The least objectionable occasion for leaving cloistral precincts was when convent business demanded it and this happened frequently to the superior and the treasuress or cellaress.
Then he could easily imagine himself living a hundred leagues removed from Paris, far from society, in cloistral security.
She was in love, not with death as it was the poetic fashion to be in a past era of creative minds, but with gentle withdrawals, fine appreciations of ultimate values, cloistral consecrations.
A critical reader of the present time, however, discerns innumerable evidences of collaboration, and detects expansion and dilution of more pregnant themes in the copious outpourings of this cloistral inspiration.
Yet some, Noviciates of the cloistral shade, Or chained by vows, with undissembled glee 1822.
The growth of monasticism from the hermit stage to the cloistral life has already been described.
Without entirely abandoning his cloistral life, he became a zealous missionary of the church among the barbarians, a patron of letters and of agriculture, in short a stirring participant in the work of civilization.
He beheld a wide, open space, laid out in grass plats, bordered and intersected by gravel walks, and surrounded by low continuous buildings, of uniform architecture and cloistral appearance.
Again, thousands of the crusaders, returning broken in spirits and in health, sought an asylum in cloistral retreats, and endowed the establishments that they entered with all their worldly goods.
Until now the monk had sought cloistral solitude in order to escape from the world, and through penance and prayer and contemplation to work out his own salvation.
Her sister's cloistralsmile flickered upon the scene like the wan February sunlight.
Two inscriptions rudely carved in stone, and now placed on each side of the northern doorway of the church, respectively attest that the cloistral buildings were commenced in 1234, and the church itself a year later.
Some vestiges of the church and cloistralbuildings still remain.
We talked Cambridge and the phenomenon of war as if we had been back among the cloistral stillnesses beside the Cam.
Alas, I am not now up in the cloistral peacefulness of Cambridge, so I can't follow up that speculation.
In their busy and half cloistral life the smallest events have the interest which a prisoner feels in those of his prison.
Many remain good Evangelicals because there are still chalices, monstrances and cloistral lands to be taken.
She is the female counterpart of the Sullen Shepherd, who inherits the traditional nature of the satyr, that monster having been transformed into the gentle minister of the cloistral Clorin.
And still, glancing after that oddly cloistral figure, the young man felt that the net effect was not so different from the sorry old melodrama, after all.
Miss Trevenna, with her deceptively cloistral countenance, seemed to flinch a little.
She was indeed almost a nun; going daily to church, performing cloistral penances, and practising economy that she might have means to help the poor.
Here, in this cloistral life, the fearful misfortunes which overwhelmed her for twenty-six years have been brought to a close.
They exhaled a special cloistral odor of their own, as if they had been long imprisoned.
Reuben followed him into the cloistral odors and shadows of the sitting-room.
Most of our teachers still give the most prominent place to that dead learning which has come down from the cloistral schools of the Middle Ages.
Anne had preserved that crude and cloistral youth which belongs to all lives passed between walls that protect them from the world.
Her face showed smooth and saint-like between the cloistral bands.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cloistral" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.