He was so pitifull, that when he saw the quarter of a traitor against his crowne ouer Criplegate, he willed it to be taken awaie, with these words: "I will not haue anie christian so cruellie handled for my sake.
And some of that flocke I heir to be so extremelie handled, that those that most cruellie have shed the blood of Goddis most deare childrein, find this day amangis you greattar favouris then thei do.
Swaine vsed the victorie verie cruellie against the Englishmen, oppressing them on each hand; to the intent that them being brought low he might gouerne in more suertie.
After which obteined, they were so cruellie [Sidenote: The miserie of the English vnder the French.
Herevpon therefore the archbishop charged the earle with the murther of Alfred the kings brother, whom not he but Harald the sonne of Canutus and the Danes had cruellie made awaie.
Therefore the Britains being thus vexed, spoiled, andcruellie persecuted by the Scots and Picts (if we shall so take them) sent messengers with all spéed vnto Rome to make sute for some aid of men of war to be sent into Britaine.
The curse of the Irish men, whose countrie in the daies of king Egfrid he had cruellie wasted (as before is mentioned) was thought at this time to take place.
Sidenote: 2] The second was, to reuenge the death of his nephue Alured or Alfred the brother of the same king Edward, whome Goodwine earle of Kent and his adherents had most cruellie murthered.
The said Ostrida was cruellieslaine by the treason of hir husbands subiects, about the [Sidenote: 697.
King Edward hauing intelligence héereof, purposed to preuent him, and therevpon entering with an armie into his countrie, cruellie wasted and spoiled the same.
But others write that he was a verie tyrant, and vsed himselfe verie cruellie towards the lords of his land, wherevpon they rebelled and slue him.
Egfrid he had cruellie wasted (as before is mentioned) was thought at this time to take place.
Such was the end of that vertuous prince king Oswald, beingcruellie slaine by that wicked tyrant Penda.
In them we also finde the spirit of Iesabel, and Athalia, vnder them we finde the simple people oppressed, the true religion extinguished, and the blood of Christes membres most cruellie shed.
Herewith the said sir Gilbert being aduanced in pride, proclaimed himselfe duke of Northumberland, and ioining in freendship with Robert Bruce the Scotish king, cruellie destroied the countie of Richmond.
Ostrida was cruellie slaine by the treason of hir husbands subiects, [Sidenote: King Kenred.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cruellie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.