The Shelleyan enthusiasts are sometimes heard to suggest that Hogg may have made too much of what Shelley told him about the physician's comminatorytaste and achievements.
The willing listeners never seem to have expressed disgust at the comminatory performance.
This comminatory answer did not come as a surprise.
Many inscriptions, comminatoryor exhortatory, written in books and directed to readers, have been commemorated in "N.
Comminatory and exhortatory cautions not to soil, spoil, or tear books and MSS.
Comminatory Inscriptions in Books, by Philarète Chasles 472 Liveries Worn, and Menial Services performed, by Gentlemen, by J.
Its tone is comminatory throughout; nowhere do we hear, as in other prophecies, the promise of pardon in return for penitence.
It was essentially a comminatory discourse, the purpose of it being to rouse a sinful nation to the sense of its peril, by a faithful picture of its actual condition, which was so different from what it was popularly supposed to be.