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Example sentences for "ceassed"

Lexicographically close words:
ceaselessly; ceases; ceaseth; ceasing; ceasse; ceci; cecidit; cecum; cedar; cedared
  1. After conclusion of this peace, by the power of almightie God, all debate ceassed in such wise, that the state of the realme of England did maruelouslie for a time flourish, concord being mainteined on ech hand.

  2. And yet they ceassed not to commit manie robberies & other outragious & most insolent parts.

  3. Westsaxons, the same yéere that the said Egbert ouercame the Kentishmen (as after shall be shewed) and so the kings of that kingdome of the Eastsaxons ceassed and tooke end.

  4. The bodie of Ethelbald was buried at Ripton.

  5. And as the thing euill gotten is neuer well kept, thorough all the time of his reigne neuer ceassed there cruell death and slaughter, till his owne destruction ended it.

  6. Which commandment once knowne, they knit themselues togither, and ceassed a little from fighting.

  7. In this meane while, such as misliked with the doctrine and ceremonies then vsed in the church, ceassed not to vtter their consciences, though in secret, to those in whome they had affiance.

  8. The riuer of Trent néere to Notingham, for the space of a mile ceassed to run the woonted course during the time of foure & twentie houres, so that the chanell being dried vp, men might passe ouer to and fro drie shod.

  9. For warre and famine had sore afflicted the people before that time, and as yet ceassed not: but as for the pestilence, it began soone after the strange sight, whereof insued such effect, as I haue alreadie rehearsed.

  10. William being a seditious person, and of a busie nature, ceassed not to make complaints.

  11. This mortalitie continued for the space of fiue or six months, and at length ceassed in the cold season of winter.

  12. By this means was Towars deliuered to the Frenchmen, which ceassed not in such occasions of aduantage to take time, and follow the steps of prosperous fortune.

  13. Thus ceassed nott Sathan, by all meanes, to manteane his kingdome of darkness, and to suppresse the light of Christis Evangell.

  14. These and suche other pestilent Papistes ceassed nott to cast faggotis on the fyre, continewalie cryeing, "Fordwarte upoun these Heretiques; we shall ones rydd this realme of thame.

  15. That the unctioun of Kingis ceassed at the cuming of Christ.

  16. And yitt by these meanes, men had greattar libertie then thei had befoir, as concernyng thair conscience; for then ceassed the persecutioun.

  17. The Prelattis dascht and astonyed with this ansure, ceassed for a seassoun to tempt any farther, by rigour against the nobilitie.

  18. Which proud and blasphemous ansuer did greatlie astoniss us; and yit ceassed we not moist humilie to seak hir favouris, and by great diligence at last obteaned, that the summoundis at that tyme war delayed.

  19. Vpon that noble matron's auctoritye and interception, they ceassed from their filthy fact: and then the woman tooke the virgins out of the people's handes, and brought them into the chamber where there strangled mother was.

  20. In such wyse as the vnmaried Gentleman neuer ceassed till he had made his companion cockolde, according to his promise.

  21. But Pompeius loth to haue hir dye, ceassed not styll to prosecute hys former talke with newe reasons and stronger arguments.

  22. Careticus was driuen into Wales (as before is rehearsed) about the second or third yéere of his reigne, and there continued with his Britains, the which ceassed not to indamage the Saxons from time to time as occasion still serued.

  23. But whilest outward wars ceassed among the Britains, they exercised ciuill battell, falling togither by the eares among themselues, one striuing against another.

  24. This Maximius made warre vpon the Scots and Scithians within Britaine, and ceassed not vntill he had slaine Eugenius their king, and expelled and driuen them out of the whole limits and bounds of Britaine.

  25. For after that they were gone, there ceassed not such as bare him euill will, to procure the K.

  26. Vpon this multiplieng of woords in such presumptuous maner by the duke against the king, there kindeled such displeasure betwixt them, that it neuer ceassed to increase into flames, till the duke was brought to his end.

  27. Whiles these ladies continued thus in their sorowes, the knight Mendozza toke no rest by day or night, ne ceassed continually to thincke vpon the distresse of the Duchesse.

  28. Notwithstanding for that time he ceassed not sharply to rebuke and threaten his sonne, in such wyse as the yong man hauing a harte greater than his force, determined secretly to depart from his parentes.

  29. Appian being dispatched, was so affected to please his maistresse, and so desirous to see her deliuered of her imprisonmente, as hee ceassed not to trauaile day and night, till he came within the frontiers of Spaine.

  30. They brought also the swéete gum Copalli to sense the gods which do cause the corne to growe: and all that night they ceassed not dauncing without drunkennesse.

  31. But yet Cortes for all hys payne and hurt, ceassed not to embolden & encourage hys Souldyers, who set afreshe vpon the enimies.

  32. Hamshire, and ceassed not till they had inforced the king to compound with them for 16 thousand pounds, which he was glad to pay to haue peace with them.

  33. On the morrow after quéene Genissa made them friends, and so the warres ceassed for that time, by hir good mediation.

  34. But by what name so euer this monie (which the Danes now receiued) was called, true it is that herevpon they ceassed from their [Sidenote: Wil.

  35. Thus ceassed the warres for that time betwixt the kings of England and France, as some haue witnessed.

  36. Richard Marshall erle of Penbroke in this meane time ceassed not to waste the marshes of England next adioining to Wales, and dailie diuerse of the English Nobilitie repaired to him, so that the king was sore troubled in his mind.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ceassed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.