Last winter hit most took the leg off 'en one of them burros old Maddy brought in here, 'en mighty nigh whipped the fillin' outen his shirt.
I could put it on one of the burros and ride it over.
Of what occurred during their brief absence at the Clove, nobody ever heard; but when the brother and sister rode up the slope, just as the evening fell, Fayette appeared to meet them and take their burros for them.
Fayette laughed, so noisily and uproariously that the burros brayed again; and they kept up this amusing concert until Amy had brought each an armful of hay, and had directed her companion where to find a pail and water for their drink.
I'll tether theburros out of the roadside while you clean up their shed; and when they come back to find it all sweet and white, like Pepita herself, they'll be as pleased as Punch.
Old Fanny mare trotted homeward at an almost giddy pace, and the burros did their utmost to keep up with her, though their chronic laziness overcame them at times, and they fell behind.
Ray three: there are our own darling burros already helping to 'settle' by mowing the weeds with their mouths.
Noddy continued to gaze wistfully at her mistress and Polly said: "Anne, did you feed the burros and horses?
Most of the horses and burros at Pebbly Pit showed such an aversion to the Rainbow Cliffs that they never grazed near there, although the luxuriant grass made fine pasturage.
Finally, Eleanor came to her senses and ran over to keep Barbara from rolling under the burrosfor hiding.
When Eleanor turned again to the others, she found Anne had unharnessed the burros and piled the saddles upon a stone projection near the opening of the cave.
See, Choko is acting the same way," called Polly; and sure enough both burros were making faces at the sky-line.
The other burros and horses came out then, and Polly said, "It makes me feel selfish to eat their oats but then they can eat grass in the park and we can't!
The wise western burros are not half appreciated by folks who do not understand their unusual intelligence and their devotion to their masters.
The burros and horses won't hurt you, and they are too weary with this day's troubles to bother about kicking or trampling you.
Several trips had to be made before both burros had brought the firewood to the growing pile in the cave.
Polly, as they tied up the last bundle of evergreen branches and started the burros for the cave.
The two older girls made the perilous descent safely, and then guided their horses along the ledge until all stood before the cave where the burros were waiting.
At the outset of the journey, the Mexican herders were started off with a supply of bacon and coffee, besides having burros laden with bedding and other utensils.
Besides the thousands of sheep that were in his care he brought along a few hundred head of horses and burros with enough Mexican help to make the drive successful.
Long lines of arrieros, bringing their heavily laden donkeys into town with the day's provision for le ventre de Mexico, were prodding and exhorting their burros none too gently.
We were held up for quite a while by a dozen burros laden with fresh, shining skins bulging with pulque.
This is used for "laundry" purposes, as drink for the burros and goats, and a bathing pond for all the children of the pueblo.
Here are intelligent farmers, who, for centuries, have scientifically irrigated their lands, and yet who cut off the ears of their burros to keep them from stealing corn.
Tethered and hobbled burros stand patiently awaiting their share of the common labor.
The Plaza was deserted; woe-begone burros drawled forth sacrilegious brays, as the warm sunbeams roused them from hard, grassless ground, to scent their breakfast among straw and bones.
The New Mexicans often came in small parties to his Indian village, their burros packed with dry pumpkin, corn, etc.
They got good outfit, but burros go slow, so you can easy overtake 'em to-day.
A number ofburros were grazing among the cactus roots.
Their burros had wandered away, or had been buried in the sand.
Gale saw two Indians on burros come riding up the other side of the knoll upon which the adobe house stood; and apparently they were not aware of the presence of the Mexicans, for they came on up the path.
In the morning, when Warren brought the burros to camp and began preparations for the usual packing, Cameron broke silence.
They packed the burros and faced the north together.
The Indians' burros and the horses of the raiders were all out of sight.
He came on up the creekbed with his burros on the trot, hurling clubs at the laggards as he ran; and when they stopped short at the sight of Wilhelmina he almost rushed them over her.
The early-risers at Blackwater, out to look for their burros or to get a little eye-opener at the saloon, were astonished to see his mules in the adobe corral and Wunpost himself on the street.
Wagons and horses everywhere, and automobiles too, and dejected-looking burros and mules; and in the rough hills beyond men were climbing like goats as they staked the lava-crowned buttes.
The fugitives climbed up higher, followed by the cat and dog, and the burros which had been left in the corrals; but the flood bore swiftly on, leaving the ranch unsullied by its burden of brush and mud.
Dusty, leaving his burros to browse while he strode triumphantly up to her.
I've seen that before," she said with a sniff, "so you can stop driving thoseburros so hard.
He came through often now with his burros packed with fruit from the abandoned white-man's ranch that he had occupied; and even his wild-eyed daughters had more variety than Billy, for they accompanied him to Blackwater and Willie Meena.
It came on furiously, four burros with flat packs and an old man who ran cursing behind; and as he passed down into the Sink there was another dust in the north and a lone man followed as furiously after him.
The water is carried in ollas by the women from springs at the foot of the mesa; wood is packed on burros from distant forests; and corn, melons and peaches are brought home by the men when they return from their work in the fields.
Until recently all the water used at the canon was either packed upon burros from springs down in the canon or caught in ponds or reservoirs from rains or melted snow.
Jose can take two burros along to carry the supplies," he added, "and he won't need the oxcart at all.
Can't Jose attach burrosto the malacate and pull us up that way?
Mr. Eldridge called immediately to Jose to attach theburros to the malacate and start it working, ending with the usual, "Sabe?
He passed a train of fagot-laden burros in charge of two Mexican boys from Tesuque, the sides and back of each diminished mule so packed with firewood that it was a comical caricature of a beruffed Elizabethan dame.
We passed pleasant sunburned Danes and negroes driving tiny burros laden with small fagots and with grass.
The glasses made magic again and split up each group into a triumvirate of little burros which trotted along, and presently turned into an invisible side trail.
Awkward, big-wheeled carts, drawn by the tiniest of burros and heaped high with wood, were the only other vehicles.
Something in the formation of the coast caused a terrific surf, and at many places there was scarcely any beach, and they found themselves compelled to climb along trails that made even the burros dizzy.
When they were all ready, and the burros stood waiting at the door, with Lassie jumping wildly about them, Adam wrote a placard which he stuck in the framework of the door.
The burros were already packed, and the goat with her kids, all hobbled, were placed in the sled, and the cavalcade started on its way.
I believe that burros have a well-organized labor union and they will not do one stroke of work beyond the limit prescribed by their organization.
Burros are good where forage is scarce, but they are slow.
On the 17th, during heavy weather, two of the burros died.
As the stress tightened, Simpson shot one of the burrosand they feasted upon his raw flesh, since there was no way of kindling a fire.
Two burros can be made to last four persons a long while, if their flesh is sparingly used, and the family underwent no real hunger until at the last.
It made me pant to climb it last spring, and I wondered how those burros succeeded with their heavy burdens; but you know they are used to such work and no doubt did as well as the defenders of the natural fort.
Two burros were hastily loaded with provisions and a keg of water, and Simpson stowed about him all the ammunition he possessed.
But while a man may get these things at a low price, he has to buy a boat instead of the burros he would buy in the States to carry his outfit.
A couple of burros cost say $35 in Colorado, but here he must buy a sloop or a catboat, and he ought to buy a schooner fifty feet long instead.
But sometimes, these little burros get stubborn when they are made to follow in the rear of a horse, and it was so with Nigger.
So the two burros were taken to a small nearby clearing where buffalo grass offered a juicy repast for them.
We'll lead the burros to the park to graze, and we'll come back and sit quietly on this rock to watch for them.
By the time Polly had concluded her story, the burros reached the bluff where the girls camped and prepared luncheon.
So they decided to visit the corrals and see Noddy and Choko, as the burros had been neglected by their riders during the past few days of the excitement over gold.
But the subdued laughter from the girls made the beavers rush pell-mell into the pond to wonder whether burros could laugh like that!
We could tramp, with burros to carry our luggage, and with or without other burros to carry ourselves.
The fruit-vendors had established themselves in scores of little stalls scattered over the plaza, and with their burros standing patiently by, added a picturesque feature to the scene.
In the Yankee Girl rich ore was found only a dozen feet below the surface; and though it had to be packed upon mules and burros all the way down to Silverton, it yielded a profit of over fifty dollars a ton.
At night the coal men see the opposite mountains dotted with camp-fires, and the merchants of Crested Butte will tell you that many a wagon-load and train of burros is packed with provisions for those apparent solitudes.
These tracks were doubtless made by some of the many wild burrosthat roam all the lower plateaus in the upper end of the Grand Canyon.
He set two of the men to work to hitch the bewildered little burros to the well-wheel and get up several huge bucketfuls of water against the coming of the troop.
Under another section of the shed two placid little burros were dreamily blinking at vacancy, their grizzled fronts expressive of that ineffable peace found only in the faces of saints and donkeys.
Adjoining the middle one of these three buildings on the south side are the outlines of two small compartments, which were evidently built as corrals for burros and are still used for that purpose.
Often one or two small inclosures used for burros or horses occur near these sheep corrals.
A portion of a room still bounded by standing walls has been utilized as a corral for burros (PL.
When the crops are gathered in the autumn, several breaches are made in the low wall and the burros are allowed to luxuriate on the remains.
And with many a cheery word and slap he urged the burros into the forest, where they and his tall form soon disappeared among the trees.
The three burros were then loaded, two with packs, the other with a heavy water-bag.
August, waving good-bye to his women-folk, started the train of burros after Mescal.
The mustangs andburros filed out among the cedars, nipping at the sage and the scattered tufts of spare grass.
Mustangs and burros and sheep browsed on the white patches of grass.
Piute grinned till he shook his earrings and started the pack burros toward the plateau trail.
Naab gave him a bag from one of the packs, spoke a few words in Navajo, and then slapped the burros into the trail.
Then August had to crowd the lazyburros into the water.
Dave and Mescal rode along the sides, and August with Jack came behind, with the pack-burros bringing up the rear.
The Navajos rode wiry, wild-looking mustangs and drove ponies and burros carrying packs, most of which consisted of deer-hides.
Then a steeper incline, where the burroscrept upward warily, led to a level ledge heading to the left.
It was so steep that the burros appeared to be climbing straight up.
My old partner and I used to sing fool things to the mules, and as we could out-bray the burros my Indio friends are kind and call it a singing;--as easy as that is it to get credit for talent in this beneficent land of yours!
If the black mare of Doña Jocasta could be gotten to the rear portal, together with the few burros of the older women, she might follow after unnoticed.
Thus brooded Rotil, unlearned driver of burros and general of an army of the people!
Why, even the burros are played out, but she is fresh as a daisy after a half hour's rest!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burros" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.