In arid lands where ground water is drawn by capillarity to the surface and there evaporates, it leaves as surface incrustations the minerals held in solution.
For ground water is constantly seeping downward under gravity, it is evaporated in the waste and its moisture is carried upward by capillarity and the roots of plants to the surface to be evaporated in the air.
Ground water is held at its height by the fact that its circulation is constantly impeded by capillarity and friction.
When the two types of cells differ, will the difference in degree of capillarity regulate the amount of pabulum distributed, or does it depend upon negative and positive pressure?
Professor Craig: That is a very difficult question, because it isn't settled at the present time what credit we should give to capillarity and what to root pressure in sap circulation.
When the scale is graduated with true inches, the neutral point, the capacity and capillaritycorrections should be marked on the frame.
Capillarity brought the water to the surface, and the plank, by keeping away wind and warmth, acted as a trap to hold the moisture.
As already explained on page 10, a process called capillarity enables moisture to rise in the soil as plants need it.
Before leaving the subject of capillarity let us examine the enlarged jewel in Fig.
It is so made that through capillarity the oil is retained at the end of the pivot where it is most wanted.
The word capillarity is of Latin derivation, and signifies hair-like slenderness.
Then it stays bare through July while capillaritysomewhat recharges the soil.
True, while the surface layer stays moist, water will steadily be wicked up by capillarity and be evaporated from the soil's surface.
Capillarity is too slow to support dense crop stands where numerous root systems are competing, but when a single plant can, without any competition, occupy a large enough area, moisture replacement by capillaritybecomes significant.
But if they've grown as described above, on deep, open soil, capillarity and surface moisture reserves ensure there usually will be no midday wilting, even if there is no watering.
The purpose is not to make rammed earth or cement, but only to reestablish capillarity by having firm soil under a shallow, fist-sized depression.
Though moisture will still rise slowly by capillarity and recharge soil above plowpan, plants obtain much more water by rooting into unoccupied, damp soil.
Capillarity works by the very same force of adhesion that makes moisture stick to a soil particle.
After a furrow--with capillarity restored--has been prepared, cut a small hole in one lower corner of the plastic bag.
With a bit of forethought, the water-wise gardener can easily reestablish capillarity below sprouting seeds so that moisture held deeper in the soil rises to replace that lost from surface layers, reducing or eliminating the need for watering.
On this point, a difference of opinion with regard to the force of capillarity took place: M.
I would also presume to ask your opinion of my own method of deducing the force of capillarity from the elementary attractions and repulsions of bodies, at the end of my Illustrations of the Celestial Mechanics, Art.
Both a heavy soil which does this, and a coarse sandy loam which takes water down out of reach of shallow-rooting plants too rapidly and lacks capillarity to draw it up again, are ill adapted to underground distribution.
If the soil should be a free loam and the capillarity therefore somewhat reduced, orange trees would probably be permanently productive.
In standard barometers, the tube is about an inch in diameter, and the error due to capillarity is less than .
Since capillarity depresses the height of the column, cistern barometers require an addition to be made to the observed height, in order to give the true pressure, the amount depending, of course, on the diameter of the tube.
This barometer requires no correction for errors ofcapillarity or capacity.
In some of the smallest lamps the ordinary capillarity of the wick is depended on to supply oil to the flame.
The oil must be of such physical characteristics as to be drawn up to the burner by capillarity from the reservoir which is situated below.
This results in activecapillarity which brings water to the surface and it is lost by evaporation.
Arsène Dumont seems to have been one of the first who observed this significance of the oscillation of the birth-rate, though he expressed it in a somewhat peculiar way, as the social capillarity theory.
There are a few purely physical phenomena which have a special importance in organic morphology, all of them connected with capillarity or surface tension.