At last he contrived to purchase and man a galleot, with which he cruised the waters of the Levant, where his intimate acquaintance with all the coasts and islands enabled him to seize and dispose of many prizes.
Every year they cruised from Sicily to the Levant, and many a prize laden with precious store they carried off to Malta.
In Havana we had been startled by the report of a few cases of yellow fever, and we had hastily departed for the Bermudas, where we had cruised by sea and journeyed by land for a month.
I had cruised in the Great Lakes in her, and had had some exciting adventures on board.
Back and forth Tim cruised the mail plane, dodging in and out of canyons, circling over sheer precipices that fell away for a thousand feet, scanning the snow and the rocks for some sign.
His hands, which had gripped the stick in desperate determination, relaxed and the mail ship cruised on with its pilot asleep in the cockpit.
Up and down the river theycruised while Ralph lighted three more flares.
Like a hawk Charnisay cruised the sea for the outcoming ship with its fair passenger; but Madame La Tour had made a cast-iron agreement with the master of the sailing vessel to bring her direct to Boston.
It is as dangerous to go back as forward; and forward Hudson sails, southwestward for that sea Drake had cruised off California, the old mate's mutiny rumbling beneath decks like a volcano.
They cruised about above the surface, watching their instruments to find and record any metallic ore deposits, especially the new one.
Beneath them the land was sliding by, as the ship cruised at the slow speed, for it, of just under a thousand miles an hour.
Although the Queen cruisedslowly near the shoal area where Penny had encountered adventure, there was no sign of any small boat.
Rowboats, canoes and small sailing craft plied lazily up and down the river, while motor yachts with flags flying, cruised past the clubhouse.
Bristol tenders cruised the channel of that names keeping a sharp eye on Lundy Island and the Holmes, where shipmasters were wont to play them tricks if they were not watchful.
For perhaps five minutes they cruised about, unable to find a single survivor, and then both were startled by the sound of something whistling overhead.
The Sylph did not go within sight of the English coast, but for two days cruisedback and forth, east, west, north and south, without the sight of the enemy.
We cruised to the east and we cruised to north, And southing far went we, And at last off Cape de Verd we raised Two frigates sailing free.
Long time she cruised about, Long time she held her sway, But now beneath the Frenchman's shore she lies off Cherbourg Bay.
We cruised for eight days off the Azores, sighting only three vessels during the whole of that time; and as they were all British they were of course of no use to us.
Upon parting company, therefore, with the British fleet, I cruised along the whole line of the Windward Islands as far south as Tobago and Trinidad, and then bore up for the Main.
De Quille says further: Mark and I agreed well in our work, which we divided when there was a rush of events; but we often cruised in company, he taking the items of news he could handle best, and I such as I felt competent to work up.
They often cruised up to Turtle Island, about two miles above Hannibal, and spent the day feasting.
They sailed up the Clyde as far as Greenock, and then returning, cruised for a fortnight among the islands on the west coast.
On August 19, as the ships drove south to Norfolk or Sitka Sound, the men suddenly recognized headlands where they had cruised the summer before.
Here, so determined was he to prove none of the passages led to the Atlantic that his small boat actually cruised seven hundred miles without going more than sixty miles from ocean front.
Drake cruised the Spanish Main for six more months.
In the Dragon and Swan, he cruised the Spanish Main during 1570.
For the next few days he cruised along the southern coast of Scotland on the lookout for other enemy prizes.
With his old flag-ship, his ragged squadron, and his unruly officers, Paul Jones then cruised along the Yorkshire coast, and succeeded in capturing a number of vessels.
The latter immediately returned to Palermo, disembarked the soldiers and their munitions, and cruised off Maritimo.
He cruised to Elsinore, where he found a number of vessels waiting for convoy to Portsmouth and Plymouth.
A little while after a big cabin launch came into the bay and cruised slowly around.
Pretty soon another little launch came into the bay, cruised around the shore, and went.
You've cruised around more'n I give you credit for.
We cruised clear over to Trumet to hear that Brockton medium that was stayin' at Obed Taylor's there and when we got to Obed's we found she'd been called back home unexpected and had left on this afternoon's train.
When this had been done, the fleet steamed six or seven miles off shore, where it lay to or cruised about for two nights and a day.
The other repeller, with her attendant crab, cruised about the mouth of the harbour, watching a smaller entrance to the port as well as the larger one, and thus maintaining an effective blockade.
If I could have done it then, I would gladly have killed them rather than picture them starving on that floe out on the Ross Sea, or eaten by the exultant Killers that cruised around.
These were reaping a harvest of seal in the broken-up ice, and cruised among the floes with their immense black fins sticking up, and blowing with a terrific roar.
They generally cruised for a week, and at the end of that time came sailing back to Joss House anchorage, covered with flags and firing off guns, but with never a particle of news.
Men who have cruised fruitlessly for months in search of a profitable wreck will sometimes be tempted to decoy a ship from her proper course, and lead her upon the rocks, by a display of false lights.
And Don Herero explained that the French cruisers watched the southern coasts of the island, while the English cruised on the northern shore, attempted to blockade it, and also cruised farther seaward, on the line between Africa and Cuba.
Quitting Rio on the 9th, we cruised for a day or two with H.
The Illanum expedition had been absent from Magindano upward of three years, during which time they had cruised among the Moluccas and islands to the eastward, had haunted Boni Bay and Celebes, and beat up the Straits of Makassar.
I now cruised as a pirate, and was very successful, and my name was a terror to those seas.
Take the crankiest old battle ship that ever cruised into breakfast with diamond headlights showing and a pretty daughter in tow, and she would eat lumpy oatmeal and scorched eggs and never sound a distress signal.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cruised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.