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Example sentences for "centage"

Lexicographically close words:
censures; censuring; census; censuses; cent; centaur; centaury; centavo; centavos; centenarian
  1. Marriage here is generally a money speculation, and is very frequently brought about through means of regular brokers or agents, who receive a per centage on the bride's dowry.

  2. In looking over the tables we have now given, it will be seen that genuine seed has but a small per-centage of non-germinating seeds—say from 5 to 10 per cent.

  3. Now, this shows that although the medium ripe ears in sample 2 had a less number of grains, yet their per-centage of flour, as compared with bran, was greatly on the increase.

  4. Every spoken dialect of Hindostan has a per-centage of Sanskrit words in it; just as every dialect of England has an amount of Anglo-Norman.

  5. Nevertheless, as far south as the Maas, and in parts of the true Dutch Netherlands, where no approach to the Frisian language can now be discovered, a certain per-centage of Frisian forms for geographical localities occurs.

  6. Ten yards of cloth will purchase in Germany a quantity of linen greater than in England by a per-centage equal to the entire cost of conveyance both of the cloth to Germany and of the linen to England.

  7. Still, it was a doctrine which, if it were proved false, was better than a large per-centage of the true ones.

  8. Their language contains so great a per-centage of Persian words or vice versa, that it is safe to put them both in the same class.

  9. Two or more languages, thus taken, may agree in having a large per-centage of grammatical inflexions, in which case they would agree in certain positive characters.

  10. A large per-centage of the names of the commoner objects are alike.

  11. I have already mentioned the per centage of lead obtained by smelting in the large way.

  12. The per centage of lead recovered from the slag is not estimated at over ten, and, with the utmost success, cannot be reckoned to exceed twelve.

  13. A certain per centage has been doubtless recovered: a larger per centage has disappeared for ever.

  14. The per-centage is under-estimated, owing to the repetition of various forms of the same name having been excluded in counting those ending in ham, but not in counting the total number of places.

  15. On the annexed map is marked for each county the per-centage of the names of places mentioned in the Domesday Survey ending in ham.

  16. As liquors are sold in general by the measure, not by the weight, it is convenient, therefore, to know the alcoholic content of the mixtures in the per centage by volume.

  17. The following table exhibits the per centage of anhydrous alcohol by volume, at a temperature of 60 deg.

  18. The scale graduated according to the per centage of pure alcohol by weight, constitutes the alcoholmeter of Richter; and that by the per centage in volume, the alcoholmeter of Tralles and Gay Lussac.

  19. From the construction of this table the per centage of alcohol by weight may also be found.

  20. According to Groening's researches, the following temperatures of the alcoholic vapours correspond to the accompanying contents of alcohol in per centage of volume, which are disengaged in the boiling of the spirituous liquid.

  21. The temperature, corresponding to a certain per centage of alcohol in vapour, suggests the employment of a convenient method for obtaining, at one process, a spirit as free from water as it can be made by mere distillation.

  22. Table exhibiting the Per Centage of Alcohol (of 825 specific gravity) contained in various kinds of spiritous Liquors.

  23. Tabular View, exhibiting the Per Centage of Brandy or Alcohol[40] contained in various kinds of Wines, and other fermented Liquors.

  24. The following list gives the per-centage of workers receiving various sums for "indoors" i.

  25. As we pass further North and West, the per-centage gradually though not quite regularly declines.

  26. Even London, the centre of attraction to foreigners, does not contain nearly so large a per-centage of foreigners as any other great capital.

  27. This per centage is called a margin, and the deposit is designed to protect the broker from loss in case the stock should fall in value.

  28. The former, arrived at by a per centage on the estimated capital value of buildings and site, is a comparatively simple matter.

  29. That opium smoking in China is now and has always been confined to a small per-centage of the population, but which, owing to the introduction of Indian opium, is constantly increasing.

  30. The smokers are but a per-centage greater or smaller in any place.

  31. Whatever be the exact per-centage of the opium smokers in Szechuan in the whole population, it is many times larger than in the east.

  32. The second is, that opium smoking in China is now and always has been confined to a small per-centage of the population, but which, owing to the introduction into the country of Indian opium, is rapidly increasing.

  33. This number, fifty-five, might fairly be taken to represent the annual per centage of accumulation of the insane in asylums, were the data employed sufficient and satisfactory.

  34. Yet even here, according to the present system regulating admissions, and the natural consequence of this, the small per-centage of acute cases under care at any one time, viz.

  35. Actually, though the armament was inferior, the per centage of hits was frequently far higher than in breech-loading campaigns.

  36. My little per centage is small-it's a mean commission; and if it were not for the satisfaction of knowing how much good I do, it wouldn't begin to pay a professional gentleman.

  37. The curate is what we call a right clever fellow, would make the tallest kind of a preacher, and pay first-rate per centage on himself.

  38. The utmost per-centage allowed by law is three per cent.

  39. This furnishes the per-centage of ready formed ammonia sufficiently accurate for all ordinary purposes, provided proper care is taken.

  40. By dividing 1000 by this number, the per-centage of chlorine will be obtained.

  41. The estimation of the available chlorine in the bleaching powder of commerce, which is valued and sold in this country by its per-centage of that element.

  42. The converted wood fibre (after allowing for extraneous mineral matter) possessed the following per-centage composition.

  43. It is only necessary to note the weight of the alcohol used for absorbing the gas, and its weight at the end of the operation, to know the strength or per-centage of nitrite of ethyl which must be in solution.

  44. By dividing the given weights by 10, the per-centage value of the sample is obtained.

  45. The following methods of testing guano are both simple and accurate, and are so arranged as to permit its per-centage richness in one or more of its leading constituents to be determined without much trouble or expense.

  46. The per centage here taken for yearly supplies, is below the true outlay.

  47. At the end of that time the cream will have risen to the top, and its per-centage may be easily seen.

  48. Footnote 40: The per-centage of acreage is exclusive of Hops in Great Britain, and Flax in Ireland.

  49. But, independently of these strong objections to the method of estimating the nutritive value of food by its per-centage of flesh-formers, there are many other reasons which as clearly prove the fallacy of this rule.

  50. Thus, during a period of nine years, the per-centage regularly increased from 1.

  51. Now a couple of policemen at the gate touch indiscriminately a certain per-centage of the men as they are going, and these have to pass through a side lodge to be searched.

  52. Hence the per-centage of cures in a high-class private asylum are immeasurably beyond those of any public establishment.

  53. Nothing strikes the visitor with greater admiration than the care taken of the paralytic and imbecile patients, who form so large a per-centage of the inmates of the county asylums.

  54. These mezzani get a per centage of eighteen per cent upon every purchase from the seller; and, if you are not aware of this, they will make a pretty per centage upon you besides.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "centage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.