At that time ministers, and the people who have been under their care, shall meet together before Christ, that he may judge between them, as to any controversies which have subsisted between them in this world.
So it very often comes to pass in this evil world, that great differences and controversies arise between ministers and the people that are under their pastoral care.
It is a case in some degree parallel to the disputes whether Shakspeare adhered, in the controversies of the sixteenth century, to the side of the Romish or the Reformed.
But the word myth, of which in recent controversies the use has been so frequent, is capable of being viewed under either of two principal aspects.
During all this period, there was a variety of minor controversies among themselves, causing greater or less disturbance.
The village became involved in controversies about boundaries with each one of its neighbors; producing, at times, much exasperation.
He aggrandized their sense of importance, and accomplished his object in securing their support in his controversies with his congregation.
Nathaniel generally was on the other side in the course of the various controversies which finally culminated in the witchcraft delusion.
It cannot be doubted, that these controversies with the surrounding towns, the mother-church, and the General Court itself, gradually engendered a very bad state of feeling.
It was their fate to have their minds, and more or less their passions, stirred up by special local controversies thrust upon them.
It was at this time that the controversies broke out which ended in the schism between the Churches of the East and West.
He would have thought it a sin to borrow any time from the serious business of his life, from his expositions, his controversies and his lace tags, for the purpose of amusing himself with what he considered merely as a trifle.
But, nothing seems more to have contributed towards engaging men in controversies and mistakes with regard to the nature and operations of the mind, than the being used to speak of those things in terms borrowed from sensible ideas.
It has occasioned numberless controversies and disputes in philosophy, and not a few of far greater moment in religion.
Prescription steps in and with new bonds confirms the original work, to the end, that, while men are mortal, controversies shall not be immortal.
But only two of his controversies need be mentioned here.
Justinian's reign, the Eastern Church was vexed by controversies which arose out of the opinions of Eutyches.
But all discovery of truth by means of thesecontroversies was rendered hopeless by two insurmountable obstacles, the authority of Aristotle and that of the church.
The practical termination of rate controversies and labor discussions as between private individuals and the placing of the roads on a semi-military basis.
They kept sheep and goats, and had an eye to business in the cannibal line; though what it was that gave them their name, is not determined; nor is it necessary to trouble the reader with the controversies on that point.
The Church of the second and third centuries was not agitated by any controversies relative to grace and predestination.
Whilst the Christian community was contending against the Gnostics, it was not without other controversies which were fitted to prejudice its claims in the sight of the heathen.
One of the chief controversies with which the government of intervention had to deal was that with the Roman Catholic church over various properties formerly belonging to it which had been confiscated by the Spanish government.
For that reason her political controversies were thereafter to be domestic, and there was opportunity, even perhaps desirability, of division of the population into parties.
There were numerous diplomatic controversies between Spain and the United States over Cuban affairs.
Disregarding, perhaps, too much the controversies which, however contemptible, necessarily involved his political influence, he devoted his attention to the loftier interests of national policy.
If Your Excellency still desires Wilson to intervene it is necessary, in view of the above, to get rid as soon as possible of the Marina and Arabia incidents without further controversy and not to allow any fresh controversies to arise.
The Igel affair had no definite political result, as the American Government dropped all controversieswhen they began to take up the question of mediation.
Next, my opinion is, that it ought to be rather by a bill for removing controversies than by a bill in the state of manifest and express declaration and in words de præterito.
Mr. Dowdeswell brought in a bill to put an end to those doubts and controversies upon that subject which have unhappily distracted our courts, to the great detriment of the public, and to the great dishonor of the national justice.
As the Saxon laws did not suffer any transaction, whether of the sale of land or goods, to pass but in the shire and before witnesses, so all controversies of them were concluded by what they called the scyre witness.
Yet it may perhaps be large enough to let the reader see what manner of man he was concerning whom so many bitter controversies have raged.
But Jackson's actions in the campaign brought on the bitterestcontroversies of his career.
The death of General James Longstreet, as was to be expected, has revived to some extent the controversies which have raged over certain memorable incidents in his military career.
In this regard it is to be noted that in all these controversies his statements have always stood analysis in the light of all the evidence far better than those of his reckless critics.
I could wish that several learned men would lay out that time which they employ in controversies and disputes about nothing, in this method of fighting with their own shadows.
A more detailed statement of the controversies between Carthage and Massanissa, fostered and encouraged by the Romans, is found in Appian, Res Punicae, 67 sq.
Many of the controversies which were hottest were needless and injurious.
Both these things--their taking advantage of earlier controversies which had cleared many differences, and their deliberation--were supplemented by a third which gave great accuracy to the version.
In various controversies during the final years of G.
The same sort of discussion buzzed around this book as around the controversies of which it might be called a prolongation.
As a result his brief administration was filled with scandals and with controversies and conflicts, practically all arising from his pecuniary greed and from the unscrupulous means which he employed for satisfying it.
Controversies and quarrels arose and grew to such alarming proportions that civil war seemed imminent.
In the eastern part of the Island there was practically no unclaimed land left excepting that in the mountains and some almost impenetrable swamps, and already many controversies and not a few forcible conflicts had arisen over rival claims.
Practically all of it was left to his widow, and her the thrifty Gonzalo de Guzman presently married, and thus got himself into one of the most serious controversies of his whole career.
But standing thus aloof from the great ethical questions that agitated the conscience of the nation, they were both of them disturbed by controversies internal or external, which demand mention at least in this chapter.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "controversies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.