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Example sentences for "clientage"

Lexicographically close words:
clicked; clicking; clickings; clicks; client; clientele; clients; clientship; cliff; cliffes
  1. He has been joined by others as his clientage has grown until he is now head of the firm of Mayrand, Loranger, Ecrement & Melancon.

  2. As real estate agent and expert he has a large clientage and his business is growing year by year.

  3. Their clientage is now extensive, and the volume of their business is justified by the capability of the members of the firm.

  4. He has since practiced as an advocate in his native city, and his professional career has been one of growing success, a liberal and distinctively representative clientage being now accorded him.

  5. The firm gained an extensive clientage that made the business one of large volume.

  6. He became an advocate in 1898 and since that time has successfully followed his profession in Montreal, his clientage being one of growing importance and volume.

  7. He is a member of the firm of Monty & Duranleau and their clientage is of an extensive and important character.

  8. He enjoys today a numerous and representative clientage which recruits itself largely from the old town of St. Louis, which is now the ward Laurier of the metropolis.

  9. From that year until 1896 he was engaged in private practice in Montreal and an extensive clientage was accorded him.

  10. He has since been an active representative of the notarial profession in which connection he has secured a large clientage that makes his practice a profitable one.

  11. Their clientage has steadily increased in the interim and their work today extends largely over the province, including many contracts for municipal engineering and railroad work.

  12. He has gained a good clientage and his practice is of an important character.

  13. He stood high in his profession, and the clientage afforded him came in recognition of his superior ability.

  14. Mr. Rivet has thus won distinction in his chosen profession and has secured a representative clientage in Montreal connecting him with a great deal of notable litigation.

  15. He controls a large and important clientage and is very successful in its conduct, standing today in the front ranks of reliable and competent advocates in Montreal.

  16. In his keeping all the traditions of an honorable lineage are safe, while a large and increasing clientage can testify that in his hands are equally safe all the interests committed to him.

  17. He enjoyed an extensive clientage and the confidence of the entire community.

  18. Mr. Kohl has built up a large clientage and has acquired especial success and prominence in criminal cases.

  19. In South America we also meet with at least one case of a tribe, or part of a tribe, which is in clientage to another tribe.

  20. Bridges[695] says that one Fuegian is thrown into clientage to another by their mode of life.

  21. Characteristic of the times was the new form of clientage which was a voluntary association of master and paid retainer.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clientage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.