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Example sentences for "bronks"

Lexicographically close words:
bronchos; bronchus; bronco; broncos; bronk; bronze; bronzed; bronzen; bronzes; bronzing
  1. Well, these hyer nester kids and Mormons went to sleep on guard and let my top hawses pull--now I got nothin' but bronks to ride!

  2. Then you can have that red roan over there for a night horse, and I'll cut you out some more bronks bymeby.

  3. It is one thing to bully-rag a man on his front steps, and quite another to ride bronks on a cold morning.

  4. As the riding of bronks progressed, the accidents that go with such work increased.

  5. It's all right for fellows like Bud and Curley and Bill, maybe; but I couldn't go on all my life riding bronks and mending fence and such as that.

  6. If you get time, you might ride up and get one or two of these half-broke bronks and ride 'em a little.

  7. The business of taming bronks was resumed in a dead silence broken only by the trampling of the horses and a muttered oath now and then.

  8. Me, I wisht we c'd git hold of some of them bronks they're bustin' now at the ranch.

  9. And now Sandy was gone, too--and Johnny only had a couple of bronks in the little pasture--and she would just like to know what she was going to do?

  10. But staring at the horses the thieves had left would not bring back the ones they had stolen, so Johnny rode back to camp, caught the gentlest of his two bronks and turned Sandy loose in the pasture.

  11. Ridin' bronks shore does make a feller ready for the hay.

  12. As a rider of bronks he was spoiled, he who had ridden triumphant the high air lanes.

  13. How could he do anything but go back meekly to the Rolling R Ranch and ride bronks for Mary V's father, and be hailed as Skyrider still, who had no more any hope of riding the sky?

  14. There'll be bronks to bust on the Devil's Tooth for a long while yet.

  15. Bust them bronks in the corral," he said at last, grinning briefly.

  16. If she could see Belle go tearing down the trail with her bronks and her buckboard she would be horrifiedly happy.

  17. Mary Hope used to wonder if God turned up his nose when there was a stench in his nostrils,--for instance, when Belle Lorrigan hurtled past with her bronks and her buckboard and her yellow hair flying.

  18. When Chip and the doctor heave in sight on top of the grade, we'll break loose down here with our bronks and our guns, and smoke up the ranch in style.

  19. Chip and I ain't wrassled with bronks all our lives for nothing.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bronks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.