One great mischief attending these confederacies was, the extorting from the king pardons for the most enormous crimes.
By our apostolic authority we hereby dissolve all conspiracies and confederacies that have been made since the quarrel between the crown and the church began, and forbid them under threat of excommunication.
Take the loyal states as they now stand and look at the map of the United States, and regard two hostile confederacies stretching along for thousands of miles across the continent.
Along their courses two Indian confederacies were organized under the spur of British influence, to oppose the advance of the infant republic of the United States.
On the waters of the Wabash, the Miamis and the Scioto, dwelt powerful confederacies of savages who regarded their intrusion as a menace and a threat.
He was ever engaged in hereditary or personal animosities or confederacies with his neighbours, and often gave protection to all desperate adventurers and criminals, who could be useful in serving his violent purposes.
Hostility of Sparta to all the partial confederacies of Greece, now first proclaimed under the name of universal autonomy.
These savages belonged to one of the confederacies into which the native tribes of Florida were divided, and with three of which the French came into contact.
These three confederacies hated each other, and were constantly at war.
Whether planets, or mountains, or mollusks, or subjunctive moods, or tribal confederacies were the things studied, the scholars who studied them most deeply and most fruitfully were those who studied them as phases in a process of development.
The strenuous conflicts and alternate victories of two rival confederacies of statesmen.
The beginnings ofconfederacies have been always vigorous and successful.
Again, under the confederation, as inconfederacies generally, the states were equal.
Both the equality of representation in the senate, and the election of senators by the state legislatures, are in strict conformity with the plan of the confederation, and of simple confederacies generally.
Fraternities of this kind, into which as a special favour princes and nobles were received, were called =Confederacies for the Dead=.
If confederacies were easy--useless;--many oppresses many.
Confederacies in learning--every great work the work of one.
If there have been projects of partial confederacies to be erected upon the ruins of the Union, they have been scattered to the winds.
All associations and confederacies with the enemies of true religion and godliness,' says the Testimony, 'are thus expressly condemned in Scripture, and represented as dangerous to the true Israel of God.
And if simple confederacies with malignants and enemies to the cause of Christ are condemned, much more is an incorporation with them, which is an embodying of two into one, and therefore a straiter conjunction.
The disgusted nobles organized confederacies for the purpose of deposing the minister.
William was the ablest statesman in Europe, and had been trained in the tactics of confederacies from his cradle.
The looser the tie of union, the greater the number of confederacies into which the nation should split, the safer they would feel.
To bargain therefore with such an one for a toleration of religion, were contrary to the scriptures, contrary to the covenants and principles of the church of Scotland, against associations and confederacies with such enemies.
They are covenants of peace, or confederacies with God's enemies, whom we should count our enemies, and hate them because they hate him, Psal.
From the nature of this payment, it is notour they are sinful compliances and transactions with Christ's declared enemies, and do partake of unitive confederacies with them; which are demonstrated to be sinful, Head 3.
These were all sinful compliances and confederacies with the wicked, making their peace with them to whom they paid them; therefore all peace-making payments, by way of unitive agreement with the wicked must be sinful.
So that it is to be understood generally, against confederacies with all, to whom the moral ground is applicable, and the danger of insnaring the people of God.
On both sides of the main advance, powerful Indian confederacies contested the ground, opposing the entry of the whites.
The southern part of the Indian Country was early set aside as the new home of the eastern confederacies lying near the Gulf of Mexico.
Thus the boundary lines between the confederacies were ever shifting.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confederacies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.