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Example sentences for "calligraphic"

Lexicographically close words:
calleth; calli; callid; calligrapher; calligraphers; calligraphy; callin; calling; callinge; callings
  1. He seems to have penetrated even further than Ma Yüan along the path of daring simplifications, and to have approached at times the calligraphic style.

  2. Here we find evidence that these painters were the first to attempt the arrangement of lines according to rule, which led ultimately to calligraphic painting.

  3. Calligraphic painting reached its highest level during the Sung and Yüan periods.

  4. Thence came the early tendency to use monochrome and to represent forms in the abstract, rendering them more and more as mere themes, thus reducing the subject to a few simple calligraphic strokes.

  5. He was famed throughout Asia Minor; his pen was the wonder of all calligraphers, for he was adept at every calligraphic style.

  6. Wherever he went, his many calligraphic styles were a substantial capital, and his great accomplishment brought him attention and respect from rich and poor alike.

  7. When he reached that Great City, the leading Persians and Turks received him with every honor at first, and they were captivated by his jet black, calligraphic art.

  8. Among all the calligraphic monuments of Portugal it is claimed that the most splendid is the "Bible of the Hieronymites.

  9. St. Columba or not, and probably it is not, is the earliest known monument of Irish calligraphic art.

  10. How, then, could Beethoven have put a finishing hand to his works for the benefit of that calligraphic copy, since he himself projected an edition of them, and had so many important points not yet settled in his own mind to decide upon?

  11. How many and what great works has Beethoven written after the rupture with that house, which have been introduced into the calligraphic copy!

  12. A French language and a French nation emerged into existence in the tenth century, but the grand ornamental and calligraphic work of the Franco-Gallic time was no longer equalled.

  13. Okyo practiced daily for three years the writing of two intricate characters standing for his name, until he was satisfied with their forms, but there is nothing calligraphic about any of Okyo's painting.

  14. In this connection I would allude to criticisms or judgments upon Japanese painting in which particular stress is laid upon its calligraphic quality.

  15. As the masses were awed by the severity of the Cornelian conception of forms, he softened it down with superficial calligraphic elegance: what was sturdy and angular in the former was by him changed into a coquettish effeminacy.

  16. At the same time that Heinrich Hess was carrying on his calligraphic exercises after Raphael and Andrea del Sarto in the Basilika at Munich, Cornelius was making his schoolboy sketches after Michael Angelo.

  17. Like the well-written literary papyri, the early vellum uncial codices of the Bible, being inscribed with calligraphic formality, avoided in principle the use of abbreviations.

  18. Above all, he mustered and arranged his calligraphic masterpieces and his drawings, to show them to the Archivarius, in proof of his ability to do what he wished.

  19. The volume, as a specimen of calligraphic art, reflects honor upon the age, and is right worthy of Lady Hilda's monastery.

  20. In the olden time the monks of Winchester[351] were renowned for their calligraphic and pictorial art.

  21. He tells us how he collected his vellum treasures--his "crackling tomes" so rich in illuminations and calligraphic art!

  22. It has been examined by the calligraphic expert employed by the police, and declared to be in your handwriting.

  23. A calligraphic expert may possibly find some clue to the identity of their writer.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calligraphic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cursive; engrossed; flowing; graphic; inscribed; italicized; longhand; manuscript; neat; penciled; penned; printed; running; scriptural; shorthand; written