Exasperated by Weyler's atrocities upon non-combatant patriots, he dared to destroy or confiscate the property of Spanish sympathizers.
Butler, when said Mumford was an unresisting and non-combatant captive, and for no offenses even alleged to have been committed by him subsequent to the date of the occupation of the city.
They were relieved by Walker's command, who immediately attacked vigorously, driving his combatant back with much slaughter.
Sumter, still unfinished, had been designed for a garrison of six hundred and fifty combatant men.
Practically all the Southern "military males" passed into the ranks; and a military male eventually meant any one who could march to the front or do non-combatant service with an army, from boys in their teens to men in their sixties.
Finally, the South generally published the numbers of only its actual combatants, while the Northern returns always included every man drawing pay, whether a combatant or not.
But perhaps a knottier problem than any part of itscombatant duty was how to manage, in the very midst of war, that rapid expansion of its own strength for which no government had let it prepare in time of peace.
Though nothing had been said, it was obvious that if a combatant stepped over this line he would have lost face.
The duel ended upon one combatant or the other falling to the sand.
The French Republic has recruited a force of similar dimensions, bringing Chinese manpower overseas for non-combatant and industrial work.
The expansion of these technical services proceeded easily upon the basis of the reserve corps beginning, but the number of applicants for commissions in the strictly military or combatant branches of the service was relatively small.
To provide in successive bodies adequate numbers of men to be trained and used as combatant forces.
To bring into the lists a combatant equal, or rather superior to Egoism and Malice combined--this is the task of all Ethics.
By the rules of such warfare the non-combatant was spared, wherever possible; not only his life but his property and liberty were secure so long as he did not abuse his position.
They count on the odds that they may convert the public opinion of non-combatant nations to the erroneous belief that Germany is the conqueror, and that further resistance to her is futile.
The knowledge of anatomy mentioned by Nitobe is acquired in order that the combatant may know the weak parts of his adversary's body and attack them.
The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy, and does not require too much from individuals.
Therefore the clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
They then went to single combat, and exhibited the various methods of fighting, with great alertness; parrying off the blows and pushes which each combatant aimed at the other, with great dexterity.
The cannon on Three Tree Hill were silent; the bivouacs and positions of the two combatant armies were veiled in darkness.
The whole affair is an excellent illustration of the advantages conferred upon a combatant by the command of the sea, especially when the openings for attack are numerous, as they are in the case of the Liao-tung Peninsula.
The chief evil that he inflicted was due to the position in which he placed himself as the combatant of the avowed friends of inspiration.
As twilight came on, the last combatant withdrew, and none were left but the dead.
The fourth Combatant catch'd hold of his Left Leg, and unhors'd him again.
The first Combatant that tilted with him, threw him out of the Saddle; the second flung him quite over the Crupper, and laid him sprawling on the Ground, with his Heels quiv'ring in the Air.
The English proclamations, on the other hand, converted these non-combatant farmers into scouts, and often into spies.
Why, it was asked, should the combatant portion of the people fight for the lives and property of men who are too cowardly to fight for themselves?
In a few days he had enrolled ten thousand volunteers, which shows how large the combatantportion of the population was in spite of Quaker doctrine.
It will if, (1) War becomes a completely isolated act, which arises suddenly, and is in no way connected with the previous history of the combatant States.
My husband was a non-combatant in the eye of the law, by reason of his profession.
Out of twenty-three combatant officers who went into this action only three missed death or wounding.
He was not the only one of his department who served as a combatant on that day.
The Labour Directorate had control not only of Chinese Labour but of all other non-combatant working units, except the W.
There was no seat, and generally only room for the combatant and his charioteer to stand in.
It was entirely open at the back, so that the combatant might readily leap to the ground and up again as was necessary.