The polished stones show merely a milky cloudinesswithout any of that beautiful sheen of the true moonstone.
Another common type of defect in corundum gems is the occurrence of patches of milky cloudiness within the material.
And above the group I saw, or imagined that I saw, the vaguest conceivable cloudiness in mid-air, like mist on a foggy night or the glimmer seen inside closed eyelids after looking at a brightly lighted window.
But as I strained my eyes toward it, that blur of unconvincing cloudiness which I had seen or fancied before swelled into mid-air, showing against the dark like black with light upon it against black in shadow.
The multiplication of the Bacteria beneath the covering-glass, when it occurs, is soon rendered obvious, even to the naked eye, by the increasing cloudiness of the film.
Microscopical examination shows that this cloudiness is due to a proportionate increase in the number of Bacteria.
When the lyes are treated right no cloudiness should develop either upon adding ammonia or the dilute acid.
If a cloudiness develops upon shaking, more alkali is added to the lye in the tank.
Indeed, persistent cloudiness in all higher latitudes would apparently deprive the Himalayas of most of their present moisture, for the interior of Asia would not become hot in summer and no inblowing monsoons would develop.
Furthermore, there is only one way in which such cloudiness could be maintained and that is by keeping the air at an almost constant temperature night and day.
Therefore, under the hypothesis of general cloudiness there would be no supply of moisture to cause glaciation in low latitudes.
Such a large amount of water vapor would almost certainly be accompanied by well-nigh universal and continual cloudiness so that there would be little chance for the pools on the earth's water-soaked surface to dry up.
The heavier snowfall, and the greater cloudiness of the summer there, which probably accompanied increased storminess, may have been the reason.
It has been assumed by Marsden Manson and others that increased general cloudiness would account for the subtropical glaciation of the Permian and Proterozoic.
The higher the land, the greater, relatively speaking, are the cloudiness and precipitation on seaward slopes, and the drier the interior.
The increased cloudiness which would accompany the more abundant storms would also cause an unusually great reflection of the sunlight and still further lower the temperature.
Even at this season some snow falls on the higher slopes, while the increased cloudiness due to numerous storms also tends to preserve the snow.
Do you discover any variation of cloudiness during the day, i.
The amount of cloudiness is recorded on a scale of tenths.
Is the relation of cloudiness to certain wind directions so close that, if you know the wind direction, you can make a prediction as to the probable cloudiness?
Is there more apt to be considerable cloudiness with wind from one direction than from another?
Clouds bring rain; hence a sufficient amount of cloudiness is just as necessary as a sufficient amount of sunshine.
Are the winds that give us the most cloudiness warm or cold winds in winter and in summer?
A detailed record of cloudiness in tenths gives opportunity to determine the mean cloudiness for each month, by averaging, as in the case of the other means already described.
The reason of this cloudiness is that the two substances, dissolved in water have united with one another to form a third substance which will not dissolve, therefore it settles down as a fine powder.
In a lowering manner; with cloudiness or threatening gloom.
A state of being turbid or confused; hence, intellectualcloudiness or dullness.
Cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness.
It then becomes dull and wasted; a cloudiness steals over the conjunctiva, which changes to a yellow tinge, and then to a dark green, indicative of ulceration deeply seated within the eye.
Cloudiness may follow but no precipitation of consequence.
Frost is difficult to predict because a night shift in the wind, cloudiness that forms after midnight, or even a wind arising before the coolest period at dawn will prevent its formation.
If they appear to be moving toward the region of greatest cloudiness it is not a sign of precipitation.
The rest of the time is occupied by general cloudiness with occasional sprinkles and a final downpour as the wind shifts to the west and the anticyclone nears.
In summer the depressions, being shallower, rarely cause continuous cloudiness for three days, although their influence often lasts as long as that in the guise of a series of thunderstorms.
Certain waters, for instance, those contaminated to any extent with organic matter, cannot be used at all in brewing, as they give rise to unsatisfactory fermentation, cloudiness and abnormal flavour.
A cloudiness in words and a cloudiness of arrangement began to be visible.
Afternoon cloudiness is characteristic of the desert and increases eastward (compare Fig.
Mean cloudiness for the whole period is also shown.
Monthly cloudiness of Santa Lucia from January to July, 1914.
The mean temperatures are affected to a less degree because the cloudiness retards night radiation of heat, thus elevating the maxima.
At La Joya, a station on the desert northeast of Mollendo at an elevation of 4,140 feet, cloudiness is always slight, but it increases markedly during the summer.
Farther eastward, as the topographic influence is more strongly felt, the cloudiness increases until on the border zone, about 8,000 feet in elevation, it may thicken to actual rain.
At Lima, for instance, the clear skies of March and April begin to be clouded in May, and the cloudiness grows until, from late June to September, the sun is invisible for weeks at a time.
There was something of majesty in her look, but mixed with a sullen and constant frown, that plainly betrayed a gloominess of soul and cloudiness of disposition within.
Her face was round and comely, her features strong and regular; and the only blemish in it was that defluxion which had fallen on her eyes in her childhood, had contracted the lids, and given a cloudiness to her countenance.
In those cases in which relatively large volumes were used the slight cloudiness produced was disregarded as the same result was obtained with air alone.
After the current had been passing for four hours, the first baryta water was still perfectly clear, but the second showed a distinct cloudiness of barium carbonate, which slowly increased in the course of twelve hours.
At first the lime water remained clear, but after several hours a cloudinessin the lime water became visible and after several days a precipitate of calcium carbonate settled to the bottom of the tube.
The cloudiness and relative humidity average high on western coasts, with the maximum in the colder season.
Cloudiness seems to decrease somewhat towards the inner polar areas, after passing the belt of high cloudiness in the higher latitudes of the temperate zones.
Latitude, altitude, topography and winds are the determining factors in controlling the cloudiness on mountains.
Marine climatic types are carried by the prevailing westerlies on to the western coasts of the continents, giving them mild winters and cool summers, abundant rainfall, and a high degree of cloudiness and relative humidity.
The higher latitudes of the temperate zones thus have a mean cloudiness which equals and even exceeds that of the equatorial belt.
The coasts and islands bathed by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream drift usually have a higher cloudiness in winter than in summer.
The diurnal ascending air currents of summer usually give mountains their maximum cloudiness and highest relative humidity in the warmer months, while winter is the drier and clearer season.
Hence the annual march of cloudiness on mountains is usually the opposite of that on lowlands.
In this equatorial belt the cloudiness is high throughout the year, averaging .
Annual March of Cloudinessin a Sub-tropical Climate (Eastern Mediterranean).
Defn: In a lowering manner; with cloudiness or threatening gloom.
Defn: A state of being turbid or confused; hence, intellectual cloudiness or dullness.
The abnormal appearances included cloudinessof the media, discoloration of the iris, irregularity of the pupils, and their obstruction with exudate.
Even in some who died on the second or third day he found cloudiness of the epithelium in the renal tubes, although the urine had not indicated such a change.
Any cloudiness is thus easily detected, and any doubt may be resolved by moving the lamp so that the image of the flame may be passed in succession over the whole surface of the transparent cornea and of the crystalline lens.
The cloudinessof decomposing urine is due mainly to precipitation of phosphates and multiplication of bacteria.
White rings or cloudiness in the urine above the zone of contact may result from excess of urates or mucus.
Bacteria produce a cloudiness which will not clear upon filtration.
Abnormal cloudiness is usually due to presence of phosphates, urates, pus, blood, or bacteria.
The significance of these figures is shown by transferring them to a diagram, given on Chart II, which indicates the average cloudiness prevailing over the several States where they are crossed by the track.
The following table will serve to make this plain: The Prevailing Cloudiness of the Sky along the Eclipse Track.
Some astronomers have thought that the advance of the moon's shadow is accompanied by a fall in temperature, and that cloudiness is more likely to be produced from this cause.
Meanwhile, the cloudiness had deepened, and the sea was beginning to rise.
As the day wore on the cloudiness increased, and toward evening a breeze sprang up that kept freshening until it had attained the proportions of a gale.
Cloudiness of the lens set in in 4 per cent of the cases, while posterior synechiae developed in the great majority of them.
Some cloudinessmay be seen in the corneal lamellae adjacent to these fissures, in some cases due evidently to the filtration of aqueous humor through defective endothelium.
It will be objected, perhaps, that the cloudiness derived from observations of the sun or the pole-star is not the amount over the whole sky, but only that in the region of the luminary.
The only hourly records of cloudiness at night in the United States are obtained by this instrument on Blue Hill and at Cambridge.
A cloudy belt encircles the earth at the equator, and on either side are two belts of less cloud, but in higher latitudes the cloudiness increases.
All over the world the least cloudiness is in the evening, when the sum of the combined effects of radiation and insolation is least.
The personal observations have been supplemented during the day-time by an automatic instrument called a sunshine-recorder, for it has been proved that the cloudiness is very nearly the inverse of the bright sunshine.
This is true, but it is found that the average of the records for a month or a year agrees very closely with the average of estimates of cloudiness over the whole sky during these periods.
It is customary to note the degree of cloudiness on a scale of from 0, when there are no clouds, to 10, when the whole sky is covered.
Jovis, balloon ascent, 84 Jupiter, analogy betweencloudiness on earth and on, 51 K Kepler (J.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cloudiness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.