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Example sentences for "consecutiveness"

Lexicographically close words:
consecration; consecrations; consecution; consecutive; consecutively; conseil; conseille; conseiller; conseillers; conseils
  1. The 'vivida vis' of his understanding is apparent also in the clearness and consecutiveness of his philosophical style.

  2. Nevertheless this consecutiveness of Spinoza, the praises of which have been unceasingly sung by generations since his day, has its limits.

  3. There is little consecutiveness in dates.

  4. Except for the sake of order and consecutiveness nothing ought to be expressed which is already commonly or universally known.

  5. Consecutiveness means flexibility and variety of materials, conjoined with singleness and definiteness of direction.

  6. We may, however, note some ways in which school practices tend to interrupt consecutiveness of language and thereby interfere harmfully with systematic reflection.

  7. It seems as if the excitement of company called something like reality and consecutiveness into his reasonings, which in his writings I cannot see.

  8. Consecutiveness is the logic of Description and Narration.

  9. There is much advanced as argument--as for instance in political editorials--where consecutiveness is confounded with causality.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consecutiveness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    connection; consistency; constancy; continuation; continuity; descent; extension; following; fullness; line; lineage; monotony; order; plenitude; posteriority; procession; progression; prolongation; rotation; sequence; series; stability; succession; uniformity