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Example sentences for "cones"

Lexicographically close words:
condyles; condylobasal; condyloid; cone; coned; conestable; coneys; confab; confabulation; confabulations
  1. Kagyzman was still visible in the trough of the landscape; the two low cones on the cliffs beyond the town were especially prominent, enveloped in a sheet of unbroken snow.

  2. Besides more substantial offerings, there were little cones of rice with a round wafer of butter at the top, ranged on the altar in order.

  3. In shaking the whole irregularly, whenever the openings of the two cones came together, more or less of this mercury made its way into the vial and liquefied the amalgam.

  4. With the pointer Marion drew aimless little invisible volutes upon the map, connecting the two spruce cones with an imaginary scroll design.

  5. Whereupon she surrendered the receiver and walked around the high, map-covered table, and amused herself by playing an imaginary game of billiards with the pointer for a cue and two little spruce cones which she took from her pocket for balls.

  6. They even go so far as to rake back the pine needles and dry cones as thoroughly as possible, and in that manner they prevent the flames from creeping along the ground.

  7. The American and European Larches differ only in the longer flowing foliage and the larger cones of the latter.

  8. Among the minor beauties of both species may be mentioned the bright crimson cones that appear in June and resemble clusters of fruit.

  9. The wheel to which the cones are attached, base to base, is two feet six inches in diameter, and the height of each cone is three feet six inches.

  10. The whole weight of the wheel and cones must be made to bear on a shoulder in the spindle, on which the block of the wheel is to turn.

  11. The inflammable air pistol is nothing more than a hollow metallic cylinder, or an instrument in the shape of two cones joined base to base, and furnished with a touch-hole, and handle.

  12. This wheel is to be fired, when the cones are burnt out, which may be done as before described.

  13. Its cones are purple, and hang free, in the form of little tassels two inches long from all the sprays from top to bottom.

  14. How well they sing in the wind, and how strikingly harmonious an effect is made by the immense cylindrical cones that depend loosely from the ends of the main branches!

  15. Old specimens, bearing cones about as big as pineapples, may sometimes be found clinging to rifted rocks at an elevation of seven or eight thousand feet, whose highest branches scarce reach above one's shoulders.

  16. The fertile cones are bright grass-green, measuring about two inches in length by one and a half in thickness, and are made up of about forty firm rhomboidal scales densely packed, with from five to eight seeds at the base of each.

  17. But the immense size of the cones of the Sugar Pine--from fifteen to twenty inches in length--and those of the Jeffrey variety of the Yellow Pine compel him to adopt a quite different method.

  18. The staminate cones of all the coniferae are beautiful, growing in bright clusters, yellow, and rose, and crimson.

  19. The cones are about three or four inches long, and two and a half wide, growing in close, sessile clusters among the leaves.

  20. The cones are green while growing, and are usually found over all the tree, forming quite a marked feature as seen against the bluish-gray foliage.

  21. This is due to the same cause, and resembles, except in size, the comparatively minute cones of mountain streams.

  22. Then, again, the question would arise, which should be regarded as mere subsidiary cones and which are separate volcanoes.

  23. Here and there rose a stone phallus, and large stags roamed peacefully about, spurning the fallen fir-cones with their cloven hoofs.

  24. They consisted of two cones of porphyry laid the one upon the other--the upper one of the two, which carried a funnel, being made to revolve upon the second by means of strong bars.

  25. There were temples with wreathed columns bearing bronze capitals and metal chains, cones of dry stones with bands of azure, copper cupolas, marble architraves, Babylonian buttresses, obelisks poised on their points like inverted torches.

  26. This ratio has been derived from numerous observations on cones so recently formed that the interfluves without question are still intact.

  27. The slopes of the volcanic cones are for the most part deeply recessed on the southern or shady sides.

  28. Ever since their completion these cones have been eroded by snow on one side and by water on the other.

  29. As in many other cases we have here a great lava plateau broken frequently by volcanic cones of variable composition.

  30. In the Chili Valley is Arequipa (8,000 feet), right at the foot of the big cones of the Maritime Cordillera (see Fig.

  31. Large amounts of volcanic ash and lapilli were thrown out in the late stages of volcanic eruption in which the present cones of the Maritime Andes were formed.

  32. Among the forms of high importance, yet causally unrelated to the other closely associated types, are the volcanic cones and plateaus of the western Cordillera.

  33. The cones are made up in right-and left-hand threads to correspond to the threads on the spindles.

  34. Paper cones are set point downward in the ground, and baited with a few corn kernels; then some bird-lime is smeared around the insides.

  35. I'm told that it takes only a few of these cones to keep off a whole flock of crows.

  36. We will bring home all the cones to build the Christmas fire.

  37. The basket of cones stood beside the hearth.

  38. Ah, do let us go, mother; fir cones blaze so magnificently.

  39. Then suddenly the splendor faded, and sinking with one consent into ashes, the cones sifted through the logs and vanished forever, their mission accomplished, their work done.

  40. And at the close of the strain all the cones closed together, and emitted a sigh so profound and so melancholy that Hilda started from her chair.

  41. The children with their baskets ran about picking up the bright cones which once hung like a coronet upon the forehead of the fir.

  42. When the cones are pressed together or engaged, their friction causes the pulley to rotate along with the shaft; when they are disengaged, the pulley is free to stand still.

  43. OA its axis, Obb a cone rolling on it, OB the axis of the rolling cone, OT the line of contact of the two cones at the instant under consideration.

  44. That condition is fulfilled by a pair of continuous cones generated by the revolution of two straight lines inclined opposite ways to their respective axes at equal angles.

  45. The polhode and herpolhode cones are then right circular, and the motion is "precessional" according to the definition of S 18.

  46. The cones generated by the instantaneous axis in the body and in space are called the polhode and herpolhode cones, respectively; in the actual motion the former cone rolls on the latter (S 7).

  47. The whole of the foregoing reasonings are applicable, not merely when A and B are actual regular cones, but also when they are the osculating regular cones of a pair of irregular conical surfaces, having a common apex at O.

  48. The angle made by the sides of the cones with the axis should not be less than the angle of repose.

  49. The rolling surfaces of actual wheels consist of frusta or zones of the complete cones or disks, as shown by W1, W2 in figs.

  50. The special case where both cones are right circular and [omega] is constant is important in astronomy and also in mechanism (theory of bevel wheels).

  51. One little three-foot tree had several large cones full of seed.

  52. The cones of the limber pine, which vary from three to seven inches in length, are purple, having thick rounded scales and being abruptly peaked at the apex.

  53. And under every bunch of choya, along and in the trail, were the discarded joints, like little frosty pine cones covered with spines.

  54. He drew his hands away full of the great glistening cones of thorns.

  55. These cones consisted of half-melted ice, gelatinous, and much like the spawn of a frog.

  56. Exposed to the open air, the substance of the cones became quickly granulated, like the ice that is formed at the bottom of rivers.

  57. Remembering the wise woman's advice, Yvonne dipped the acorns and pine cones in the brook and planted them in the desert sand before she slept.

  58. They followed the princess to the gates of the kingdom, and as she was about to depart, an old wise woman gave her a bag, saying: "Within this bag are pine cones and acorns of marvelous power.

  59. Let me give you a brief explanation: Light strikes the retina of the eye; the rods and cones pass on impulses to the bipolar cells, which send them on to the optic nerve, which goes to the brain .

  60. This specterscope breaks up the light going into the eye in such a manner that the rods and cones receive only a certain wavelength.

  61. The wicked old sinner of a priest had written to me, in answer to my requests, to say that there were no cones this year, and I had believed him till I heard by chance it was false.

  62. The smell of these cones is very strong, like pineapple and cake fermented together; it is a very thick smell, and in a room one of the cones was very persistent and penetrating, though it did not seem to attract any insects at all.

  63. Having associated the Cryptomeria always with the stately giants that surround the temples, I had never associated these green hedges, three feet high, with them, nor did I realise that they could bear cones while so young.

  64. The cones were long and slender, externally covered by the closely packed tips of the scales, which overlapped deeply.

  65. The many genera of Lepidodendron bore several distinct types of cones of different degrees of complexity.

  66. In the ripe cones the scales separate from the cone axis.

  67. The cones are very large, but the male and female are different in size and organization.

  68. Equally similar are the cones of the living Equisetum and some of the simple members of the fossil family Calamiteae, but the more interesting cases are those where differences of an important morphological nature are to be seen.

  69. In several of the genera the cones were simple in organization, directly comparable with those of the living Lycopods, though on a much larger scale (see p.

  70. The large group of the Lepidodendra included some members whose fructifications had advanced so far beyond the simple sporangial cones described above as to approach very closely to seeds in their construction.

  71. Their double series of foliage leaves, their complex cones (whose structures are not yet fully understood), and their wood all support the latter view.

  72. The external appearance of the long slender cones was not unlike that of the Calamite cones, though their internal details showed important distinctions.

  73. In some specimens these features alone are present in the cones, but in younger cones from the American plants further structures are found attached.

  74. Other cones had sporangia similar in size and shape, but which produced spores of two kinds, large ones resulting from the ripening of only two or three tetrads in the lower sporangia, and numerous small ones in the sporangia above.

  75. CONES The blue mist of after-rain fills all the trees; the sunlight gilds the tops of the poplar spires, far off, behind the houses.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cones" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.