And sche was thus chaunged and transformed, from a fair damysele, into lyknesse of a dragoun, be a goddesse, that was clept Deane.
And he wolde have chaunged the name of Jerusalem, and have cleped it Elya: but that name lasted not longe.
Thus this miserable louer, trauersing in seuerall mindes, and deluding his own fansie, chaunged his mynde a thousand times in an hower.
But in the poore miserable woman had perced the same in the depth of her harte, and had credited all that he spake, no doubte he woulde haue chaunged his minde.
I tell hit, for she was of love so trewe, Ne in her wille she chaunged for no newe.
Thy maister's Eawe be chaungedto a Ram; (To Mopso.
I am so used in the fyr to blowe, That it hath chaunged my colour, I trowe.
After the sondry sesons of the yeer, So chaunged he his mete and his soper.
The sote smel that in myn herte I finde Hath chaunged me al in another kinde.
And with that word he caughte a greet mirour, And saugh that chaunged was al his colour, 1400 And saugh his visage al in another kinde.
His spirit chaunged hous, and wente ther, As I cam never, I can nat tellen wher.
They that weren woxen swyn hadden by this y-chaunged hir mete of breed, for to eten akornes of okes.
She was right swich to seen in hir visage As is that wight that men on bere binde; Hir face, lyk of Paradys the image, Was al y-chaunged in another kinde.
But now, for Fortune cloudy hath chaungedhir deceyvable chere to me-ward, myn unpitous lyf draweth a-long unagreable dwellinges 20 in me.
I sholde han also blame of every wight, My fadres graunt if that I so withstode, Sin she is chaunged for the tounes goode.
But certes, the olde age of tyme passed, and eek of present tyme now, is ful of ensaumples how that kinges ben chaunged in-to wrecchednesse out of hir welefulnesse.
Thou wenest that Fortune be 35 chaunged ayein thee; but thou wenest wrong, yif thou that wene.
Shal nat the devyne science be chaunged by my disposicioun, whan that I wol o thing now, and now another?
Yet when he felte the flame Gan kindle in his brest, And herd dame Nature boast by hir To break him of his rest, His hot newe-chosen love 45 He chaunged into hate, And sodeynly with mightie mace Gan rap hir on the pate.
The executioner attendinge for commaundement to do his office, and lifting vp his sworde to do the fact, the king desired to see the countenaunce of Ariobarzanes, who neuer chaunged coloure for all that terrour of death.
And because she had a cough, fearing to disease the Princesse which laye aboue her, she chaunged her chamber with her sonne.
And after he had done his businesse with the Queene, he repayred to the warres, so sadde and chaunged in all his condicions, as the Ladies, Captaynes and all they that were wonte to keepe him companie, did not know him.
And truely the officer, whych knoweth that vpon the end of euery yeare he must be chaunged and examined of his charge, he wyll take good heede to that whych he speaketh, and first of all wil consider what he taketh in hand.
Afterwards vpon the viewe of his wrytinges and letters, seing him to be so chaunged and altered from his accustomed stile, what tormentes then she suffred, they doe knowe that haue felte and tasted the bitter cup of like passions.
And to recouer her of that disease, shee was maried vnto him, for whose sake shee had rather haue chaunged her life for present death.
In this meane time arriued at Cuba, Iohn de Grijalua, vpon whose arriuall, the gouernour chaunged his purpose and pretence, for hee refused to disburse any more money, nor yet would consent that Cortez should furnish his Nauie.
Mirth is chaunged in-to tene, whan swink is there continually that reste was wont to sojourne and have dwelling-place.
How often have men chaunged her loves in a litel whyle, or els, for fayling their wil, in their places hem set!
And according to the mensuration of the musicall time in this order, so they chaunged their places, or continued vppon the checkers dauncing, vntill that they were eyther taken or commaunded forward by the King.
Ninethly that thoughe the bread it selfe be chaunged into the very flesshe of Christe, and the wine into his bloude, that yet to all the sences thei remaine breade and wine, and neither flesshe ne bloud.
Firste to beleue the breade to be chaunged into the body, and the wine into the bloude of Christe.
But chaunged is this world unstable; For love is over-al vendable.
And yit sich sorwe dide I fele, That al-day I chaunged hewe, Of my woundes fresshe and newe, As men might see in my visage.
But now for fortune clowdy haþ chaunged hir disceyuable chere to me warde.
She þat ilke fortune only þat ischaunged as þou 736 feinest to þe ward.
His chaunged powres at first them selues not felt, Till crudled cold his corage can assaile, 8 And chearefull bloud in faintnesse chill did melt, Which like a feuer fit through all his body swelt.
At last when they had markt the chaunged skyes, They wist their houre was spent; then each to rest him hyes.
And he shaued him self and chaunged his rayment/ & went in to Pharao.
Naye marrye, mee thinkes I haue luckilye chaunged myne affectes, in that for a few louers, nowe I haue won me verie many, among whome you are one, whome I haue accompted off as my naturall brother.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chaunged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.