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Example sentences for "green vegetables"

  • Made with or of a typical collection of green vegetables, mostly in white sauce; also applied to collections of ripe fruit imbedded in jellies, etc.

  • Jardinière soup has as many roots and green vegetables as can be; it differs from julienne soup by the prevalence of green vegetables in it.

  • Those low in protein are fresh fruits, green vegetables, and roots.

  • Recipe for Boiling and Seasoning Fresh Green Vegetables Wash the vegetables carefully and put them on to cook in boiling water.

  • Especial emphasis should be placed on the use and importance of fresh, green vegetables.

  • Green vegetables hold an important place in the diet, because they contain valuable mineral matter.

  • Also partake liberally of good, green vegetables at other meals.

  • The diet should consist largely of green vegetables, mutton and whole wheat bread, or toast, eggs, milk and fruit.

  • Live principally on roast or broiled meat, fish, poultry or game, boiled rice, green vegetables, and brown bread.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "green vegetables" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brisk oven; colonial trade; empty stomach; evil days; fine voice; give account; green and; green cheese; green colour; green corn; green foliage; green geese; green grass; green gravel; green meadow; green meadows; green pepper; green peppers; green plants; green turf; greenhouse plant; greenish color; greenish grey; greenish yellow; hold good; many occasions