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Example sentences for "single specimen"

  • A West Indian species, a single specimen of which was taken at Key West, Florida.

  • A single specimen taken in New York State gives it a claim as a doubtful North American species.

  • A European species; a single specimen taken on Long Island in 1872.

  • Known only from a single specimen, which is slightly smaller than jamaicensis and without the white specks on the back.

  • That they formerly used the larger weapon is shown by our finding a single specimen of the head of such a spear, No.

  • The only evidence which we have of the use of spears for catching fish in this region is a single specimen, No.

  • We collected a single specimen of a kind of slung shot, No.

  • On trying at their former habitat the next fall, as well as all successive years to the present time, not a single specimen could be found where formerly it was so numerous.

  • The family of Stylephoridæ is known from a single specimen of the species, Stylephorus chordatus, taken off Cuba in 1790.

  • A single specimen of this interesting species was captured by Mr. C.

  • A single specimen of this species was captured at Castle Hill by Mr. J.

  • This species was first observed in New Zealand in February, 1887, when I captured a single specimen in the Wainui-o-mata valley.

  • This handsome species is at present only known by a single specimen, captured by Mr. W.

  • The name was given by Blyth to a single specimen forwarded by Dr.

  • This species was determined by Blyth on a single specimen, which was found without its head, impaled by some shrike upon a thorn at Cherrapunji.

  • Check-List had been a single specimen collected by Frederick M.

  • Only a single specimen of this rare form was seen, and in this all twenty spines exhibited no marked differences in form and size, but were more or less irregularly developed.

  • As I had met with only a single specimen, very dark and intransparent in its central part, my observations on its structure were imperfect and the explanation of it partly erroneous (compare my Monograph, pp.

  • Another genus of this family, Chiastolus, was observed by me only in a single specimen but it is extremely interesting.

  • Lesbia) of which only a single specimen is known, and that is in fragments, in the Banksian Collection, which is in this respect vastly superior to the former.

  • But Humboldt mentions a very remarkable tree in Mexico, of which it is believed only a single specimen remains in a state of nature.

  • I frequented the same locality for thirteen years subsequently, sometimes in the season for a month together, I have not since seen a single specimen there; but in 1833 I caught one specimen at Madingley Wood, near Cambridge.

  • This species, described from a single specimen, is doubtfully distinct from Ceyx bournsi.

  • A single specimen secured by us while with the Steere Expedition has been identified by Grant as Ardetta eurythma.

  • In 1888 several days of hard work in the great coconut-groves near Carmen, Cebu, brought us but a single specimen.

  • A single specimen of this species was secured in Cebu by Mr. Worcester in 1888.

  • Philippine Archipelago; Island of Bohol; parasitic on a spinose crab, found under a stone at low water; single specimen, in Mus.

  • There is only a single specimen in the British Museum, and this had nearly all its valves separated, and many of them in fragments: from its state of decay, I think the specimen must have been dead, when originally collected.

  • Burmeister met with this Finch on the sierras near Mendoza, and White obtained a single specimen in Catamarca.

  • Mr. Barrows obtained a single specimen of this species at Concepcion, and others were seen.

  • A single specimen of this Greenlet was found in a collection made by Mr. Haslehurst near Buenos Ayres.

  • A single specimen of this bird was obtained by White at Fuerte de Andalgala, Catamarca, in September 1880, during a snow-storm.

  • Johnston, and a single specimen in Mr. Cuming's collection.

  • There is but a single specimen in the British Museum, without, as just stated, the operculum, and of course without the animal's body.

  • I have seen only a single specimen of this, and refer to it on account of var.

  • Amphistoma emarginatum, from the intestines of Cebus trivirgatus; and Bilharzia hæmatobia, a single specimen of which I obtained from Cercopithecus fuliginosus.

  • He had gone to Aberdeen with his collection, accompanied by his wife and family; he returned from it alone and on foot, without a single specimen of his collection, and without a penny in his pocket that he could call his own.

  • Only a single specimen of the Cratippus tenuipes was sent him by Mr. Edward, who knew nothing of its habits.

  • But the curious thing is, that I have not yet seen a single specimen of the species carrying eggs.

  • No fear was there of their wandering abroad, or of their falling a prey to wild beasts, of which Phina Island seemed to contain not a single specimen.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "single specimen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    beholding them; cast them; early symptom; just described; single atom; single block; single copy; single dollar; single dose; single example; single fact; single family; single form; single game; single house; single individuals; single instance; single letter; single person; single room; single season; single ship; single species; single state; single subject; single word