I learned that by remaining inactive by my campfire, I conserved both food and energy and had a far better chance to reach the shelter of my cabin without mishap.
At the approach of fall Blackie left off distant wanderings, conservedenergy by little exertion, and thus waxed fat.
The denser towering spruce forests sheltered them, conserved the moisture, and scattered their needles over their winter beds.
Beauty can only beconserved by the planting of trees, by keeping the waters pure and clear, by using waste products so that there will be no unsightly piles of refuse.
The cut-off can be controlled to a considerable extent through forestry and scientific farming and it is very important that the supply should be as carefully conserved as possible.
Canals should be cut between waterways where large benefits will result; overflow and swamp land should be drained, and in arid regions every particle of water conserved for irrigation purposes.
Coal is conserved by the use of lower-grade fuels, by using waste from the forests, and by substituting water-power.
And lastly, the life, happiness, and prosperity of man is conserved by all of these things.
The grazing lands areconserved by proper forest control, and the supply of animal food depends largely on the grazing lands.
But he conserved his concepts of duty, his ideals of protection for the young and the weak.
But he conservedthe chance for the babies; and the lion and the wolf and the bear could not stand against the club and the fire which he used for the protection of his wife and children.
But whosoever will offend one of these little ones in whom is conserved all the achievements and attainments of the race to this day, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck.
It is the instrumentality through which knowledge has been conserved and cumulated.
But as no water would seem to have been conserved here it is difficult to believe that this camp was ever a permanent fortress which only a very large number of people could have defended.
Remembrances last longer than present reality, as I have conserved blossoms many years, but never fruits.
On the mental side past experience is conserved chiefly by means of images, ideas, and concepts.
If past experience plays so important a part in our welfare, how, then, is it to beconserved so that we may secure its benefits?
How past experience is conserved: Past experience conserved in both mental and physical terms--The image and the idea--All our past experience potentially at our command.
Nothing can enter the imagination the elements of which have not been in our past experience and then been conserved in the form of images.
Wise farmers conserved the nitrogen and promptly composted long manures.
Mr. Rowe went to Duch howse with a present of a runlet of wyne, a jarre conserved nutmegs, and som conserved ginger, and was frendly entertaynd.
For him, matter is simply a res extensa; extension in three dimensions constitutes its essence, and extension is of course inert: all motion is given to matter and conserved in it by God.
Necessary Being: so that if it were not so created andconserved it would be a pure possibility and nothing actual.
Therefore if we find such an essence actually existing we consider this actually existing essence as caused or produced, and conserved in existence, by some other being, viz.
Her inexperience conservedher own exuberant fancy, which ran riot with every straw of opportunity, making of it a golden divining rod whereby the treasure of life was to be discovered.
It may be conserved by the growth of a community or of a state.
Two manuscripts written by him were conserved in the convent at CebĂș.
For our Father Solier was in all things a remarkable man; and by his letter to the province and his systematic conduct of it, and the manner in which he conserved it, one can see how well he played his part.
Thus they lost both the moneys expended and their reputation; and to save reputation one should expend much toil, for by it are conservedmonarchies and kingdoms.
He also studied in Madrid, Paris, and Rome, and some of his paintings are conserved in the largest galleries.
I attest that I have seen said original licenses and that they are conserved in the archives of the said Society.
Our soil, water, mineral, forest, fish, and wildlife resources are being conserved and improved more effectively.
It is obvious that these fuels should be conserved and not wasted, and it would be well to protect the people against unjust and extortionate prices, so far as that can still be done.
The air strength which the enemy had conserved for an anticipated American invasion was thus decimated.
The moisture in the soil will thereby be conserved, and whatever water may fall during the spring months will be conserved also.
The conserved moisture and added fertility will strengthen the growth and diminish the water requirements of the plants, and thus yield a larger crop.
He, too, thinks it is easier to overthrow the old opinions, than it is to discriminate that which is to be conserved in them.
Mixed conserved cherries, pineapple and orange pulp may be stirred through this.
For even on the rare occasions when rain falls on this tract no water is conserved on its surface.
We advanced at a walking pace, for the strength of our horses had to be conserved against that long pursuit which, in hunting the oryx, is almost inevitable.
B, but the exact course of these tubuli through the kidney could not be made out in the preparations we were able to make of the badly conserved kidney.
The teacher must make clear to him both these opportunities, as he readily can, since the instinct of ownership is conserved in him in an identical manner.
There is no form or device of management that does away with good men, and in the teacher, as here described, is conserved the personal element of the successful, popular Traditional foreman.
Through accurate measurement of the mind and the body only can individuality be recognized, conserved and developed as it should be.
The Egyptians conserved their customs, religion, and arts even after the fall of their empire.
That father, from pure breeding and constitutional exclusiveness, had avoided all intercourse with his class, and conserved his social caste by his marriage only.