But let vs watch this haughtie Cardinall, ·daa105· Cosen of Somerset be rulde by me, Weele watch Duke Humphrey and the Cardinall too, And put them from the marke they faine would hit.
Enter King and Salsbury, and then the Curtaines be drawne, and the Cardinall is discouered in his bed, rauing and staring as if he were madde.
Suffolke and the Cardinall had him in charge, And they I trust sir, are no murtherers.
And you Lord Cardinall concerning Duke Humphrey, Twere good that you did see to it in time, [dai167] Come let vs go, that it may be performde.
In my last I gave you some memoirs of cardinall Morton, and that the tradicion of the countrey people in Dorset, when I was a schooleboy there at Blandford, was that he was a shoe-maker's son of Bere in com.
In time of Henrie the second, this Iland also had a king, whose name was Cuthred, vnto whome Vinianus the cardinall came as legate 1177.
Force, and Fraud, are in warre the two Cardinall vertues.
Therefore this place maketh most strongly for the joining of the Ecclesiasticall Supremacy to the Civill Soveraignty, contrary to that which Cardinall Bellarmine alledgeth it for.
Wherfore manie wise men grudged to see him take it so hartilie, and euer the cardinall said that the king was highlie displeased with it, and spake nothing of himselfe.
This Christmasse was a goodlie disguising plaied at Graies In, which was compiled for the most part by maister John Roo, sergeant at the law manie yeares past, and long before the cardinall had any authoritie.
The king of England tooke these words pleasantlie and thankfullie, for he was informed that the cardinall was a good companion, and a chapleine meet for such a dalieng pastime.
The cardinall comming into France, and dooing his message in most earnest wise, was present at the interuiew appointed betwixt the two kings in the feast of S.
Embassador received; and banish the Cardinall Imperiall, by which I understand is not meant the Cardinall belonging or chosen by the Emperor, but the name of his family is Imperiali.
Then, more unlookt for, the fall of my lord cardinall and father's elevation to the chancellorship.
Father hath had some words with the cardinall touching the draught of some foreign treaty.
When the cardinall offered me a pension, as retaining fee to the king, I told him I did not care to be a mathematical point, to have position without magnitude.
I understand this day is not meant the Cardinall belonging or chosen by the Emperor, but the name of his family is Imperiali.
But the English cleargie appealed from this exaction, so that by the king and his councell it was ordeined, that he should haue no more than in times past cardinall Othobon did receiue, that is to saie, the halfe of his demand.
Sidenote: The pope poisoned with the wine that his owne son had sent to poison the cardinall of Cornette.
Now when the cardinall came to demand the booke due to the king: the bishop vnaduisedlie commanded his seruant to bring him the booke bound in white vellame lieng in his studie in such a place.
Afterwards, the king commanded cardinall Woolseie to go to this bishop, and to bring the booke awaie with him to deliuer to his maiestie.
After this, the Cardinall blessed the royale sworde, it being in the scabberd, and girt the King therewith, and presentlie ungirted him againe.
The Lettanie being sung, the Cardinallstoode up, to saye certaine praiers ouer the King, who was yet kneelinge.
The Cardinall delivered it into his hande againe; which his Maiestie tooke reuerentlie vpon his knee, and gave it to the Mareschall la Chastre.
The Cardinall being advertised of the arrivall of the said oyle, hee went, in his pontificalibus, to meet it, with the eight Bishops which assisted him, and all the singinge men and quiristeres.
The Cardinall moved boith heavin and hell to trouble the Governour, and to stay the preaching; but yitt was the battell stowtlye foughtin for a seassone; for he was tackin, and was put first in Dalkeith, after in Seatoun.
And, in dispyte of the Cardinall and his suborned factioun, was he declaired Governour, and with publict proclamatioun so denunceid to the people.
And thus the Cardinall with his craft prevalled on everie syd; so that the Scotesh proverbe was trew in him, "So long rynnis the fox, as he fute hes.
Dauid Beton Cardinall of Saint Andrewes, and his fellow Byshoppes.
In the whiche meane tyme, the Cardinall was deposed, as is aforeshewed, and M[aster].
Th'art not nobly borne, But bastard to the Cardinall of Ambois.
The Duke of Guise, following the councell of the Cardinall Morosin, had the one and twentith of December incensed the King a new by some bold and presumptous speeches.
Sidenote: Discord betwixt the cardinalland the archbishop of Canturburie.
King John receiued this cardinall in most honorable wise, and gladlie heard him in all things that he had to saie.
After this, the said cardinall called a councell or conuocation of the cleargie, to reforme such things touching the state of the church as should be thought requisite.
Howbeit they thought it all best in the auoiding of all maner of rumor, that the lord cardinall should first assaie to get him with hir good will.
Sidenote: The lord cardinallvseth an other waie to persuade the queene.
Sidenote: The lord cardinallthought the fittest man to deale with the queene for the surrendring of hir sonne.
The Cardinall sayd neither the Kynge of Englande nor the Frenche Kynge desire warre, but the honour of them and of their people saved, they wolde gladly fall to any reasonable way.
To dyner with the Cardinallof Piergourt to meet the gentyll King of Behayne and the Lorde Charles, his son.
Let vs my Liege to Armes: Perchance the Cardinall cannot make your peace; Or if he doe, let it at least be said They saw we had a purpose of defence Iohn.
Cardinall Wolsey, in the tyme of kinge Henrye the eighte, and Cardinall Poole, in my memory.
I doe arrest you in his Highnesse Name, And here commit you to my Lord Cardinall To keepe, vntill your further time of Tryall King.
This Duchesse was of the house of Aragon, and sister to the Cardinall of Aragon, which then was a rych and puissant personage.
The Cardinall night nor day did sleepe, and his brother still did wayt to performe hys othe of reuenge.
The Cardinall offered me a Pension, as retaining Fee to the King a little while back, but I tolde him I did not care to be a mathematical Point, to have Position without Magnitude.
Twas touching the Draught of some forayn Treaty which the Cardinall offered for his Criticism, or rather, for his Commendation, which Father could not give.
Laugh behind my Vizard, as when we used to act Burlesques before Cardinall Morton.
The Futility of our Enemies' Efforts to make us miserable was never more stronglie proven to me than when I was a mere Boy in Cardinall Morton's Service.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cardinall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.