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Example sentences for "cocktail"

Lexicographically close words:
cockroaches; cocks; cockscomb; cocksure; cockswain; cocktails; coco; cocoa; cocoanut; cocoanuts
  1. One was always certain of meeting a merry crowd at cocktail time.

  2. Miss Mayblunt begged to be allowed to keep her cocktail untouched before her, just to look at.

  3. Furthermore, at that time in my life I did not know what a cocktail was.

  4. Several times I wandered out of the kitchen to the cocktail bottle, and each time I left it diminished by one man's size cocktail.

  5. A cocktail or two, or several, I found, cheered me up for the foolishness of foolish people.

  6. Yet so little did I stand in need of it, with my own high intensity and vitality, that I never thought it worth while to have a cocktail before my own meal when I ate alone.

  7. Now I was so clean of alcohol that even a single cocktail was provocative of pitch.

  8. I did not care for it, neither wanted it nor did not want it, and so small was the impression made by it that I do not remember my first cocktail nor my first Scotch highball.

  9. When I left the Valley of the Moon, and went to the city, and dined out, a cocktail served at table was a wan and worthless thing.

  10. But I began to notice, when I finished my morning's work, that I was glad if there were a guest, for then I could drink a cocktail with him.

  11. The cocktail was a prod, a spur, a kick, to my jaded mind and bored spirits.

  12. One day, just before I ate midday dinner, after my morning's writing was done, when I had no guest, I took a cocktail by myself.

  13. It happened that she made by far the finest cocktail procurable in that large city where drink-mixing on the part of the foreign population was indeed an art.

  14. I drank my first cocktail at eleven-thirty when I took the morning's mail into the hammock, and I drank my second cocktail an hour later just before I ate.

  15. A cocktail before supper was not the way.

  16. A single cocktail would glow the mind and tickle a laugh for the few minutes prior to sitting down to table and starting the delightful process of eating.

  17. On the other hand, such was the strength of my stomach, of my alcoholic resistance, that the single cocktail was only the glimmer of a glow, the faintest tickle of a laugh.

  18. Why, you stated it as clear as the sun to anybody but an abject idiot; but it's that confounded cocktail that has played the mischief.

  19. I know I ought to understand you perfectly well, but you see that treacherous whisky cocktail has got into my head, and now I cannot understand even the simplest proposition.

  20. But if you won't--" He tosses off the cocktail and sets down the glass, smacking his lips.

  21. The tomatoes are to be cut into baskets with handles and filled with the clam cocktail just before serving.

  22. After the fifth cocktail he kissed her, and between laughter and bantering caresses and a half-stifled flare of passion they passed an hour.

  23. The words in their relation to the cocktail gave Gloria a sort of glow.

  24. Thanks to a cocktail Anthony welcomed the question.

  25. The two men crossed the floor to the cocktail bar in the far corner, behind which a familiar face grinned at them.

  26. May I have a cocktail before I go up to change?

  27. At a table a short distance away, Francis Ledsam was seated with a cocktail and a dish of almonds before him.

  28. You will have time for your first cocktail before you change.

  29. Here's to them, anyway," she added, accepting the cocktail from the tray which the butler had just brought out.

  30. The bartender paused with the cocktail shaker still in his hand.

  31. While waiting for the cocktail and Lady Woodcote's luncheon party, Philip, from where he sat, could not help but overhear the conversation of Faust and of the man with him.

  32. Gridley, the aged butler who was rented with the house, and who for twenty years had been an inmate of it, had brought the cocktail and taken away the empty glass.

  33. And then," said Sam Langham, "I'll shake them up a cocktail and show them their house.

  34. The three were presently sampling a cocktail of the latter's shaking in the latter's snug little house, and speech was loosened in their mouths.

  35. I'd give a ten if Charley Biggers were here with his little cocktail laugh to try me a game of poker.

  36. He handed Carpenter a glass and each drank off his cocktail at a quaff.

  37. Tell you what--we don't have much civilization yet, but we do have a little cocktail lounge.

  38. Winstead thought later that he had eaten something there, but what it might have been he forgot as soon as they returned to the cocktail lounge, for a bottle-swinging brawl broke out almost immediately in a far corner.

  39. And, of course, the problem can be avoided by staying away from cocktail bars.

  40. Chill the prepared fruit, arrange in fruit cocktail glasses with maraschino syrup.

  41. The air was as good a cocktail as a person would want, and the lights along the boardwalk was coming out like dandelion blossoms.

  42. As a matter of fact they seldom look on what we would call liquor at all, hardly ever getting a glympse of anything hard such as rye, scotch or gin, and a cocktail being practically a stranger and a repulsive one at that to them.

  43. He looked from her down to the cocktail he held and moved the glass in a quick little circle to set the yellow liquid swirling.

  44. I'll have to try to mix a cocktail in a tumbler and there isn't any ice.

  45. She was too heavy for her height and her eyes were bright with the light that comes in cocktail glasses.

  46. He called Weiller aside while Norah mixed a last cocktail for the men.

  47. When Camplyn came in to see me and ask for the ingredients of the cocktail which he claims I invented.

  48. The Saint Beau cocktail made me so ill at four that I got up and walked down to my house.

  49. Mix thoroughly and then divide into four cocktail glasses.

  50. And on the stand beside him was a cocktail glass--empty.

  51. He regarded her uneasily, took the cocktail which the maid offered him, drank it, and laid down the glass.

  52. It is an historical cocktail of colours and origins and languages and bloodlines.

  53. The answer is that potent cocktail of fear and graft.

  54. This sort of cocktail I had, was the first liquor I'd tasted.

  55. Come along to home with me--you want a whisky cocktail badly.

  56. No, the cocktail isn't the right remedy for me.

  57. Geary, as he mixed himself a cocktail at the sideboard.

  58. Geary told them how he had spent the afternoon promenading Kearney and Market streets and just where he had gone to get his cocktail and his cigar.

  59. Soon she observed that a hint of unwonted animation crept into the doctor's manner and indeed as the meal progressed he became almost gay, though how much of the change was due to the cocktail and how much to the company she could not tell.

  60. He laid three places, then from the recess at the bottom of the sideboard he produced a cocktail shaker and a variety of bottles.

  61. Hear, hear," murmured the doctor mechanically, and drank his cocktail at a gulp.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cocktail" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beverage; chaser; cirrus; cloudland; cocktail; cumulus; drink; highball; nightcap; nimbus; punch; scud; stratus; sundowner; thundercloud; stratus; sundowner; thundercloud