For in every part the circumfluent ocean surrounds its borders in a circle.
A waiter pounced upon him voraciously for orders, and soon with an unrequited drink he was meditating upon the scene before him in that state of curious tranquillity which was nearly always induced by ceaseless circumfluent clamor.
Here were gathered people who worked always in that circumfluent inspiration, that murmur of liberty, that whisper of humanity.
To human step our land impervious lies, And round the coast circumfluent oceans rise.
He as well as Artemidorus and others accepted a circular or ellipsoidal shape of the world and a circumfluent ocean; Strabo alone adhered to the scientific theories of Eratosthenes.
Like Homer he looked upon the habitable world ([Greek: oikoumene]) as being circular in outline and bounded by a circumfluent river.
Speaks of a soul which like a star supplies Its own circumfluent lustrous atmosphere; Weaves beam on beam around its peace, and glows Soft through the splendour which itself bestows?
Nature's circumfluent robe, Girding all life--the globule or the globe.
The lacrymal gland drinks up a certain fluid from the circumfluent blood, and pours it on the ball of the eye, on the upper part of the external corner of the eyelids.
Many of our muscular motions are excited by perpetual irritations, as those of the heart and arterial system by the circumfluent blood.
The salival glands drink up a certain fluid from the circumfluent blood, and pour it into the mouth.
The pleasure we derive from perusing the Thousand-and-One Stories makes us regret that we possess only a comparatively small part of these truly enchanting fictions.