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Example sentences for "wyse"

Lexicographically close words:
wynes; wynnyng; wynter; wysdom; wysdome; wysedome; wysely; wyser; wysest; wyshe
  1. Whiche thynge can in no wyse be made to agre eyther w^t their saying of Milan or w^t theirs of Carpentras.

  2. For which it bitydeth that, as to the wyse folk, ther nis no place y-leten to 205 hate; that is to seyn, that ne hate hath no place amonges wyse men.

  3. For no wyse man hath lever ben exyled, poore and nedy, and nameles, than for to dwellen in his 5 citee and flouren of richesses, and be redoutable by honour, and strong of power.

  4. What wene ye your wyse fader wolde Han yeven Antenor for yow anoon, 905 If he ne wiste that the citee sholde Destroyed been?

  5. Why trowe ye my fader in this wyse Coveiteth so to see me, but for drede Lest in this toun that folkes me dispyse 1340 By-cause of him, for his unhappy dede?

  6. Let vs humblye on our knees pray to almightie God, with that wyse [Sidenote: Sapi.

  7. Absteyne also from lyes at all tymes / as ye wolde from helle / for them in no wyse loueth Ihesus your spouse.

  8. See in ony wyse that ye kepe this poynt of goddes lawe & of [the] lawe of nature.

  9. And in lyke wyse the Ioye of euyll men fadeth anone.

  10. This thare answer seamed to satisfie the King; for hie in woordis praised thare prudent foresight and wyse counsall.

  11. To go so soone the horson was wyse therfore some now I must deuise that each man may welth, helth and libertidespise Or els he wyll marre all our mateer.

  12. But in order to make this defence valid, it will be necessary to prove that the instructions given to Wyse were such as the French had a right to expect.

  13. It seems that many months ago Wyse wrote an account to Palmerston of the frightful brigandage that was going on in Greece, not, however, pretending that there was any complaint to make on the part of British subjects.

  14. Sir Thomas Wyse was the British Minister at Athens, who conducted the negotiations there, and regulated the coercive measures of Admiral Parker's squadron.

  15. It is possible that Wyse may have received instructions conformable with this arrangement, and that he may have thought that the course which Gros took brought the case within the former category.

  16. THIS is the fygure of the counterfet Cranke, that is spoken of in this boke of Roges, called Nycholas Blunt other wyse Nycholas Gennyngs.

  17. Nowe, out vpon you knaues both," quoth his mystres, and laughes oute the matter; for she well sawe it would not other wyse preuayle.

  18. And yf that plese yow, qwan we partyt at Norwyche in yowr plase, ye seyd on to me ye wold som qat do be my sympyl a wyse; and this is myn a wyse that in ony wyse ye make Heu a Fen and Tomas Grene on your consel, yf ye can fyne in yow herte.

  19. I wolde avyse yow in ony wyse that ye xuld understond the mater wysely her ye com hom, for I sopose that Yelverton and he is confydett and acorde to geder.

  20. I wuld not in no wyse ye shuld put your self in no daunger to hym but as litill as ye may; for if ye do, it shall be right wele remembred you her after.

  21. Ryght worchipffull cosyn, I recomaunde me to you in as hertely wyse I can, desyryng ever to here off your welffare, whiche I beseche our Lord Jesu to preserve to your hertes pleaser, &c.

  22. Wytson wyke, I purpose me to ssee you in secrete wyse by Trynyte Sonday,[146.

  23. Wherfor of verray necessite I must depute suche a person in all goodly hast to ocupye as my deputee and to have my full power undere me at that season as is bothe of byrthe honorable and one all other wyse lykly.

  24. She sayth she wote well such langage as hath be reportyd to you of her other wyse then she hath deservyd causyth you to be other wyse to her then ye shuld be.

  25. They love not in no wyse the Dwke of Sowthfolk nor hys modyr.

  26. Right worshipfull Sir, and with my faithfull herte and service full entierly beloved gode maister, in my moste humble wyse I recommaund me unto your goode maistreship.

  27. Wherefore if we haue proued both by reason & by exãple, that we be bounde to put oure selfe in peryll for the common wealthe, they are to be counted wyse men, whych for the sauegarde of the contrey auoyde no peryll.

  28. But a wyse chyld not only is pleasure to hys father, but also worship and succoure, and finallye hys fathers lyfe.

  29. Wyth what businesse shall that age be better occupied as sone as he beginneth to speake, whiche in no wyse can be vnoccupied?

  30. Verely as I am hertelye glad for the good fortune of myne especiall friende, so I greatlye alowe your wyse entente.

  31. And if this come to passe in a barbarous and vnruled tonge, whych wryteth other wyse then it speaketh, and the whych hathe hys schriches and wordes scarse of a man, howe muche more easely wyl it be done in the Greeke or Latine tonge?

  32. Longe experience of diuerse thinges profite much in dede, I confesse, but to a wyse man that is diligently instructed in preceptes of well doynge.

  33. Thys is the prudence of fooles, and that is bought to dearlye, that men shulde be wyse after they be strycken wyth myschief.

  34. Yet they that be wyse do thys rather, that seruantes by gentelnes and benefites leaue of their slauyshe condicions: remẽbryng that they also be men, and not beastes.

  35. Nowe, if pleasure brynge felicitie wyth it, or helpe in anye wyse vnto the furderaunce of vertue: we see playnly that this kynde of lyfe is fardest from al pleasures.

  36. Where as all good comyth by wysdome and prudence A wyse man onely as we often fynde Is to be named moste ryche and of most myght Here thou his wordes and plant them in thy mynde And folowe the same for they ar sure and right.

  37. Why doo they not lyke wyse gyue vs to kysse the spottel, & other fylthe & dyrt of the body?

  38. Me semede he was a man bothe vertuous and wyse word a printed only as catchword E viij.

  39. Ther is no vertuouse or wyse man, that wold nat desyre a meane to be hadde in thes thynges.

  40. But y þenke on al wyse Most vppon~ my marchaundyse; [No gap in MS.

  41. Anthoine est ung preudhomme[3]; +Antonye is a wyse man; Il se lieue touts les nuyts He ariseth alle the nyghtes 16 Pour oyer mattines.

  42. Footnote 3: Lord John Russell's opinion was that three weeks should be allowed to Mr Wyse and Sir W.

  43. Pacifico, should be added a direction to Mr Wyse to satisfy himself of the truth of M.

  44. When Wyse returned to Paris he got de Lesseps to head the project.

  45. The services of Lieutenant Wyse were again brought into play, and he secured a 10-year extension of the concession.

  46. In addition, it possessed such prior rights as made the Wyse concession worthless except there be agreement on all matters between the railroad company and the canal company.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wyse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.