On trying at their former habitat the next fall, as well as all successive years to the present time, not a single specimen could be found where formerly it was so numerous.
The family of Stylephoridæ is known from a single specimen of the species, Stylephorus chordatus, taken off Cuba in 1790.
Only a single specimen of this rare form was seen, and in this all twenty spines exhibited no marked differences in form and size, but were more or less irregularly developed.
As I had met with only a single specimen, very dark and intransparent in its central part, my observations on its structure were imperfect and the explanation of it partly erroneous (compare my Monograph, pp.
Another genus of this family, Chiastolus, was observed by me only in a single specimen but it is extremely interesting.
Lesbia) of which only a single specimen is known, and that is in fragments, in the Banksian Collection, which is in this respect vastly superior to the former.
But Humboldt mentions a very remarkable tree in Mexico, of which it is believed only a single specimen remains in a state of nature.
I frequented the same locality for thirteen years subsequently, sometimes in the season for a month together, I have not since seen a single specimen there; but in 1833 I caught one specimen at Madingley Wood, near Cambridge.
This species, described from a single specimen, is doubtfully distinct from Ceyx bournsi.
A single specimen secured by us while with the Steere Expedition has been identified by Grant as Ardetta eurythma.
In 1888 several days of hard work in the great coconut-groves near Carmen, Cebu, brought us but a single specimen.
A single specimen of this species was secured in Cebu by Mr. Worcester in 1888.
Philippine Archipelago; Island of Bohol; parasitic on a spinose crab, found under a stone at low water; single specimen, in Mus.
There is only a single specimen in the British Museum, and this had nearly all its valves separated, and many of them in fragments: from its state of decay, I think the specimen must have been dead, when originally collected.
Burmeister met with this Finch on the sierras near Mendoza, and White obtained a single specimen in Catamarca.
Mr. Barrows obtained a single specimenof this species at Concepcion, and others were seen.
A single specimen of this Greenlet was found in a collection made by Mr. Haslehurst near Buenos Ayres.
A single specimen of this bird was obtained by White at Fuerte de Andalgala, Catamarca, in September 1880, during a snow-storm.
Johnston, and a single specimen in Mr. Cuming's collection.
There is but a single specimen in the British Museum, without, as just stated, the operculum, and of course without the animal's body.
I have seen only a single specimenof this, and refer to it on account of var.
Amphistoma emarginatum, from the intestines of Cebus trivirgatus; and Bilharzia hæmatobia, a single specimen of which I obtained from Cercopithecus fuliginosus.
He had gone to Aberdeen with his collection, accompanied by his wife and family; he returned from it alone and on foot, without a single specimen of his collection, and without a penny in his pocket that he could call his own.
Only a single specimen of the Cratippus tenuipes was sent him by Mr. Edward, who knew nothing of its habits.
But the curious thing is, that I have not yet seen a single specimen of the species carrying eggs.
No fear was there of their wandering abroad, or of their falling a prey to wild beasts, of which Phina Island seemed to contain not a single specimen.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "single specimen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.