From the army they were handed over to the Committee for Labor Service, which distributed them according to their categories and sent them to the factories.
For instance, he continually remarks that the categories of space and time are not applicable to art, but only the general form of representation.
But for these two categoriesmust be repeated what was said of intellectual distinctions, found mingled with intuitions.
But there is another purpose for which the rhetorical categories should certainly continue to be admitted to the schools: to be criticized there.
Unless a notion of the rhetorical categories be given, accompanied by a suitable criticism of these, there is a risk of their springing up again.
Even writers who were capable of dispensing with prejudice when judging works of art, once they spoke as philosophers, were apt to reassume their belief in those categories which, empirically, they had discarded.
On the other hand, Schopenhauer had begun to submit the Kantian categories to impartial criticism, and finding the two forms of intuition insufficient, added a third, causality.
The rhetorical categories are still mentioned in treatises and often referred to, as having definite existence among the parts of speech.
He then proceeds to establish to his own satisfactioncategories of the imagination, leading from simple talent to the supreme form of male genius in which all faculties flourish together: a faculty of faculties.
This used generally to be done by means of a rough classification by subjects (among which the categories of miscellaneous and eccentric were not wanting); they are now generally arranged by sizes or by publishers.
They are something which cannot be identified with the categories of pleasure, nor of the useful, nor with those of ethic, nor with those of logical truth.
Sidenote] Use of these categories as synonyms of the aesthetic fact.
It comprised a vast array of many different classes of guns for many different purposes, and classified into various categoriesby reference either to their calibres, their mobility or their tactical purposes.
Among both categories the quality of the staff work steadily grew in efficiency, speed and accuracy, and during the last period of active fighting it reached a very high standard indeed.
The country's rapid industrialization and economic growth caused severe shortages in these categories and, in the early 1970s, the educational and training programs still had not met the demands for the upgrading of unskilled workers.
Since about 1955, however, both categories have become available at an accelerated rate.
Payment to individual members is to be based on centrally established work norms and rates of pay for various categories of operations, similar to the practice in industry and construction.
On the other hand, there is a greater percentage of crimes in the categories that are sometimes attributed to an improvement in the standard of living but that reflect dissatisfaction with the rate of the improvement.
An extensive purge of allcategories of teachers was undertaken, and a number of special schools were set up for the political indoctrination of those retained in the system.
It was at this point that students were grouped into general categories according to their aptitudes for advanced education: ultimate university-level study, teaching and technical training, the professional arts, and vocational training.
Increased use of judicial commissions for petty crimes and an accompanying change minimizing confinement in lesser cases have further reduced prison populations and eliminated the need for separate categories of correction institutions.
Kant's categories of thought are original properties of the mind; they receive the crude materials of sense-perception and give them form and meaning.
It may sometimes seem doubtful to which of two categories a poem belongs; whether this or that poem is to be called, for instance, narrative or lyric, lyric or elegiac.
His categories are ingenious but far-fetched, and the result of his employment of them is unsatisfactory.
The Directory comprised several distinct assemblies: two large chambers, consisting of different categories of deputies, and one very small chamber, which consisted of the five Directors.
It is to be understood that Justin does not arrange these categories in order, as I have done.
The Duke of Argyll has now a splendid opportunity for proving to the world in which of these categories it is hereafter to rank him.
Ever since the thirteenth century, the Inquisition would have cheerfully burned, and in Spain did abundantly burn, all persons who came under the categories II.
Within these broad categories of molt pattern there are sometimes variations according to age, sex, and even subspecies (Stresemann and Stresemann 1966).
Number of seabirds of different oceanographic regions having different numbers of categories of food in their diets.
Consequently, the burrow and rock crevicecategories are underestimated.
Areas identified as important under these categoriesmust be included in policy decisions related to land-use planning and management.
Sc), and food categories Oceanic and offshore neritic Inshore neritic Inshore neritic Key: II II III A.
Table 1 shows the relationships between the environmental categories recognized by the writer in the San Gabriel Mountains.
Many other measures may, of course, be of direct local interest; but a member's chief opportunities for earning the gratitude of his constituency fall under the three categories enumerated.
Neither do we require categories or heads of argument to be invented for our use.
And the difficulty of assigning particular actions to one or other of these two categories arises, as I have said, merely because on the objective side, or the side of the nervous system, there is no distinction to be drawn.
Just where he first used the categories I do not know, but I know that he is responsible for them.
Hence temperaments determined according to these four categories do not really exist, and the categorical distinction can have no practical value.
And it was these forms which later on Kant was to call the categories of the intellect, and at bottom Descartes meant nothing else by his innate ideas.
Many Hellenic philosophers[42] recognised pairs of opposing attributes as pervading nature, and as the fundamental categoriesto which the actual varieties of the sensible world might be reduced.
Footnote 42: See the Epigram out of the Anthology, and the extract from the Scholia on the Categories of Aristotle, cited by Wyttenbach in his note on the beginning of the Phaedon.
All these categoriesare negatived; it has no magnitude, is not infinite.
This logic of the understanding seeks, however, in its three stages to imitate the categories of the absolute.
That which is predicated without any connection he treats of more fully as the categories proper, in what follows; yet the work in which these categories are laid down is not to be regarded as complete.
The categories of relation are the syntheses of quality and quantity, and consequently they belonged to reason; but in as far as they are posited as mere relation, they belong to the understanding and are forms of finitude.
For in our consciousness we first of all find the immediate individual, the sensuous real; or there are also categories of the understanding which are held by us to be ultimate and true.
In perception, in ordinary conception, the categories appear: the absolute essence, the speculative view of these elements, is always expressed in expressing perceptions.
On the difference between these two categories see Pohle-Preuss, God the Author of Nature and the Supernatural, pp.
There are, according to him, three categories of supernatural acts: salutary thoughts, holy resolves, and good works.
No reason appears for these differences in policy as to the method of relief of identical categories of women in the different geographical regions into which the Central Authority had divided England and Wales.
The treatment of these categories is so inextricably mixed up with that of the other inmates of the workhouse that we relegate the matter to our subsequent sections.
Nature does not generally supply us with categories of thought, while it gives us no power {38} or opportunity of using them.
Nature does not first supply us with clearly defined categories of thought, and then give us a material to exercise them upon.
In general we discover these abstract categories by using them in our actual thinking.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "categories" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.