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Example sentences for "conserving"

Lexicographically close words:
conserve; conserved; conserver; conservers; conserves; consider; considera; considerable; considerably; consideracion
  1. Before its invention, the ground coffee was received in a sack of greased leather, or in one treated on the outside with beeswax--probably the original of the duplex paper bag for conserving the flavor.

  2. An electric roaster was demonstrated at the Food Conservation Show in New York, in 1918, at a time when the federal government was urging the necessity of conserving coal as a war economy measure.

  3. Additional legislation is desirable more definitely to establish the place of grazing in the administration of the national forests, properly subordinated to their functions of producing timber and conserving the water supply.

  4. We are conserving and developing natural resources--land, water power, forests.

  5. And over the frontier there was talk about a new system of conserving moisture.

  6. And Ida Mary kept things going, conserving her strength as well as she could, with Imbert and Ma Wagor helping.

  7. This has seemed to me a happy omen of what the new conservatism of the world may ask of its soldiery--the conserving not of borders but of the resources of human life and of human life itself.

  8. Library economy is a term covering every branch of work concerned with libraries; and libraries may be defined in a phrase as institutions devoted to the collecting, conserving and exploiting of literature.

  9. New varieties of grains have been introduced, improved methods of cultivation discovered, and means of enriching and conserving the soil devised.

  10. For only in this radical way can they be made a factor in the vitalizing and conserving of the rural community which, unless some new leaven is introduced, is surely destined to disorganization and decay.

  11. In the midst of the negations and convulsive movements of his day his spirit is always serene, and his thought, while at times dreamily melancholy, is conserving and full of faith's highest assurance.

  12. The conquest has produced great and strong folk, and we have been conserving men while we have been free with our resources.

  13. It will be impossible to develop a satisfactory country life without conserving all the beauty of landscape and developing the people to the point of appreciating it.

  14. We all enter the world with an abundance of nerve energy, and by conserving that energy we can adapt and adjust our nerve equipment to keep pace with the progress and evolution of our times.

  15. With the object of conserving energy and strengthening your force, this book is written.

  16. In conserving our forests we not only increase our timber supply, but add one of the greatest of all beauties, the trees which give variety and tone to every picture that our eyes rest upon.

  17. Engineers are grappling with the great problems of conserving the flood waters of these streams, which now are wasted and help to increase the destructive floods of the Mississippi.

  18. Fortunately, there is a method of conserving our supply of fish and not only preventing it from growing less, but of greatly increasing the number and improving the quality.

  19. Lastly, in conserving health, we do more toward promoting personal beauty and advancing the standard of the race than in any other way.

  20. As may readily be seen, the fly-off can be controlled only in a very small degree, by conserving the moisture that is in the soil, and so preventing it from evaporating too rapidly.

  21. If low-grade fuels in gas-producer engines, or water-power can be used it will be a great aid in conserving coal.

  22. The first great step in conserving our forests is to stop the unnecessary wastes in use.

  23. Therein lies a civic resource worth conserving to the utmost of its potential goods.

  24. There is a fire that destroys, and there is a fire that preserves; and the alternative for every man is to choose between the destructive and the conserving influences.

  25. In some regions potatoes are the best crop in point of net income per acre, where the acreage is kept restricted so that there may be plenty of organic matter to help in conserving moisture.

  26. In conserving the supply of water in the soil the mulch plays an important work.

  27. The skill of the farmer in conserving the moisture supply in a wet season is less well repaid because it is less needed.

  28. All other managerial cares fade into insignificance before the necessity of conserving the general good of the business.

  29. The rest of us must cultivate a true knack of conserving the business--a knack which carries with it the finest sense of discrimination and the best of business judgment.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conserving" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    canny; careful; chary; conservative; economic; economical; economizing; forehanded; frugal; keeping; parsimonious; preservative; protective; provident; prudent; saving; scrimping; spare; sparing; thrifty