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Example sentences for "blackjack"

Lexicographically close words:
blackguards; blackhead; blackheads; blacking; blackish; blacklead; blackleg; blacklegs; blackletter; blacklist
  1. When he could no longer pay me, Blackjack closed the Casino in exasperation.

  2. Since my contract with Billy Wilkins and Blackjack Bracken, long since bought up, is no longer in effect, Margaret should be able to handle my affairs as a person.

  3. Somehow, though he could manage a fuzzy picture of a car reaching out to hit him, the introduction of a blackjack into this imaginative effort confused things a little.

  4. I've worked in Emergency in this hospital long enough to recognize a blackjack wound.

  5. The fact that it had been a blackjack that had hit him was important.

  6. Maybe the blackjack had supplanted the guitar.

  7. Denny Olear was playing blackjack when the colonel's orderly found him.

  8. Besides there's a blackjack game going on and I'm losing money every minute I'm out of it.

  9. Blackjack is 4ยท3, and its streak yellowish-white.

  10. As this man leaped for him from the woods, arm upraised with a blackjack clutched in his hand, Bob had seized the descending wrist and thrown his other arm about the fellow's body.

  11. That blow came from a blackjack in the hands of Marjorie Faulkner's assailant.

  12. Against that he bought and concealed the rope, the blackjack for the blow, and the articles for his own transformation--all the properties of the grisly drama he was about to stage.

  13. One blow of the blackjack delivered below the temple resulted in death, as instantaneous as it was noiseless.

  14. The locality records extend almost throughout the area occupied by these three types but not in attenuate westward extensions of the post oak-blackjack type that occur along several of the main stream courses.

  15. As he did so a man sprang at him and with a blackjack dealt him a stunning blow over the head.

  16. I was in kind of a peculiar predicament and I had to get hold of the stump to pull myself up, and just as I did that some fellow behind me swung with a blackjack and grazed my temple, knocking me to my knees.

  17. I got a blackjack up at the house, I used one time myself to knock a man in the head with out West, to get seventy-five dollars from him to come East on.

  18. Roland is so weak-minded that he takes the blackjack and puts it in his pocket.

  19. March tells a story about a blackjack; then he brings the blackjack and gives it to Roland, saying nothing except, "You can do it with that.

  20. Whether George got the blackjack or not I don't know.

  21. It is easily conceivable that he struck the man with the blackjack without knowing that he was committing murder, without knowing that he might kill him.

  22. This spells trouble in capital letters," said Bob as he drew out a clean handkerchief and turned the blackjack over.

  23. They went at it hand to hand then, Hamsa wresting the blackjack away from Bob and hurling it to the far end of the car.

  24. Bob felt in his coat pockets for something to defend himself and his groping hands came on the blackjack which Hamsa had used on Tully.

  25. The fact that it had been a blackjack that had hit him was important.

  26. There was a good deal of pain below his elbow, where the blackjack had temporarily paralyzed certain muscles, so that for another day or so his arm hung helpless at his side; he could almost have wished it a more dangerous wound!

  27. Slopes having poor shallow soil and exposures mainly to the south supported chiefly tall grass prairie, but also had compact clumps of blackjack oak and post oak, usually more or less isolated from other parts of the woodland.

  28. On the lower slopes grow most of the blackjack oaks, post oaks, red oaks and mulberries.

  29. Trees often found associated with it include red elm, chestnut oak, chinquapin oak, blackjack oak, hickory, and dogwood.

  30. In the southeastern part of the Reservation, on a west facing slope, redbud dominates, with smaller numbers of elm, blackjack oak, and dogwood.

  31. When the Garveys became possessed of so many dollars that they faltered in computing them, the deficiencies of life on Blackjack began to grow prominent.

  32. The little white patch he saw away up on the side of Blackjack was Laurel, the village near which he had been born and bred.

  33. However Martella Garvey's heart might be rejoicing at the pleasures of her new life, Blackjack had done his work with her exterior.

  34. She could always hear the awful silence of Blackjack sounding through the stillest of nights.

  35. When I left the company, the blackjack program would still cheat if you turned on the right sense switch, and I think that's how it should be.

  36. Mel's job was to re-write the blackjack program for the RPC-4000.

  37. It ran on the LGP-30 and played blackjack with potential customers at computer shows.

  38. Brennan," he began, "did you see a blackjack in the defendant's hand?

  39. If I'd a knowed she had a blackjack would I have let her sneak up behind me?

  40. I have observed that captive brush mice eat acorns of the blackjack oak but not some other kinds of acorns.

  41. Inasmuch as acorns appear to be the chief food, it is not surprising that the brush mouse is usually found on cliffs that support stands of blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica).

  42. And as for the notion of a murder attempt--wouldn't a killer have used something surer than a blackjack and chloroform?

  43. A blackjack wielded by the first mobster slapped Red's unprotected head.

  44. His fingers opened and the blackjack dropped from his hand to the floor.

  45. A blackjack lay in front of the third man.

  46. One emissary had worked around until he was at one side of Locke and almost behind him, a blackjack raised in his hand.

  47. He was bending over when suddenly there was a rush of men behind him and a blackjack in the hands of one of the ruffians just missed his head.

  48. The murder had been done with a blackjack evidently--a couple of blows.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blackjack" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    blackjack; bludgeon; bridge; bully; club; coerce; cudgel; cup; dragoon; game; goblet; intimidate; mace; mug; vessel