The safe tensile strength of Portland cement concrete would be something like one-tenth of its compressive strength, and might be far less.
It has considerablecompressive or crushing strength, but is somewhat deficient in shearing strength, and distinctly weak in tensile or pulling strength.
Trautwine states that the figures above given for the compressive strengths of wood are only averages and are subject to much variation.
These compressive strengths are less than the tensile strengths of the same woods, and should therefore be employed in calculation, since the fibres on one side of a bending pin are compressed while the fibres on the other side are elongated.
B what is the probable distribution of the mixture when the piston starts on its compressive stroke.
The compressive resistance which would have been produced by the imaginary longitudinals at the elastic limit of the hooping metal, the volume of the imaginary longitudinals being taken as 2.
When they are so fixed, the concrete will take compressive stresses and a certain portion of the shear, the remaining shear being transmitted to the rod from the concrete above it, but only through friction.
To quote from one of these works: "The compressive resistance of a hooped member exceeds the sum of the following three elements: (1) The compressive resistance of the concrete without reinforcement.
The compressive resistance of the longitudinal rods stressed to their elastic limit.
As a matter of fact, they are neither in shear nor wholly in tension, they are simply in bending between the centers of the compressive resultants, as indicated in Fig.
It may lessen the compressive strength of a concrete column.
He says they are in bending between the centers of compressive resultants.
True, if brackets are omitted, some compensation is provided by the strengthening which horizontal bars may give by extending through this region, but sufficient additional compressive resistance is rarely afforded thereby.
In the calculation of continuous T-beams, it is necessary to consider the fact that the moment of inertia for negative moments is small because of the lack of sufficient compressive area in the stem or web.
Since this cannot be the case, the force will be resolved into two components, one of which will cause a tensile stress in the rod and the other will pass through the centroid of the compressive stress area.
A formula for the compressive strength of a column could not include an element varying with the size of the lattice.
The bolts or dowels would be good for only a part of the safe shearing strength of the steel, because the bearing on the concrete would be too great for its compressive strength.
Mr. Brunel also made the upper deck cellular, in order to resist the compressive strain that would come on it when the ship was heavily loaded in the middle of her length.
This bracing counteracts any tendency of the ribs to bend sideways under the compressive strain.
The form of the bottom flange is suited to the compressive strain it has to bear when the bridge is being moved.
As long as the compressive force acted along the longitudinal axis of the links, there was no lateral resultant and the only load on the small rollers was that due to the dead weight of the link itself.
Even a four-kilometre deposit might reduce the effective resistance of the crust to compressive forces, by 10 per cent.
As an instance, consider the piling up of sediments over the existing materials of the Alps, which resulted from the compressive force acting from south to north in the progress of Alpine upheaval.
It has long been inferred that compressive stress in the crust must be a primary condition of these movements.
But are there any grounds for the 124 assumption that the compressive resistance of a complex of sedimentary rocks is inferior to one of igneous materials?
It must be assumed that the crust in following downwards the shrinking subcrustal magma, develops immense compressive stresses in 122 its materials, vast geographical areas being involved.
The downward deflection of the crust is of course an outcome of the same compressive stresses which elevate the mountain.
Where this is the case, the plates may be seen to have buckled out of truth, showing that they are unable, as thin plates, to sustain the compressive stress to which the rest of the boom is liable.
It is found that, though nominally in tension, the end bays are liable occasionally to buckle, as though under compressive stress, and need stiffening, not excepting girders which at one end are mounted on rollers.
The effect of this flexing of the flange would be, of course, to increase the amount of compressive stress along one edge, though to what degree cannot now be stated.
Other tests include those in muffles to determine the rate of expansion and the effect of heat and compressive stresses combined on the compressive strength of the various structural materials.
The smaller machines are capable of making tension and compressive tests up to 4 ft.
These machines are equipped so that all are available for making tensile and compressive tests (Fig.
Character of stone as to percentage of absorption, porosity, permeability, compressive strength, and behavior under treatment.
Since the strength of concrete is usually ten-fold greater in compression than in tension, designs should be compressive whenever possible, all tensile strains being carefully committed to the steel.
Beams, too, cannot have much length in a material which is only one tenth as strong in tensile as in compressive resistance.
This calling into play of tension constitutes the chief merit of the truss, and enables it in roofs and bridges to span breadths impossible to simple beams bending downward under compressive strains.
In this way the tendency of the periphery to fly apart is withstood by the compressive forces at the central portion of the disc.
This will be seen in the following table: Weight Tensile Compressive per cubic ft.
In this connection the following table will be of interest: Compressive Weight Tensile Strength Strength per cubic foot per sq.
Forest Service] The lateral bending of a column produces a combination of bending with compressive stress over the section, the compressive stress being maximum at the section of greatest deflection on the concave side.
Inasmuch as the endwise compressive strength is sometimes not more than five times the shearing strength, the shearing surface should be less than five times the surface to which the load is applied.
If the same stick is braced in such a way that flexure is prevented, its supporting strength is increased enormously, since the compressive stress acts uniformly over the section, and failure is by crushing or splitting, as in small blocks.
In other words, the transverse strength of beams at elastic limit is practically equal to the compressive strength of the same material in short columns.
Tests on the relation between cross-bending and direct compressive strength in timber.
When external forces act upon a bar in a direction away from its ends or a direct pull, the stress is a tensile stress; when toward the ends or a direct push, compressive stress.
The compressivestress parallel to the fibres causes them to buckle or bend as in an endwise compressive test.
Decannulation in these cases can only follow the removal of the compressive mass, which may be thymic, neoplastic, hypertrophic or inflammatory.
Treatment of compressive stenosis of the esophagus depends upon the nature of the compressive lesion and is without the realm of endoscopy.
A, shows cane-shaped cannula for use in intrathoracic compressive or other stenoses.
The nature of thecompressive mass will require for its determination the aid of the roentgenologist, internist, and clinical laboratory.
A compressive stenosis due to hepatic abnormality may simulate spasmodic stenosis as shown by Mosher, who believes that 75 per cent of so-called cardiospasms are organic.
Permanent cure depends upon the removability of the compressive mass.
The lesions may be gummatous, ulcerative, or inflammatory, or there may be compressive granulomatous masses.
Peritracheal or peribronchial malignancy may produce a compressive stenosis covered with normal mucosa.
The compressive mass can be detected by the sensation transmitted to the touch by the esophagoscope.
The long axis of the slit is almost always at right angles to the compressive mass, if the esophageal wall be uninvolved.
It is capable of bearing great compressive strains, and of effectually excluding the influx of all such waters as it may be desirable to keep out, and is not liable to decay under ordinary circumstances.
At each stage of the mountain-building movement thesecompressive strains have had to contend with the very great weight of the rocks which they had to move.
If this stress becomes great enough, the value of the tensile stress in one side of the column may actually exceed the principalcompressive stress, and a net effect of tension result.
The circular section is theoretically the most efficient to bear compressive loading.
Cast iron would naturally have been selected for a member that resisted a compressive stress, as it was considerably cheaper than wrought iron.
Because the alignment of the compressive forces remained about the same throughout deformation (i.
Initial faulting of the rocks relieved some of the stress; however, with continued application of compressive forces many stages of folding and faulting were generated.
This has the effect of bringing the vertical load on the top of the envelope; but a greater portion of the compressive force comes on the lower half, where it helps to resist the bending moment due to the unusually short suspensions.
Next comes the birth of the range when, due to the great lateral compressive force, the strata are thrown into folds and forced to appear above sea level, the range thus literally being born out of the sea.
The great compressive force which folded and upraised the Taconic Mountains did not accomplish its work rapidly in the ordinary human history sense of the word.
During the next, or youthful stage, the range grows (with increasing altitudes) because of continued application of the compressive force.
These facts all go to show that the mountain-making compressive force applied to the region was of rather an extreme type.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compressive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.