Dicey[201] has pointed out, has been, in spite of Herbert Spencer, away from the individualistic and in the direction of a collectivistic social order.
Society may be regarded at the same time from an individualistic and a collectivistic point of view.
The collectivistic formula tends to set up a static social whole and to prevent the variations of individual initiative which are necessary to progress.
According to this mode of expression collective psyche would be identical with "herd soul" in the individual; but the collectivistic psychology would be a highly differentiated adaptation to society.
A content is collectivistic whose developing tendency aims at universal validity.
The life-line of an individual is the resultant of the individualistic andcollectivistic tendency of the psychological process at any given moment.
If this happens, the conscious real adapted function attains a degree of perfection which may claim universal validity and therefore bears a collectivistic character, in contrast to its originally collective character.