The owners of land and capital would be sufficiently powerful to defeat any such simple scheme of setting up the collectivist commonwealth.
Substantially the same difficulties would confront the government in a collectivist organisation of industry.
Not the preaching of abstract justice, but the inevitable transformation of the capitalist into the collectivist organisation of industry, would enable labour to obtain its full product.
The relation of such a habit of life and mind to the Collectivist and Socialist ideas now coming to the front in England, as in every other European country, is obvious enough.
Do you remember how he used to say--'the big changes may come--the big Collectivist changes.
The changes of occupation or profession will not be as considerable as many imagine when society shall be organized under the collectivist regime.
The collectivist economic organization, by assuring to everyone the conditions of existence, will and necessarily must, result in the physical and moral improvement of the human race.
It had indeed been thought that Germany would be the first collectivist State; the Labour Party had there been organised for about one hundred years, and it was everywhere said: ‘Socialism is a thing German?
It was only on the following day that Berlin proclaimed the collectivist state.
Collectivist society,’ he went on to say, ‘differs not only from capitalistic society in the fact that in the former everybody works.
Was the Jacobin party prepared to advance towards a socialist or collectivist form of government?
Of that there was no sign; and several years were yet to pass before Babeuf was to give weight to a collectivist theory of the State.
From the moment it approaches the labor question the "Socialist" part of "State Socialism" completely falls away, and nothing but the purest collectivist capitalism remains.
The Liberals will hold the balance of power, and their small capitalist followers will continue to carry out their capitalistic progressive and collectivist program--even without a Labor alliance.
Ten years ago it would have been held as highly improbable that we would enter into such a collectivist period in half a century.
It promises to fill this function still more fully and vigorously in proportion as collectivist capitalism develops.
Haywood and Bohn by no means take an anarchistic position, they show no enthusiasm for the capitalist-collectivist proposals that present governments should take control of industry.
Neither Plato nor Mr. Shaw, nor any kind of collectivist legislation will permanently abolish it.
The Anarchist at one extreme, and the Collectivist at the other, with the Individualist and the Socialist somewhere between, offer their panaceas.
Yes, as a prime example of a part of my own philosophy totally perverted, I give you the Collectivist Party.
You could always fluster a collectivist by asking for a logical breakdown of that--and make an enemy: they were usually good haters and made a virtue of it.
Ed told me once his father was a pilot in the Collectivist Army during the Civil War.
I do not say dogmatically that it would be so: I do not even say dogmatically that, even if it were, the argument would be conclusive against the collectivist state.
Nor do I hold that in a collectivist state there need be any dangerous relaxation of that motive of self-interest which every reasonable man must admit to be, up to a point, the most potent source of all practical energy.
Setting aside, however, for the sake of argument, this difficulty, and admitting the possibility of an honest and efficient collectivist state, I am confronted with a further and even graver cause of hesitation.
A collectivist state, it is true, might establish and endow academies; but would it ever produce a Shakespeare or a Michelangelo?
This is a correction which, perhaps, both collectivist and anarchist would accept.
The collectivist ideas were given wider publicity and influence by the persecution of the government.
But while under the guild-system this desire had an individualistic character, under the technical conditions of the present time it necessarily led to collectivist ideas.
Besides, to bring about the transformation of capitalist society into a collectivist society, the political machinery of the State must be used.
The other current of communist ideas had its fountainhead in the "International" which Caesar de-Paepe, Marx and Bakounine succeeded in winning over to their collectivist ideas.
Third, the empirical collectivist tends to advocate price-control by the state, if not over the whole range of commodities, at least in certain designated fields.
According to Coker, the empirical collectivist is not willing to forgo the profit motive except where necessary.
Let us dismiss from our minds such criticisms of parliamentary government as are bound up with the present system of private property, and consider only those which would remain true in a collectivist community.
Collectivist or Marxian Socialism would have us believe that it is distinctly a LABOR Movement; but it is not so.
The Syndicalist has claimed everything for the industrial organizations of producers, the Collectivist everything for the territorial or political organizations of consumers.
No man can be a collectivist alone or an individualist alone.
As Mr. Churchill well says, both the collectivist and the individualist principles have deep roots in human life, and the statesman can ignore neither.
Unless the problem is squarely faced, Perrycoste concludes, national deterioration must increase and a permanently successful collectivist society is inherently impossible.
But it is the same with Socialism, or by whatever name we chose to call the Collectivist activities of the community in social reform.
He has become by brute force of circumstances a sort of collectivist, puzzled only as to how much of a collectivist to be.
The collectivist state advocated by the socialist of to-day has scarcely anything in common with the communism of the middle ages.
No better starting point for the criticism of collectivist theories can be found than in a view of the basis on which is supposed to rest the halcyon life of Mr. Bellamy's charming commonwealth.
This was the system of Plato's Republic and is essentially the collectivist ideal.
Yet the public advantages of collectivist activities in certain particular directions cannot for a moment be denied.
Despising Proudhon's impassioned attacks on the slavery of communism, they had gradually been won over by the collectivist theories of Karl Marx or the revolutionary theories of Bakounine, as set forth at the congresses of the International.
The constitutional Liberalism of Fox, the economical Liberalism of Cobden, and the new collectivist Liberalism of Mr. Lloyd {9} George exhibit great differences in comparison.
It is calmly assumed that the only two possible types of society are a Collectivist type of society and the present society that exists at this moment and is rather like an animated muck-heap.
A Collectivist has a perfect right to think it the only sound scheme; but it is not the only plausible or possible scheme.
He expressed all his horror of the Collectivist State as imagined by Mege, a Dictator-State re-establishing ancient servitude on yet closer lines.
It appears that there has been a notable evolution of collectivisttheories in the century or more in which the abolition of human misery has been an accepted problem.
He believed that the institution of a collectivist State would bring great dangers.
The great English philosopher, Herbert Spencer,[172] against whom narrowness of view or conservatism could be urged, energetically attacked collectivist doctrines as tending to reduce human individuality to a dead level.
Although collectivist theories have lost much of their early thoroughness, they are still far from admitting the just claims of the individuals constituting the society.
But, on the whole, this movement towards collectivist organisation on the part of the Liberals rather strengthened than weakened my resolve to cross the floor of the house.
Outside the range of resistance implied by these interests, the Conservative Party has always shown itself just as constructive and collectivist as any other party.