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Example sentences for "confectioners"

Lexicographically close words:
confabulation; confabulations; confection; confectionary; confectioner; confectionery; confections; confederacies; confederacy; confederated
  1. The covering of concreted sugar with which the confectioners adorn their cakes.

  2. Used to make pimento water, and by cooks and confectioners as a 'flavouring.

  3. Coriander is chiefly used by confectioners and distillers as a flavouring ingredient.

  4. A number of processes are used by cooks and confectioners to make the different varieties of fancy bread, cakes, puddings, &c.

  5. Another method occasionally employed by confectioners for almonds and the like is to put the substances into a syrup boiled until it forms a small thread between the opening fingers, and to stir the whole until it is nearly set.

  6. Most confectioners sell, in addition to their fancy candies, imported fruits; and a few keep cakes.

  7. Some confectioners merely make sweetmeats--some sell them, and some both make and sell.

  8. In cities, confectioners usually furnish the refreshments for both public and private entertainments.

  9. The busy seasons with toy merchants and confectioners are about Christmas and New Year.

  10. He carries with him cooks, confectioners and laundresses, a waggonload of plate, a wardrobe of laced and embroidered suits, and much rich tent furniture, of which the patterns have been chosen by a committee of fine ladies.

  11. Confectioners were wont to make their pastry attractive with Saffron.

  12. Although not perfect, confectioners will find this little volume a useful one, if not invaluable.

  13. But it is more especially designed for confectioners whose business does not justify their securing the services of skilled workmen.

  14. They make plates of broad leaves which are ingeniously stitched together by their stalks; and plates of this kind are very widely used by the inferior Indian castes and by confectioners and sellers of sweetmeats.

  15. The better-class confectioners now imitate English sweets, and at fairs when they retail boiled grain and ghi they provide spoons and little basins for their customers.

  16. Sweets prepared by Bengali confectioners are considered the best of all.

  17. This is the composition used by confectioners for modelling the various ornaments on cakes.

  18. You know we have no restaurateurs nor confectioners to depend upon, and such occasions are busy seasons.

  19. The sons of confectioners must be marvels if they grow up alike unspoiled in morals by the universal envy of comrades, and unspoiled in teeth by the parental sugar-plums.

  20. In every part of the Behar and Putna districts, several of the confectioners prepare the coarse article called shukkur, which is entirely similar in appearance to the inferior Jamaica sugars.

  21. The first was detected a few years ago, as the colouring-matter of some Parisian bonbons, by the conseil de salubrite; since which the confectioners were prohibited from using it, by the French government.

  22. It should never be employed by confectioners to colour their liqueurs, as they sometimes do.

  23. Norfolk Beefings are that variety of apple baked in ovens, after the bread is drawn, and flattened to the form in which they are sold in the shops of the confectioners and fruiterers.

  24. Most confectioners put the chocolate on with their fingers, but if one does not care to do this they can be dipped with a candy dipper or fork into the melted chocolate.

  25. This mixing is so often required by confectioners for so many purposes that a good general recipe will not be out of place.

  26. The following five degrees are those used by confectioners for different purposes: [Illustration: Fig.

  27. Essential oils used by confectioners are those having an agreeable aromatic flavor, and should be used in their original strength, without being adulterated or reduced.

  28. The Chaberte nuts, which confectioners use, are a special industry, the kernels being slipped out of the shells without breaking, and sold in this form.

  29. The Chaberte is a hardy tree, good for the uplands, and prolific; a delicious nut, small but excellent for confectioners use.

  30. It resembles the icing composition made by confectioners with whipped white of egg, sugar, and starch, for the ornamentation of cakes.

  31. In most of the trades it was four years; but in the case of the makers of ribbons and of boxes it was five years; while stocking-makers were apprenticed for six, and wax-makers and confectioners for eight years.

  32. Confectioners use pyroligneous acid instead of lemon-juice, and there is no objection to it in small quantities.

  33. For icing large cakes confectioners use a stand which has a revolving board, so that cakes can conveniently be turned about; failing this, an ordinary board or inverted plate can be made to answer.

  34. Some confectioners use a teaspoonful of flour, with the idea that the macaroons are not so apt to fall.

  35. The méringue paste alluded to as used by foreign confectioners is made by beating the white of an egg with a tablespoonful of powdered sugar until stiff.

  36. It is often employed by cooks and confectioners instead of isinglass, and by painters to make their size.

  37. An apparatus of peculiar construction, employed by the French confectioners for making ices.

  38. Dissolved in rectified spirit it is much used as a flavouring substance by confectioners and liquoristes.

  39. The confectioners generally omit the nutmeg, and make their mucilage with either rose or orange-flower water, or else add the dry gum to the mass, and then mix up the powders with one or other of these liquids.

  40. M] However, nitrobenzol is very useful in scenting soap, and might be employed with great advantage by confectioners and cooks, particularly on account of its safety, being entirely free from prussic acid.

  41. We need scarcely mention, that vanilla is greatly used by cooks and confectioners for flavoring.

  42. The booths were still open, as well as those of confectioners and bhung or opium sellers; but the lights were being extinguished, and the groups which had been concealed within turned into the street.

  43. That is why the confectioners bake 'Vryers and Vrysters' of cake at St. Nicholas time.

  44. These are used by the Chilian confectioners in the preparation of sweetmeats, and by the boys as marbles, being in shape and size like them.

  45. The fruit is used by confectioners and others for flavoring creams, liquors, and chocolates.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confectioners" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.