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Example sentences for "constitutive"

Lexicographically close words:
constitutional; constitutionalism; constitutionality; constitutionally; constitutions; constrain; constraine; constrained; constraineth; constraining
  1. For without a knowledge of the nature of those constitutive elements it is impossible to cognise the difference of the soul from them.

  2. If so, should not the pars regens which is constitutive have been put in?

  3. And that we speak not of an accidental head (such as the king is, because he governeth them suo modo by the sword); for that is not an essential constitutive part; but of a constitutive ecclesiastical head and body.

  4. If the former, then christianity hath its constitutive parts, by which it is what it is.

  5. And no doubt pastor and flock are the constitutive parts of such a church; and where either of them are notoriously wanting, it is notorious that there is no true church.

  6. That the king is king of schools, but not a schoolmaster, nor a constitutive part of a school.

  7. A constitutive part of particular political churches.

  8. All that will follow is, that the particular churches die till a resurrection; and so doth the whole church on earth every time the pope dieth, till another be made, if he be the constitutive head.

  9. A constitutive head indeed must be a christian, and more, even a pastor to a particular church, and Christ to the universal.

  10. We cannot take first principles "as the bare precipitate of a progressively refined analysis"[69] nor on the other as constitutive a priori forms.

  11. The "form" of a thing constitutes it what it is, and at the same time, therefore, is constitutive of the group to which it belongs.

  12. The form which a mathematical science treats as relatively self-subsistent is certainly not the constitutive idea.

  13. Repeal your decree: the king has abdicated by his crime: receive his abdication; convoke a fresh constitutive power; point out the criminal, and organise a new executive power.

  14. Besides, where were, and where would be now, the constitutive elements of two chambers, in a nation whose entire revolution is but a convulsion towards unity?

  15. It is the same with principles of which universals are the constitutive elements.

  16. These general traits are the constitutive lineaments, and this figure is the type, that are given to the pupil that is beginning in the art of design to trace.

  17. Thus we see them in a light superior to ourselves, and it is in this superior light that we see whether we act well or ill, that is to say, whether we act according to these constitutive principles of our being or not.

  18. Hence evil is not a constitutive difference as such, but by reason of the good that is annexed.

  19. Good and evil are not constitutive differences except in morals, which receive their species from the end, which is the object of the will, the source of all morality.

  20. They are the constitutive elements of the reality they disclose.

  21. Among constitutive principles or elements of things, the intellectus again takes the foremost place as the form; for, as we have seen, it is both extrinsic and intrinsic to the nature of things, .

  22. I now pass to the second section constitutive of the first stage.

  23. It is not an attribute constitutive of the concept of the subject to which it is applied, but is simply the positing of the content of that concept as a whole.

  24. The function of the Ideas is to organise experience in its totality; that of the categories is to render possible the sense-perceptions constitutive of its content.

  25. The causal interactions of material bodies in space are as essentially constitutive of those bodies as are any of their quantitative properties.

  26. For this conclusion Kant prepares the way by an analysis of the second main characteristic constitutive of an object, viz.

  27. The term is employed in contra-distinction to constitutive principle or axiom; and Kant points out that this usage of the term must be carefully distinguished from the other or mathematical.

  28. The village community comes out of the inquiry as the constitutive cell of society during an age of the world, quite as characteristic of medieval structure, as the town community or 'civitas' was of ancient polity.

  29. This seems methodically sound as long as the contrary cannot be established, for the plain reason that the variety of local facts is a variety of combinations and of effects, not of constitutive elements and of causes.

  30. The legal intellect is by its calling and nature always engaged in analysing complex cases into constitutive elements, and bringing these elements under the direction of principles.

  31. Differentia being seldom taken to mean the whole of the peculiarities constitutive of the species, but some one of those peculiarities only, a complete definition would be per genus et differentias, rather than differentiam.

  32. Spatial reasoning and replication of phenomena, usually associated with the living as aspects of common-sense knowledge, are also constitutive of the new science.

  33. However, language use in literature is not the same as language use in daily life, in the self-constitutive experience of living and surviving.

  34. Despite such differences-some very deep-language is the common denominator of the species Homo Sapiens, and an important constitutive element of the dynamics of the species.

  35. The human lineage, in its constitutive phases, left behind a wealth of testimony to patterns of action and, later, to behavioral codes that result in some sense of cohesion.

  36. The human being's self-constitutive power is not only reproduced in new instances of practical activity, but also augmented in the pragmatics of surplus creating higher surplus.

  37. The theocratic system of pictographs and what others call the democratic language of phonetic writing deserve their names only if we understand that languages are both constitutive and representative of human experience.

  38. The impact of new self-constitutive practical experiences and definition on digital networks already qualifies these experiences as alternatives, regardless of how limited an individual's involvement with them is.

  39. Diversity, incipient segmentation, higher speeds, and incremental mediations affected the condition of self-constitutive human experiences.

  40. Structural characteristics of the context that makes language necessary simultaneously mark the very object of the self- constitutive experience of loving and being loved.

  41. Before language, other rhythmic devices better adapted to the unsettled self-constitutive practical experience of the Homo Hominis were used to synchronize the effort of several beings involved in the endeavor of survival.

  42. As the scale grew and endeavors required different forms of interaction, the written evolved from various co-existing notations based on constitutive experiences with their own characteristics.

  43. The categories and methods of constitutive thought itself must therefore be characterized in terms of the modus operandi of reflective thought.

  44. Does it therefore follow that the organization out of which reflective thought grows is the work of thought of some other type--of Pure Thought, Creative or Constitutive Thought, Intuitive Reason, etc.

  45. If reflective thought is required because constitutive thought works under externally limiting conditions of sense, then we have some elements which are, after all, mere existences, events, etc.

  46. Reason, and the ground for assuming Pure Constitutive Thought is abandoned.

  47. Constitutive thought precedes our conscious thought-operations; hence it must be the working of some absolute universal thought which, unconsciously to our reflection, builds up an organized world.

  48. We are not only not justified, accordingly, in transferring its determinations over to constitutive thought, but we are absolutely prohibited from attempting any such transfer.

  49. How does it happen that the absolute constitutive and intuitive Thought does such a poor and bungling job that it requires a finite discursive activity to patch up its products?

  50. It is of the essence of our contention that the apprehension of the conditions of action as warranting the end is a primordial and necessary feature of the situation--indeed, its constitutive feature.

  51. All our knowledge, after all, of thought as constitutive is gained by consideration of the operations of reflective thought.

  52. Constitutive and reflective thought are, first, defined in terms of their dissimilarity and even opposition, and then without more ado the forms of the description of the latter are carried over bodily to the former!

  53. After describing the prior constitutive work of thought as above, he goes on to discuss a second phase of thought which is intermediary between this and the third phase, viz.

  54. A primal being cannot be said to consist of many other beings with an existence which is derivative, for the latter presuppose the former, and therefore cannot be constitutive parts of it.

  55. But the principles of pure reason cannot be constitutive even in regard to empirical conceptions, because no sensuous schema corresponding to them can be discovered, and they cannot therefore have an object in concreto.

  56. We distinguished, in the Transcendental Analytic, the dynamical principles of the understanding, which are regulative principles of intuition, from the mathematical, which are constitutive principles of intuition.

  57. Now, if I grant that they cannot be employed in the sphere of experience, as constitutive principles, how shall I secure for them employment and objective validity as regulative principles, and in what way can they be so employed?

  58. Still less is it a constitutive principle of reason authorizing us to extend our conception of the sensuous world beyond all possible experience.

  59. I accordingly maintain that transcendental ideas can never be employed as constitutive ideas, that they cannot be conceptions of objects, and that, when thus considered, they assume a fallacious and dialectical character.

  60. I have termed it for this reason a regulative principle of reason; while the principle of the absolute totality of the series of conditions, as existing in itself and given in the object, is a constitutive cosmological principle.

  61. This distinction will at once demonstrate the falsehood of the constitutive principle, and prevent us from attributing (by a transcendental subreptio) objective reality to an idea, which is valid only as a rule.

  62. If it gave us any information in respect to the former statement, it would be a constitutive principle--a principle impossible from the nature of pure reason.

  63. Yet these two doctrines have always been the constitutive principles of the Catholic Church.

  64. Hefele has this air about him whenever he writes about the constitutive principles of the Catholic Church, and only loses it when he has fairly plunged into his subject and become carried away by it.

  65. The Catholic principle which is constitutive of the Catholic Church as a body, and of each individual Catholic as a member of it, is the principle of authority.

  66. Thus, as we have already said, among the early Romans the family was practically a religious institution with ancestor worship as its constitutive principle.

  67. It may be said, indeed, that ancestor worship was the constitutive principle of their family life.

  68. So far back at least, then, as the period when these stars underwent condensation, must have been the epoch at which the mass-constitutive processes began.

  69. When some theologians said that the constitutive attribute of the essence of God is intelligence, they expressed an idea which contains a wonderfully profound philosophical meaning.

  70. The elements constitutive of extension are united in the first way; all objects belonging to the same time, in the second; and in the third all those which unite their forces and direct them to one and the same end.

  71. But in France, it is the very substratum of the social soil that is overturned, it is the constitutive elements of society that are displaced; and the consequence is a general derangement of all relative positions.

  72. Now, so far is this assertion from according with the fact, that on his hypothesis it is impossible to account for the presence of religion as a constitutive element of the human race.

  73. When the qualities constitutive of these beings are destroyed, or when they combine, or when they undergo some change contrary to their nature, the affections relate to the body, as the perceptions do to the soul.

  74. Conversely, if I regard the same product as a natural purpose, I cannot count on any mechanical mode of its production and regard this as the constitutive principle of my judgement upon its possibility, and so unite both principles.

  75. And so also to Reason, which contains constitutive principles a priori nowhere except simply in respect of the faculty of desire, should be assigned its place in the Critique of practical Reason.

  76. Idea of a natural purpose into a constitutive principle, which Idea has thus something different from all other Ideas.

  77. Hence the moral judgement is not only susceptible of definite constitutive principles, but is possible only by grounding its maxims on these in their universality.

  78. Judgement as dogmatical and constitutive principles of insight into nature.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "constitutive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    basal; basic; constituent; decisive; determinative; effectual; elemental; elementary; essential; formative; fundamental; gut; material; occasional; original; originative; pivotal; primal; primary; primitive; radical; substantial; substantive; underlying; vital