But it is less easy for an English, French, or Italian critic than a German to pardon the incongruities, incoherences, and sillybuffooneries which mar the opera.
The buffooneries cannot be separated from the sublimities without disrupting the piece, nor can its doggerel be turned into dignified verse.
But when Baretti read the Fiabe in print, he declaimed against the buffooneries of the Masks, and dropped his enthusiasm.
The show is seasoned with loathsome buffooneries and interludes which ought to send their performers to the galleys.
Recurring to the old satyr-chorus, he reduced its unmeasured buffooneries into a regular and systematic form; he preserved the mythological tale, and converted it into an artistical burlesque.
M259) Amongst thebuffooneries of the Festival of Fools one of the most remarkable was the introduction of an ass into the church, where various pranks were played with the animal.
We need not assume that the license and buffooneries of the festive season were borrowed from the Roman Saturnalia; both celebrations may well have been parallel and independent deductions from a like primitive philosophy of nature.
These buffooneries were kept up certainly as late as the eighteenth century,(771) and probably later.
M259 Buffooneries in the churches at the Festival of Fools.
Amid the serious matters which present themselves so abundantly in the history of Russia, buffooneries of the coarsest character at times find place.
They are buffooneries, and none the less buffooneries because they are made terrible by the spilling of blood.
When he received these honours there were, of course, the traditional buffooneries of the undergraduates, and one of them dropped a red cotton night-cap neatly on his head as he passed under the gallery.
We find this hot wit, as distinct from the cold wit of the school of Pope, in the puns and buffooneries of Shakespeare.
Finally, he had his head shaved and wore a cowl to make him like a monk, as his buffooneries would thus have a stranger character, and the nobles had no great affection for the church.
Many buffooneries are ascribed to him unjustly, and he was a greater man than certain modern writers make him out to be.
Many stories are told of his buffooneries at the court of Rome, but unquestionably the majority were entirely untrue.
The puerilities and buffooneries that are sometimes undertaken by these men, for the purpose of conciliating the crowd, certainly amuse the crowd, and so answer their end, though not in a way to bring reputation to the actors.
Having acted these buffooneries for some time, he suddenly stops, as if inspired, and becomes now as composed as he was before agitated.
It is not possible to form an idea of the buffooneries of these suppositious physicians, and the impertinencies they relate, to make their prescriptions or pretended revelations go down.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buffooneries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.