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Example sentences for "each group"

  • Prefixed to each group is a brief summary of the Structure and Habits.

  • Prefixed to each group described is a brief summary of the Structure and Habits, a few further particulars of the same nature being subsequently added where necessary, with a statement of the main Fossil forms as yet recorded.

  • Prefixed to each group is a brief summary of the Structure and Habits; a few further particulars of the same nature being subsequently added where necessary, with a statement of the main Fossil forms as yet recorded.

  • The following list, exhibiting the range and distribution of each group, will enable us to study more easily their internal and external relations.

  • The number of species of each group in the same country is also comparatively small, and thus the chances of that first accidental resemblance which is necessary for natural selection to work upon are much diminished.

  • We shall thus find ourselves obliged to reject all these systems of classification which arrange species or groups in circles, as well as these which fix a definite number for the divisions of each group.

  • You will notice that there is a resemblance of meaning between all the words of each group, but that there is also a shade of difference in meaning that distinguishes each word from its companions.

  • Distinguish between the meanings of the words in each group.

  • Each group is explanatory, not restrictive; and therefore, according to the principles we have discussed herein, each should be set off by commas.

  • Each group is bound up in its own marks of quotation, and is a name; and the two names are alternatives.

  • The wide difference between the two groups, as regards the incidence of the disease, is well marked; but the case-mortality is practically the same in each group.

  • Perhaps it would not be fully understood till the totem name was given to, and accepted by, each group, and so there was a definite mark set on each woman brought in from without the group, and on her children, who bore her totem name.

  • The area of the wandering of each group of hearth-mates would be limited, probably, by the existence of other groups, which would resent poaching.

  • Discriminate the words in each group, and fill each blank in the illustrative sentences with the word that conveys the meaning exactly.

  • Each group in an assembly represents a single being.

  • The law of the mental unity of crowds is manifested only in each group, and it is only as a result of exceptional circumstances that the different groups act with a single intention.

  • The permanent members of each group therefore, and in like manner the imported members, are by alternate generations A and B, though of course there is no difference of age actually corresponding to the difference of generation.

  • In each group of words below, the first two words have a certain connection in meaning.

  • You have now made a new list of words of one class by taking one word out of each group.

  • Find the misplaced word in each group, writing one under the other.

  • In each group of words, there is one that does not belong there.

  • The ensemble of the characters common to each group, constitute the type of that group.

  • To each group of five families was also allotted 'one fire-lock .

  • As usual, the fourth sign of each group is the most puzzling.

  • Of the above the third hieroglyph of each group, i.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "each group" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    each according; each animal; each article; each battalion; each bottle; each branch; each case; each corner; each edge; each face; each finger; each generation; each having; each instance; each parish; each pound; each race; each sign; each single; each stitch; each tooth; each type; each variety; each village; each year; snowy mountains