Lord Edward did entreat him to reserve his strength till there was more need; the field was then clear, the foes had not appeared; but all in vain their eloquence, the king combated it all.
The former defended Judaism against the enemies from without, and combated the prejudices and the ignorance of the Jews themselves.
He combated everything and proposed nothing; the secret of his policy happily accorded with his intellectual impotence and with the nullity of his legislative conceptions.
To secure the benefits of omnipotence, it has combated its rivals with falsified, annulled or constrained elections, with plots and mendacity, with ambushes and sudden assaults, with the pikes of the rabble and with the bayonets of soldiers.
Also the Arians, Priscillianists, Origenists and Marcionites werecombated by him in special treatises, and in the bk.
Agobard combated the mechanical theory of inspiration by the assertion that the holy prophets were something better than Balaam’s ass.
The Dominican Torquemada combated this doctrine, in A.
Even among the bishops they found here and there favour or else mild criticism, while others combated them passionately, some going so far as to regard the prophesying women as possessed ones and calling exorcism to their aid.
For though in the Arian controversy (§ 50, 1) Lucian undoubtedly appears as the father of that Trinitarian-Christological view first recognised and combated as heretical in his pupil Arius in A.
The keenest opponent of this movement was Coornhert, notary and secretary for the city of Haarlem, who combated Calvinism in numerous writings, and depreciated doctrine generally in the interests of practical living Christianity.
Abælard’s fame and following grew in a wonderful manner from day to day; but also powerful opponents dragged his heresies into light and vigorously combated them.
Ephraëm [Ephraim] Syrus, too, combated the Arians frequently in his sermons.
He combated Plato's doctrine that virtue consists in contemplation, and of Epicurus, that it consisted in pleasure.
But he, taking a stand on common sense, fought for morality, as did Reid and Beattie, when they combated the skepticism of Hume.
The National Guards who combated them had equal courage and superior discipline.
I combated his despondence, and assured him of triumph, if he would persevere in a literary career.
Restlessness and continual crying must be combated or digestion suffers, and may show itself in a peculiar form of explosive vomiting, which betokens the reflex excitability and unrest of the stomach.
He felt this was the case, yet would fain have combated the symptoms of indisposition, which, indeed, he imputed chiefly to sea-sickness.
And yet he had striven, he, a solitary man, had combated hand to hand with the ocean, had wrestled even with the tempest.
He combated the erroneous idea that the teeth were formed in the alveoli shortly before their eruption.
This affection is to be combated with internal remedies and local treatment (frictions with medicated powders; application of an ointment of very complicated preparation).
This author combated strenuously some prejudices then generally diffused; such as that of its not being advisable to extract teeth during pregnancy, and that of the extraction of an upper canine (eye tooth) being attended with great danger.
The hemorrhage must becombated with powdered blue vitriol.
On the other hand, he strongly combated the belief, that great changes would be necessary to explain the origin of species.
Desmoulins in 1822 wrote a short but most suggestive paper on the Vertebrata, omitting the birds; he combated the view recently proposed by the entomologist Latreille that temperature was the main factor in distribution.
In the present day, however, its ravages are much less extensive and more easily combated than formerly, and it seldom, if ever, proves fatal.
Slow degenerations of the spinal chord are not easily combated with success.
The excited action is to becombated by leeching and exhibition of calomel in small doses, with or without opium frequently repeated, so as to arrest the lymphatic effusion, which is apt to supervene.
The inflammatory symptoms are to be combated by free abstraction of blood; in short, the utmost endeavours must be made to keep the action within bounds.
In neuralgic affections of joints, it is clear that the symptoms are to be combated by general and not by local means, at least of a severe nature.
Lacerated wounds, and such as penetrate into the interior of the eyeball, cannot be expected to heal without morbid action having been excited: inflammation must be anxiously looked for, and actively combated as soon as it appears.
Inflammatory symptoms are to be warded off and combated by purgatives, antimonials, local abstraction of blood, and fomentations.
But, in cases where the disease cannot be otherwise combated with any hope of success, ligature of the common carotid, on the affected side, may be tried as a last resource.
The girl, as if divining his thoughts, combated them with the delicately pointed weapons of her kind--and prevailed.
On the other hand Philosophy iscombated and condemned by Religion and by the Churches.
This so-called reason on the one hand has combated religious faith in the name and power of thinking reason, and at the same time it has itself turned against reason and is true reason’s adversary.
This method of treatment is combated and condemned by others.
There was a strong prejudice against Sunday schools among some of the clergy, but it was combated by others.
The Quarterly Review vehemently combated the notion of Dr.
If we made an effort to get women on the school boards we were combated and could do nothing.
But in every effort I made in the cause of reform I was combated in one direction or another.
The heresy combated by Ignatius is a type of Gnostic Judaism, the Gnostic element manifesting itself in a sharp form of Docetism.
I am enabled to lay before you an account of an epidemic of this kind, thoroughly investigated and successfully combated by M.
Sprung from a race of theologians, this celebrated man combated to the last the theory of natural selection.
The development of it which he combated was merely the expansion of an already existing power--the bursting into open conflagration of a previously smouldering fire.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "combated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.