In her ears were gold ear-rings of a curious crescentic design, and around the neck she had four rows of large red beads.
By far the greater number are of crescentic design, consisting of either a single crescent or a combination of crescents.
On the side of the light their bases were in close contact with the sand, which was here a very little heaped up; on the opposite or shaded side there were open, crescentic cracks or furrows, rather above .
Atolls may be produced also by the backward drift of sand from either end of a crescentic coral reef or island, the spits uniting in the quiet water of the lee to inclose a lagoon.
On mountains now destitute of glaciers, but whose glaciation shows that they have supported glaciers in the past, there are found similar crescentic hollows with high, precipitous walls and glaciated floors.
The old channel is now silted up at both ends and becomes a crescentic lagoon, or oxbow lake, which fills gradually to an arc-shaped shallow depression.
It would seem possible that these crescentic corner holes were actually ingle nooks, and one may surmise a primitive lying-in-state with corner fires in lieu of candles.
The following sub-breeds agree in having a crest, more or less developed, with the comb, when present, of crescentic shape.
In most crested fowls the nostrils offer a remarkable peculiarity in being raised with a crescentic outline.
Apparently in consequence of the branches of the premaxillary and of the inner processes of the nasal bones being somewhat upturned, the external orifices of the nostrils are upraised and assume a crescentic outline.
Comb absent, or small and of crescentic shape; wattles either present or replaced by a beard-like tuft of feathers.
The teeth project more outward and begin to arrange themselves more in a line, no longer showing the crescenticorder which they assumed at five years old.
The extension of the crescentic arrangement of the lower teeth enables only two to be seen when the parts are viewed from the side.
The hind-wings are very pale yellowish-brown; there are a few obscure brownish transverse lines near the dorsum, and a faint series ofcrescentic marks near the termen.
There is a series of black crescenticmarks on the termen, and the cilia are pale reddish-brown.
There is an irregular white mark with a brown centre at the base, several white dots and crescentic marks near the middle, an oblique series of double crescentic marks followed by a considerably fainter series near the termen.
The hind-wings have a large shaded white patch in the middle, a blackish dot near the base, and a series of brownish crescentic marks on the termen; the cilia of all the wings are pale brown barred with brownish-black.
It consists of small, slightly elevated, round red spots which now and then coalesce into small patches, but never have the somewhat crescentic arrangement observed in the rash of measles.
On the face the spots sometimes run together, and then form irregular blotches about a third of an inch long by half that breadth; while elsewhere they present an irregular crescentic arrangement.
Crescentic Stone or "Amulet" This class is represented by but a half of a single specimen obtained during the second season (pl.
Crescentic stones, as an artifact type, have been most objectively associated with the San Dieguito of the San Diego coast and the San Dieguito-Playa (Lake Mohave) Culture of the eastern desert.
Concave scrapers, thumbnail scrapers, a crescentic stone, and new projectile point types make up the adjunct to the typology.
However, the crescentic stone in its various forms expresses considerable latitude in time and space.
The notochord (ch) is seen below the brain, and below this again the crescentic foregut (al).
A crescentic mass of granular protoplasm present in the salivary glands.
Compression stenosis of the esophagus is characterized by the sudden transition of the lumen to a linear or crescentic outline, while the covering mucosa is normal unless esophagitis be present.
Endoscopically, the wall is seen to bulge in from one side causing a crescentic picture, or compression of opposite walls may cause a "scabbard" or pear shaped lumen.
Moderate anterior or upward traction pulls the cricoid away from the posterior pharyngeal wall and the lumen of the esophagus opens above a crescentic fold (the cricopharyngeus).
There is also a tortoise with its young one, and a pair of crescentic lines indicate the pool where the reptile lives.
The triangular spaces left above and below the beaks in the bird-scroll pattern are usually more or less filled up with crescentic lines, as in Fig.
If the interlocking beaks were isolated we should get the band pattern which runs along the concavity of the crescentic handle.
In the simplest forms of this pattern there are blank triangular areas, but these are usually filled up by a series of crescentic lines (Fig.
The usual small crescentic spots appear on the outer margin of the hind wings, or they may be absent.
On the upper side paler blue than the preceding species, with the hind margin tinged with reddish, shining through from below, and small crescentic dark spots.
There are a couple of short white lines on the hind wing near the base, and the usual crescentic spots and markings on the outer border and at the anal angle.
At the os externum it forms a fold or duplicature called hymen, running across the sides of the posterior part of the opening, and usually of a crescentic figure, the cavity looking upwards.
The outstretched wings have a crescentic form, on the anterior horn of which are round spots with parallel lines arising from them.
In the decoration last described the same crescenticfigure is elaborated into its zoömorphic equivalent.
These blocks are separated from the tadpole figures by crescentic lines, and above them are short parallel lines recalling the symbol of falling rain.
The two crescentic designs in plate CXXXV, a, are regarded as butterflies.
The body is crescentic and covered with spines, and only a single leg, with claws, is represented.
The crescentic extension above what is apparently the head occurs in many bird figures and may represent a beak.
Crescentic Sand Dunes, Valley of the Columbia River Did the wind which shaped them blow from the left or from the right?
It is a larger and stouter bird, and in the male the white cheek-patches take a more crescentic form, while the head is glossed with purple rather than green, and the white scapulars are not elongated.
In this the face is dark, but a whitecrescentic or triangular patch extends from the throat on either side upwards behind the eye.
The apertures of the nostrils are simple, round, or crescentic apertures.
The throat is grooved; the blow-hole is single and median, crescentic in form, with the concavity pointing forwards.
The mouth lies just under the front tentacles, and its upper lip is armed with a horny, crescentic "jaw.
Under this flap, the neck of the fish is perforated by crescentic slits.
External respiratory aperture single, the two nostrils uniting before they reach the surface, usually in the form of a transverse sub-crescentic valvular aperture, situated on the top of the head.
The nostrils open separately or by a single crescentic aperture, near the vertex of the head.
The blow-hole is single, crescentic and median, as in the Delphinidae.
Illustration: Landsat image shows complex linear andcrescentic dunes in the northeastern Taklimakan Desert of China.
Illustration: Small crescentic dunes occur on the crests of these complex dome dunes of Saudi Arabia's Empty Quarter (photograph by Elwood Friesen).
Illustration: These crescentic dunes of coastal Peru are migrating toward the left (photograph by John McCauley).
Some types of crescentic dunes move faster over desert surfaces than any other type of dune.
The largest crescentic dunes on Earth, with mean crest-to-crest widths of more than 3 kilometers, are in China's Taklimakan Desert.
Illustration: Ripples and horns of this crescentic dune in Egypt indicate that the dune is moving right to left (photograph by John Olsen).
A crescentic dune with a star dune superimposed on its crest is the most common complex dune.
A minute central perforation of a crescentic form, the lower lip projecting, and the upper lip, lingulate in the middle, falling behind the lower.
Within all areas of small relief, such as the prairie country surrounding the present Laurentian lakes, the earlier and smaller stages of such ice-blocked lakes are generally crescentic in outline.
This territory has the form of a crescent, and when occupied by water produces a crescentic levee lake often joined to its neighbors in series.
As the glacier front retires from the moraine which it has built up, the water which emerges from beneath the ice is impounded behind the new dam so as to form a lake of crescentic outline (Fig.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crescentic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.