Nay, you did call mee, that I was loath to heare, Truly such woords as a dogg would not beare.
Thou with these woords hast extasyde my sowle And I am all in rapture.
Vpon this multiplieng of woords in such presumptuous maner by the duke against the king, there kindeled such displeasure betwixt them, that it neuer ceassed to increase into flames, till the duke was brought to his end.
And not without cause may these woords be said here of our lord the king that is.
These and the like woords vttered he, exhorting him to repentance, with admonitions taken out of the scriptures both for his comfort and warning.
King Edmund with those woords of his aduersarie was so pacified, that immediatlie he cast awaie his swoord, and comming to [Sidenote: They make vp the matter betwixt themselves.
Likewise, if you pronounce youre woords and your sillables with a certaine grace & sweetnes: not as a Scholemaister y^t teacheth young Children to read & to spell.
The king perceiuing himselfe thus besieged of his enimies, at the first caused the doores to be shut, supposing either by curteous woords to appease his enimies, or with his princelie authoritie to put them in feare.
King Edmund with those woords of his aduersarie was so pacified, that immediatlie he cast awaie his swoord, and comming to Cnute, ioined hands with him.
Beside this, he spake manie comfortable woordsvnto his men, to incourage them to the battell.
Thee next day foloing Ph[oe]bus dyd clarifye brightlye Thee world with luster, watrye shaads Aurora remooved, When to her deere sister with woords haulf gyddye she raveth.
Thee wights doughtye manhood leagd with gentilytye nobil, His woords fitlye placed, with his hevnly phisnomye pleasing, March throgh her hert mustring, al in her brest deepelye she printeth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "woords" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.