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Example sentences for "circumflex"

Lexicographically close words:
circumcising; circumcision; circumference; circumferences; circumferential; circumfluent; circumjacent; circumlocution; circumlocutions; circumnavigate
  1. The lameness also manifests itself in bringing the leg forward with a circumflex swinging motion and a shortening in the extension of the step.

  2. The grave accent is never noated, but onelie understood in al syllabes quherin the acute and circumflex is not.

  3. The circumflex accent both liftes and felles the syllab that it possesseth, and combynes the markes of other tuae, thus ˆ.

  4. The rising circumflex begins with the falling, and ends with the rising inflection; the falling circumflex begins with the rising, and ends with the falling inflection.

  5. The Circumflex is a union of the two inflections, and is of two kinds; viz.

  6. When it has a combination of the downward and upward slide or a rising circumflex inflection, the meaning is no longer simple but complex.

  7. A very common mistake in reading is to use the circumflex inflection in emphasizing a word, thus making a contrast where none is intended.

  8. As already shown on page 21, the emphasis, in the case of implied contrast, is brought out by the circumflex inflection.

  9. Ramped and roared the lions" with a falling circumflex inflection on "lions," instead of a simple falling inflection, suggests that the tigers or some other animals did not ramp and roar.

  10. Of the four instances of the circumflex accent three exhibit the two notes and the falling pitch which we expect.

  11. But Aristarchus marks the word, whether it means the fruit or the tree, with an acute accent indifferently; while Philoxenus would circumflex the word in either sense.

  12. On the contrary, in the circumflex territory, ulnar and median, electrical excitability was normal.

  13. Richardson), very free hæmorrhage occurred from a wound of one of the circumflex arteries of the thigh, but not a single one in which a similar result followed the extraction of a bullet of small calibre.

  14. I refer to the displacement of the head of the humerus by the force of gravity, when the circumflex nerve is injured.

  15. There was evident spinal accessory paralysis, and marked hyperæsthesia of the whole left upper extremity, most severe in the circumflex area.

  16. When the wound was opened up an opening was found in the external circumflex artery, hæmorrhage from which had been controlled by the impaction of the piece of shell.

  17. Circumflex sensation was impaired, but not absent at the time the condition of the muscle was noted--a favourable prognostic sign of much importance.

  18. The third paragraph is a fine example of the circumflex slides.

  19. This selection is a fine illustration of the use of the circumflex slides.

  20. A word which has the circumflex accent on the last syllable.

  21. A word which has the circumflex accent on the penult.

  22. Typography In the Notes and Introduction, long vowels were printed with circumflex Ac rather than macron Ae.

  23. This usage has been retained; the circumflex accent in its own right does not occur.

  24. With poly-syllabic circumflex futures constituting the third foot, there would be a violation of the current rules respecting the cæsura.

  25. Defn: A word which has the circumflex accent on the last syllable.

  26. Defn: A word which has the circumflex accent on the penult.

  27. Circumflex removed from first "e" in "fete".

  28. Circumflex removed from first "e" in "crepe".

  29. In another case the pain commenced in an external humeral and a radial point, but subsequently the shoulder branches of the circumflex became involved.

  30. The deltoid branches of the circumflex and the humeral cutaneous branches of the musculo-spiral are much exposed to bruises and to cutting wounds.

  31. With poly-syllabic circumflex futures constituting the third foot, there would be a violation of the current rules respecting the caesura.

  32. A union of these two inflections upon the same syllable, is called a circumflex, a wave, or a "circumflex inflection.

  33. The latter we call circumflex inflection.

  34. The right and left external iliac arteries, each is crossed by the circumflex ilii vein.

  35. Poupart's ligament, close to the origin of the epigastric and circumflex iliac.

  36. The two circumflex humeri alone send down branches to inosculate with the small muscular offsets from the middle of the brachial artery.

  37. Poupart's ligament, immediately above which are seen the circumflex ilii and epigastric arteries, with the vas deferens and spermatic vessels.

  38. The lumbar, the gluteal, and the circumflex ilii arteries, also communicate around the hip-bone.

  39. By keeping the large posterior flap out of the way by a broad copper spatula or the fingers of an assistant, and taking care to keep the edge of the knife close to the bone, the trunk of the posterior circumflex is protected.

  40. The circumflex iliac vein must also be remembered, as it crosses the artery from within outwards in the lower end of it, just before it goes under Poupart's ligament.

  41. Gluteal, sciatic, and obturator, with the circumflex and perforating branches or deep femoral.

  42. Lastly, just before the vessel reaches Poupart, the circumflex iliac vein crosses it from within outwards.

  43. A branch of the circumflex iliac artery will very likely be cut in dissecting through the muscles, and must be secured, as also any branches of the epigastric which may be divided in the incisions through the abdominal wall (ut supra, p.

  44. If the limit of capsule has been infringed on below, the circumflex vessels may probably be cut, in which case the bleeding may be considerable.

  45. Though the latter is in some respects easier, the former method is generally to be preferred, being further from the seat of disease, and especially more out of the way of the epigastric and circumflex arteries.

  46. The two large branches to the wall of the abdomen, the epigastric and the circumflex iliac, rise a few lines above Poupart's ligament.

  47. Obturator and internal circumflex with anastomotica and superior internal articular.

  48. Iliolumbar and lumbar branches of aorta, with deep circumflex ilii.

  49. Manuals of operative surgery occasionally devote pages to the description of special operations for the ligature of such arteries as the sciatic, epigastric, circumflex ilii, and pudic.

  50. The deep circumflex iliac artery if possible should not be divided, but may bleed smartly and require a ligature.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "circumflex" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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