallization will have no impurities, not even salt, in her ice-crystals, and so as they melt they give back nothing but pure water to the sea.

  19. So, if we could travel up to the clouds where this fairy power of crystallization is at work, we should find the particles of water-vapour in a freezing atmosphere being built up into minute solid crystals of snow.

  20. Tyndall, and described in his work under the head of Crystallization and Internal Liquefaction, cannot be compared to the large, irregular masses of water-ice found in the interior of the glacier, to which I here allude.

  21. The phosphorus in this instance gives the metal liquidity at a low temperature, but does not seem to influence the crystallization to any appreciable extent.

  22. Then we may define crystallization to be the operation of nature wherein the chemical atoms or molecules of a substance have sufficient polarized force to arrange themselves about a central attracting point in definite geometrical forms.

  23. The definition of Fresenius, however, will not suit our present purpose, because the crystallization of wrought iron occurs, or seems to, after the iron has acquired a solid state.

  24. Cohesion and crystallization are affected variously by various circumstances, such as heat or its absence, motion or its absence, etc.

  25. Slow cooling under great pressure favors more complete crystallization with growth of larger crystals.

  26. The fault, as I had not and have not the smallest doubt, depends in some way on the crystallization of the mercury silvering.

  27. Still it is not without difficulty, on account of a singular crystallization of the amalgam.

  28. In the process of crystallization one hundred and forty degrees of latent heat become sensible.

  29. The attraction of crystallization begins, doubtless, to throw the atoms into their new and crystalline arrangement at the temperature of thirty-nine and a half degrees.

  30. Heat is conducted more rapidly in a direction parallel with the axis of crystallization than across that axis.

  31. It is said to prevent the crystallization which frequently used to occur in some jams.

  32. When heated they liquefy; and if the heating be continued, the water of crystallization is driven off, the salt froths and swells, and at last an amorphous powder remains.

  33. In France the crystallization of soda is performed not in large tanks but in sheet-iron dishes holding only about 1/4 cwt.

  34. The water of crystallization is readily expelled by heat, with modification of the optical characters of the crystals.

  35. Immediately the water begins to freeze; the crystallization front moves toward the other end of the trough.

  36. The instant we call 'the present' is like that crystallization front.

  37. This being the case, it is not surprising that repeated attempts have been made to effect the crystallization of alumina.

  38. Gaston Paris, belongs to the very earliest stage of Arthurian tradition, long antedating the crystallization of such tradition into literary form.

  39. It was a crystallization of the imputations and insults cast upon the gospels for more than seventy-five years.

  40. He was the German crystallization of all the worst elements of French skepticism.

  41. The glow spreads from the periphery to the centre of the mass, and is caused by the heat liberated by the sudden crystallization of the mass.

  42. This crystallization is quite clearly manifested by attacking the surface of the metal, or that of tin plate, with acids.

  43. Metals are known to respond to stimuli and to show ‘fatigue’ in a manner commonly attributed only to the nervous system of animals,[16] while some of the phenomena of crystallization strongly resemble those of vitality.

  44. Crystallization is a process which trembles on the very verge of vital action.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crystallization" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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