Many natives ate this bird with relish, and being easily captured, either on land or sea, the commercialism of its day soon obliterated the species.
In the making of fishing-rods, commercialism plays small part; but in about forty cases out of every fifty the making of guns is solely a matter of dollars and profits.
In your general charge ofcommercialism you make it appear that the exploitation of amorphous phosphorus had the ulterior purpose of appealing to the sexual neurasthenic along the lines of the “lost manhood” ads.
The mischiefs wrought by modern commercialismare largely the fruit of the purely irrational production which it encourages.
But he is sunk in the base commercialism of the age, and, sad to relate, he has the sympathies of the dramatic author, who wants to see his piece run say a hundred nights, instead of twenty.
James Russell Lowell used dialect for dynamite to blow the front off hypocrisy or to shatter the cotton commercialism in which the New England conscience was encysted.
Whatever her motive, it is more than likely that she was what the commercialism of to-day would call an "asset.
At times he expressed his disdain of the law's mere commercialism in a stinging irony.
The lower part of the island was filled with cold commercialism which frightened him.
She did not say that there was an element of practical household commercialism in it, for she was considered one of the best buyers in the family and that she was sent to buy by various members of the family in quantities.
Here you have commercialism in its simplest form; but our office-boy, though he likes the money well enough, stands on a much higher plane.
I'm tired--dog-tired of compromise and commercialism and all the rest of it.
He had freed himself from Cyrus and from commercialism at a single blow, and it had all been as easy as talking!
He told father that his sordid commercialism would end by destroying all that was charming in Dinwiddie.
He had that particular disdain of commercialism which is inseparable from the incapable and unsuccessful, and yet, if the light of his genius were to illuminate a desolate world, Mr. Perkins must have money.
The nineteenth century has been commercial enough in all conscience, bestially, brutally commercial; but its commercialism and brutality will be nothing to the commercialism and brutality of the twentieth.
It was to set its face sternly against Democracy, Commercialismand Decadence.
And it is time for society to recognize some of the responsibility for graft that rests on it, for setting standards that cause commercialism to dominate the age.
Leading physicians unhesitatingly say that commercialism is the bane of the medical profession.
One-half of all the medical schools of our country are utterly unfit to turn out properly qualified physicians, and many of them are so dominated by commercialism that they are but little better than diploma mills"!
The reaction from this reform programme had thrown him more than ever back upon his ideas of a Socialistic revolution which should destroy Commercialism itself, and he had become its enthusiastic champion.
But how can I ever reconcile Van Meter's commercialism with any living religion?
All who know the mountaineers intimately have observed that the sudden inroad of commercialism has a bad effect upon them.
The lumber, coal, and mineral wealth of the mountains is to be possessed, and the unprincipled vanguard of commercialism can easily debauch a simple people.
And it should act quickly, because commercialism exploits and debauches quickly.
Commercialism has discovered the mountains at last, and no sentiment, however honest, however hallowed, can keep it out.
Imperialism was the reef on which the classic empires were wrecked; commercialismis the danger that threatens our ship of state.
Such a man is hard to find in this age of commercialism which has all but quenched the spark of true patriotism in the hearts of the people.
Commercialism with us is unknown, for no one works for profit.
The disease--or shall we say, to use a neutral term--the diathesis of commercialism found in America an open field and swept through it like a fire.
What I am calling commercialismis the infancy, not the maturity of a civilisation.
It is, I think, not unfair to suppose that it is this indifference or vulgar Philistinism which is largely responsible for the sordidcommercialism of the good people of the last century.
Whether commercialism or aestheticism will win in the end, it remains for the legislators of the future to decide.
She has seen our last two Governments forget that we are an Imperial Power and endeavour to apply the principles of sheer commercialism to the conduct of a great nation.
Commercialism is very prominent in Revelation in connection with the full measure of wickedness, the climax of ungodliness.
Money, riches and commercialism play a very important part in the popular religious enterprises.
As a comprehensive indictment of the commercialism and triviality of Victorian art this leaves little to be desired.
But the virus of commercialism was in us, too; it forbade us to make the best of a divine institution, and tempted us to make the worst.
Then Miss Woodburn cut in, before her father could answer: "The coase of commercialism is on that, too.
Dryfoos tried to grasp the idea of commercialism as the colonel seemed to hold it; he conceived of it as something like the dry-goods business on a vast scale, and he knew he had never been in that.
The law of commercialism is on everything in a commercial society," the Colonel explained, softening the tone in which his convictions were presented.
It was the same in Müller's day; it has always been an admitted fact, and it always will be acknowledged that the cloven hoof of commercialism has marked the oncoming of a decadent period.
This, at the time, except to Schou, may not have been recognized as the happiest omen, but it is a postulate that art and commercialism do not usually thrive together.
Of course one must admit that it is this commercialism that brings about many of the greatest aids to our completer civilisation and comfort, and it has not to be regarded as an enemy to all things.
It is right and proper that the makers of golfing goods should practise their commercialism to the utmost extent of their capacity outside the area of the game, but not inside our doors.
There is another possible contingency, though as yet a remote one, in which commercialism may infringe injuriously upon the game, and that is in exploiting it as a spectacle and charging "gate money" to the public.
III It must be seen to that the canker of commercialismis never permitted to eat its way into the game, for if it were the game would be ruined, as other games and sports have been ruined in that way.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commercialism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.