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Example sentences for "conduits"

Lexicographically close words:
conductress; conducts; conduire; conduit; conduite; conduplicate; conduyt; condylar; condyle; condyles
  1. When chlorinated water is passed through closed conduits and basins the effect of light is of course nil but in open conduits and reservoirs this factor is appreciable and reduces the necessary contact period.

  2. Conduits and gas pipes must be securely fastened in outlet boxes, junction boxes, and cabinets, so as to secure good electrical connections.

  3. Wires used in conduits must have approved rubber insulation and double braid.

  4. Run all conduits so that they will drain.

  5. Connections to grounded pipes and to conduits must be exposed to view or readily accessible, and must be made by means of approved ground clamps to which the ground wires must be soldered.

  6. They should, furthermore, be kept entirely separate, in separate conduits and using separate meters.

  7. The mesaraic veins suck out of it what is good and fit, leaving behind the excrements, which are, through special conduits for that purpose, voided by an expulsive faculty.

  8. More water conduits from hills, heaths, and springs were built to provide the citizens of London with more water.

  9. Mayors of cities repaired water conduits and pipes under the ground in their cities.

  10. And beside the conduits be many vessels of gold, by the which they that be of household drink at the conduit.

  11. And under the mountour be conduits of beverage that they drink in the emperor's court.

  12. Mirkhond speaks also of a tree of gold and precious stones in the city of Sultanieh, in the interior of which were conduits through which flowed drinks of different kinds.

  13. Elphinstone says he has heard of such subterranean conduits 36 miles in length.

  14. And as yet I speake of the conduits of the common sort; what when I shall come to the bathes of freedmen?

  15. On the western extremity of the area are remains of baths, the walls of which are stuccoed; and there are remaining earthenware conduits still entire in several places.

  16. Edward Jackman, one of the sheriffs, 1564, gave towards the conduits one hundred pounds.

  17. William Combes, sheriff, 1441, gave to the work of the conduits ten pounds.

  18. And now some benefactors to these conduits shall be remembered.

  19. The Lady Ascue, widow of Sir Christopher Ascue, 1543, gave towards the conduits one hundred pounds.

  20. It hath under officers, common sewers, and conduits in streets; according to the quality of causes, it hath general courts and assembles upon appointed days.

  21. Barnard Randulph, common sergeant of the city, 1583, gave to the water conduits nine hundred pounds.

  22. Conduits of Thames water, by the parish churches of St. Mary Magdalen, and St. Nicolas Colde Abbey near unto old Fish street, in the year 1583.

  23. Thus much for the conduits of fresh water to this city.

  24. Aqueducts and conduits of water are spoken of by Menander as existing in the time of Shalmaneser; all modern historians agree in attributing their construction to a very remote antiquity.

  25. And, after these, sacrifices of another sort--the cry of battle and the clash of arms across this hoary relic, its conduits filled with a crimson tide that flowed without regard to ritual or priest.

  26. Among other things he will notice a number of small square holes, cut long ago to receive the ends of slender supports that upheld a royal canopy or screen, and he will see the conduits cut to carry off the blood of the sacrifice.

  27. Footnote 3: "It was a great contributing to this misfortune that the Thames Water House was out of order, so that the conduits and pipes were almost all dry.

  28. Through the whole island goes the myriad echo of a hollow booming, with an incessant sound as though waters were pouring through vast hidden conduits in the heart of every precipice, every rock, every bowlder.

  29. Young readers are sometimes puzzled, in reading accounts of ancient processions through city streets, at the frequent references to the Conduits passed on the way.

  30. Sixth: Open the outlet flue adjacent to the engine for the purpose of purging the apparatus and the conduits of the air which they contain until the gas may be lighted at the test-cock placed near the motor.

  31. For conduits of small diameter the elbows with covers may be replaced with =T= connections, or connections provided with plugs.

  32. It will also be well to provide water-pressure gages before and after the scrubber to enable the attendant to ascertain the vacuum in the conduits and to adjust the running of the apparatus.

  33. Whether the expense of extending conduits and pipe lines to a single generating station will more than offset the advantages to be gained thereby is a question that should be decided on a number of factors varying with each case.

  34. Underground conduits cannot be relied on to exclude moisture and acids of the soil from the cables which they contain, and either of these agents may lead to destructive results.

  35. The next step is to find out how much the temperature of the air in the conduits where the cable is to be used will rise above the temperature of the earth in which the conduits are laid, with the given watt loss per foot of cable.

  36. Underground conduits have little or no value as insulators of high voltages, because it is practically impossible to keep them water-tight and prevent absorption or condensation of moisture therein.

  37. Dolphins shall bring musicians on their backs, and spout out cans of beer beyond the conduits on the Mayor's-day.

  38. The conduits of his vital spring being ripp'd, Spurtl'd my robes, soliciting revenge.

  39. The buildings which require to be connected by conduits are of course those concerned with the manufacture of nitro-glycerine.

  40. The water-carriers who congregate around the conduits are represented by Cob in Every Man in His Humour.

  41. The streets were hung with cloth of gold and silver and silken stuff, and the conduits ran wine for three hours.

  42. Further, the ducts which spring out like kinds of conduits from the gall-bladder and which pass into the liver have no resemblance either to arteries, veins or nerves.

  43. Sometimes one end only of a fissure, the more widely gaping portion, has supplied the conduits for the molten lava.

  44. Wherever there are two or more series of fissures, and this would appear to be the normal condition, places favorable for lava conduits occur at fissure intersections.

  45. Those places upon fissures which become lava conduits appear to be the ones where the cleft gapes widest so as to furnish the widest channel.

  46. On certain days the water conduits are closed, and the fields are laid under water.

  47. Several small conduits are brought from the Rimac, some for giving moisture to fields, and others for filling the street trenches of Lima.

  48. Many of these conduits were subterraneous, and it is now no longer possible to find them; in some parts they were constructed with pipes of gold, which the Spaniards eagerly seized as valuable booty.

  49. Traces of these water-conduits are to be seen throughout the whole of Peru, and even where the canals themselves no longer exist, the divisional boundaries of the fields they watered are still discernible.

  50. Conduits outside the general outline of the tunnel are difficult to excavate, to lay, and to water-proof, and should be avoided wherever possible.

  51. This water-proofing was to extend from the bottom of the cable conduits to the springing of the brick arch.

  52. The side-walls and subgrade electric conduits were water-proofed with felt and pitch.

  53. Building concrete wall for conduits to be laid against, and, where there was a middle trench, filling up with concrete between the conduits; 4.

  54. Where sub-track conduits were used, these were to be surrounded with their own water-proofing.

  55. The deep space beneath the floor is used as a sump for drainage, and manholes for access to the cable conduits are placed in the benches.

  56. The benches are utilized for the cable conduits in the usual way.

  57. It will be seen that in all work, except in the Gy-East contract, there was a bench at each side of each tunnel in which the cable conduits were embedded.

  58. The water-proofing of the sub-track conduits was troublesome, as the numerous layers and the necessity for preserving the proper laps in both directions between adjacent layers made the whole thing a kind of Chinese puzzle.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conduits" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.