There was a chap here last year who gave himself only a prick, and he didn't bother about it, and he got septicaemia.
If you find it long you needn't bother about me, you know.
He knew he was a fool to bother about her; she was not the sort of woman who would ever care two straws for him, and she must look upon his deformity with distaste.
Earl knew the channel like a book, and said there was nothing to bother about in the way of rocks as long as he could see.
The third riffle was nothing to bother about; nor did Schofield's Rapids, two miles below, offer any difficulties.
After that there was nothing much to bother about.
I don't think he'd bother about it in the ordinary way, but if he is actually passing your door, I think he might glance in.
Seeing his hesitation, Antony said: "I ought to have warned you that nothing that you say will be taken down by the reporters, so you needn't bother about a split infinitive or two.
I'm at the other end of the house; he's hardly likely to bother about me a second time.
I think I like poetry when it's got a story in it, and the rhymes are not too far away from one another, and the lines jog along without your having to bother about them,' remarked Babs.
Finny always says we are to do things for ourselves as much as we can, and that the way to help other people most is to see that they don't have to bother about us.
These Londoners have had so much royalty in their midst lately that they won't trouble to bother about me.
After all, it begins to look like we needn't bother about how we're going to sleep to-night, standing or sitting!
Instantly the white one swam across the sound with him; but as luck would have it the squirrels had so much fun chasing each other from tree to tree, that they didn't bother about listening to the boy.
Baroudi would probably never think of her as Englishmen thought of her, would never "bother about" her age.
He has probably ceased to bother about it by this time--and I have not commenced yet.
He only said, in his patient way, that it was gone, and he wouldn't bother about trying to find out where it went to, though it was his opinion it went to Gibraltar.
Either it's a hoax, and we needn't bother about it; or the threat is genuine, and we have the time to stop the robbery.
He saw Miss Brown and did notbother about me, but Mrs. Jefferson told me why he wanted the boat, and I went to Don Erminio's.
He, Artois, was not in the mood just then to bother about a feather.
Oh, you needn't bother about that," Erik rejoined eagerly.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bother about" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.