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Example sentences for "cheapens"

Lexicographically close words:
cheap; cheape; cheapen; cheapened; cheapening; cheaper; cheapest; cheaping; cheaply; cheapness
  1. But to make him a slave, cheapens to nothing universal human nature, and instead of healing a wound, gives a death-stab.

  2. But to make him a slave, cheapens to nothing universal human nature, and instead of healing a wound, gives a death stab.

  3. It is indisputable that whatever gives facility and security to navigation cheapens imports and all who consume them are alike interested in what ever produces this effect.

  4. Let us now change the hypothesis, and suppose that the improvement, instead of creating a new export from the United States, cheapens an existing one.

  5. Any other theory cheapens and in a measure discredits a process which more than any other is a manifestation of sovereign authority.

  6. Or, can they be parties to an alliance that, wherever it is found, so far cheapens man as to render him a profitable article for the export trade?

  7. Why he cannot do it is that England follows the advice of Mr. Huskisson, and cheapens labour with a view to prevent other nations from following the advice of Adam Smith.

  8. It cheapens a girl in my opinion, or at least it certainly cheapens a kiss.

  9. It is an object almost of his love; for he knows that it cheapens his food.

  10. But his voice is heard in some silent streets stretching into the suburbs; and there his donkey-cart stands at the door, as the dingy servant-maid cheapens a bundle of cauliflowers.

  11. When an invention cheapens capital goods, it liberates capital.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cheapens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.