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Example sentences for "mind enough"

  • I however preserved presence of mind enough to reflect whether I was entirely without resource, and an idea occurred to me which quieted my despair.

  • How shall I command strength of mind enough to survive this grief and shame!

  • Notwithstanding the thrill of horror I felt at the sound of the name, I had still presence of mind enough to beg, in the gentlest manner, that he would explain himself.

  • I had presence of mind enough, on going out, to take with me some strong liquors which I had in my chamber, and as much food as I could carry in my pockets.

  • They had presence of mind enough to release their incarcerated comrades and attempt another assault in force on the door.

  • When at last they did recover presence of mind enough to inquire of their preceptor if he was injured, it was in tones of terrible alarm.

  • However my better judgment might have been clouded for a moment, I have recovered strength of mind enough to see that I am in no way to blame for any thing that has happened.

  • I had just, and but just presence of mind enough not to say so.

  • But I had presence of mind enough to remain as still as a stone figure.

  • He loosened his grip of the thumb with the needle still in it, and I had the presence of mind enough to let the hand fall limp and flaccid.

  • I had presence of mind enough to let my dress fall well over my boots, however.

  • Fortunately he had presence of mind enough to seize hold of one of the poles, which was in such a position that each end rested on the unbroken ice.

  • He fortunately had presence of mind enough to throw out his arms, and so, as the hole was a small one, he only went in up to his armpits.

  • He was, however, a good swimmer, and had presence of mind enough to know that for his own safety he must come up in the same place where he had gone down, as all around was solid ice.

  • However my better judgment might have been clouded for a moment, I have recovered strength of mind enough to see that I am in no way to blame for anything that has happened.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mind enough" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fifteen years; gone from; greet them; hands clasped; honorable discharge; mind admitting; mind enough; mind like; mind over; mind saying; mind telling; mind that; mind the; mind upon; mind was; mind what; mind when; mind you; minded women; minute account; shall refuse; single man; small hill; that you; while longer; world empire